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17th June 2020, 14:21

I hope the 'steak slice' tasted better than it looked..

I feel I must ask do you live in a very large house with a very large kitchen? Or maybe just a normal- sized or small-sized house with a very large kitchen? I too tried out Jigjag's tea-making method and certainly didn't cover the ground you did. Compared to your 27 metres, I think my journey was maybe only 2.7 metres - if that. My kettle's near the sink, the bin is about a metre away in the other direction. There wasn't a lot of actual walking involved, 'swivelling' might be the more accurate term.
1621 of 2514  -   Report This Post


17th June 2020, 17:40

It tasted even worse than it looked, which is saying something.

I suppose it is a large kitchen, but badly designed. The large table in the middle has to be negotiated on the trek from sink to fridge and bin. The teapot is near the kettle but not near the sink. Of course I dont take sugar or it would mean another trip to the cupboard. I could have saved a few metres by picking up the milk from the fridge when I put the teabags in the bin, but I had to double back for it.

I will try a coffee in the morning and measure that distance. I think it will be considerably shorter.

1622 of 2514  -   Report This Post


18th June 2020, 10:01

I made a coffee and walked 0 metres! I had to plan it of course. Filling the kettle and getting the milk out of the fridge in advance. But from switching on the kettle to my first sip, I did not take a step. I followed your advice on "swivelling". there was plenty of that to get cup, jar, spoon etc. The drink was awful but at least I didnt expend much energy in making it. So I should be fresh to make a cup of tea later.

Incidently I know there are people who make the tea, solve the TImes puzzle and then pour it, knowing it has brewed perfectly. I am not one of them. I have breakfast, do the puzzle, then know it is time for lunch.
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18th June 2020, 12:14

Thanks for the updates, and for being prepared to try out a slightly more 'time and motion' way to get a hot beverage. I'm delighted to hear that you didn't have an exhausting walk, you might have needed something stronger after that. I'm disappointed that the drink was awful, but I have high hopes for the tea.

I have varying experiences with the Times puzzle, but never as speedy as having it solved while my tea mashes. No, on days when the setter and I are in complete harmony, I can have the puzzle finished mid-morning. Other times, when the setter is particularly wily or smart, I can be grappling with a puzzle until mid-afternoon.
1624 of 2514  -   Report This Post


21st June 2020, 18:41
Grunger, Jigjag

If either of you are looking in....

It's a good job I'm staying alert. I spotted yesterday that the crossword setters are still influenced by your interests and activity. I noticed these in the Jumbo.

Little sleep and some food - what babies need? (7)

Trader in public space coarse in speech (11).

I thought of Tyke, but there were no pikes in sight.
1625 of 2514  -   Report This Post


21st June 2020, 18:50

I`m here anyway - ASSES appeared in the `Skeleton` today along with EEL - they must be two of the most commonly used words in puzzles.

Yes my pike rarely gets a mention - I fear it is about to be cut down to size ( 1 metre ) soon.
1626 of 2514  -   Report This Post


21st June 2020, 19:03

I don't think of you an Ass ...and not an Eel either. I'd be delighted if your pike got cut down to size as I'd welcome the shorter (social) distance. After all these weeks, we should be experienced enough now not to let anyone get too close for comfort … and safety.
1627 of 2514  -   Report This Post


21st June 2020, 19:58
Does anyone else think that 'social distancing' is inaccurate and that 'physical distancing' is the more appropriate phrase? I've found that I'm socially closer to many more people during this period.
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21st June 2020, 20:59
Public transport is a major problem I think - I have a car but prefer trains and buses for trips to town or longer journeys - I`m staying close to home until things improve.
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21st June 2020, 21:19
Hi, Jamoza

Yes, 'social distancing' is a slightly odd phrase - but I can't come up with an alternative. Your 'physical distancing' doesn't really work for me... in a way, that's basically just 'distancing'. I've got used to SD now, but I found 'lockdown', the word, much harder initially - I wasn't keen on the prison terminology. The connotations of that were even worse - no human contact at all, everyone locked up for an indeterminate period of time … Again, I'm used to it now
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