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16th June 2020, 16:08

I see what you mean. Initials are tricky . I will have to watch my P's and Q's

Although I favour -ess words we just use the male version in ladies cricket, seamer spinner etc. Even I would find off-spinneress ungainly.


In the market there is a sewing stall but the seamstress pronounces it sem-stress. I dont know if that is common.
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16th June 2020, 16:15
In The Spectator magazine, there's an advice column and someone wrote in about the problems of greetings during this virus. Instead of shaking hands, hugging or kissing, she suggested the overarm bowling greeting. What on earth is that?
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16th June 2020, 16:15

Mis-used initials are annoying. We have talked about problems with AA. CMA etc.

I have been hearing for months that the Government is short of PPE. Well, when I was a student, there were too many reading PPE, and some became professional politicians. I read today that Hancock and Sunpack have got PPE, so the Government has too much rather than too little.

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16th June 2020, 16:21

How strange. I suppose they mean the orthodox action. But some bowlers have a weird whirlwind action and I wouldn't want to be greeted like that.
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16th June 2020, 16:35
I think the issue of tea-making is one for Pedants rather than a Coffee-shop. I have just made a pot and took the follwing steps:

1 Filled and boiled kettle
2 £mptied teapot in sink.
3 Put old teabags in bin
4 Swilled pot with cold water
5 Heated pot with boiling water
6 Emptied pot again
7 Re-boiled kettle
8 Put 2 teabags in pot
9 Took pot to kettle (never sure which is the right direction)
10 Poured in boiling water
11 Stirred
12 Put milk in mug

That was 5 mins ago - just off to drink it. Cheers!
1615 of 2514  -   Report This Post


16th June 2020, 16:41
This reminds me of an old joke illustrating the difference between a mathematician and a physicist.

They are each asked how they would make a cup of tea and they both reply in the same way just as jigjag has written.

Then they are told that this time there is already water in the kettle and it has just boiled.

The mathematician says he would continue with step 2.

The physicist says he would empty the kettle and then start with step 1.
1616 of 2514  -   Report This Post


16th June 2020, 16:52
Orson, you've reminded me. There are 10 sorts of people in the world - those who understand binary, and those who don't.
1617 of 2514  -   Report This Post


16th June 2020, 21:05

Hope you enjoyed your cuppa after all that effort. There are even more stages if you use leaf tea.

Orson, ChrisE

Thanks for the jokes which I enjoyed. I have heard that to save energy during the crisis, the washing-machine should be set at 40 degrees. I can just about tilt it, but can anyone lend me a protractor please.
1618 of 2514  -   Report This Post


17th June 2020, 06:53

I loved the washing machine thing, thanks for that!
I hope you're continuing to mind your Ps and Qs,. That's probably fairly easy for you, Pies and Quiches are such an integral part of your life.


I'm sure you enjoyed your carefully-prepared cup of tea. I think it probably took you as long to write/type all the steps as it did to follow them.

I really enjoyed the physicist, tea, story.
1619 of 2514  -   Report This Post


17th June 2020, 12:21

Thanks. I am having a "steak slice" today as an experiment. It does not look appetising, possibly a steam-roller has been over it.


I tried your tea-making method. It seemed such an effort, all that walking around between kettle, teapot, bin, sink, and fridge. I tracked it with my pedometer and was surprised to find it was 27 metres, so I really needed the tea after that.
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