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12th December 2023, 17:26

Thanks, I am glad I only read the Times.


I am not religious but I dont see why we need female bishops, although I accept that priestesses were necessary owing to the shortage of priests. I have never considered the matter but your suggestion of bishopess is a good one.

801 of 862  -   Report This Post


12th December 2023, 17:37 long as we can all restrain ourselves from referring to male ones as bishoprics...
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12th December 2023, 17:37

Yes it was to deal with an estate, I am pleased to say. I cant imagine me executrixing anybody, except possibly a female actor. You reminded me that when we did The Mikado at school, Miss Gettit-Wright used to make us sing about the Lord High Executionress.
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12th December 2023, 17:39

I like that ...clever!
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12th December 2023, 17:58

I am sorry you did not get your dream job, but I believe your rather long word was long-listed for the Oxford Long Word of the Year award. I am sorry that it was beaten by rizzz - whatever that means.
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13th December 2023, 07:41
Grunger @792

You seem like a true championess of language preservation, after my own heart. I think such dedication should be rewarded with at the very least an associate languagerevitalisationspecialistship
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13th December 2023, 07:55
Buddy @797

With all the sensitivity and confusion these days, this definition should hopefully not ruffle any feathers:

Man (n.)
"a featherless plantigrade biped mammal of the genus Homo" [Century Dictionary], Old English man, mann "human being, person (male or female);
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14th December 2023, 12:11

Yes I like to preserve the language but dont mind new words where they make sense. I hope your long word comes into common usage. I have often thought of myself as a featherless biped female man. I dont eat plants though.


I remember reading that there was talk of a combined Oscar for best actor. Actresses were against it, not sure about female actors.


You have spoken before about this thread being a source of inspiration for Times setters. So it was nice to see your favourite pudding today.

Sort of cake you quietly consume after eleven? (6-4)
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14th December 2023, 12:24
This is one of my favourite Ambrose Bierce definitons:

“MAN, n.
An animal so lost in rapturous contemplation of what he thinks he is as to overlook what he indubitably ought to be. His chief occupation is extermination of other animals and his own species, which, however, multiplies with such insistent rapidity as to infest the whole habitable earth and Canada.”
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14th December 2023, 12:42
I like
Chrise, you didn't by any chance attend Haberdasher's?
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