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30th May 2020, 14:53
Well said Cerasus, Malone, Tyke, Jigjag. I think there is room for this thread as well as the Cake Shop. Of course I don't touch coffee or cake, as they are bad for you, I'm more of a pie-and-pint girl - much healthier.
1551 of 2514  -   Report This Post


30th May 2020, 14:55

Thanks, although I have played with a nephew who insists it does!
1552 of 2514  -   Report This Post


30th May 2020, 15:09

Thanks for that endorsement. I posted my little bit as I would hate newcomers to feel we were a little closed shop, clique or anything like that. It was good of you to offer such a warm welcome - I feel it's a case of 'the more the merrier' where pedants are concerned.

1553 of 2514  -   Report This Post


30th May 2020, 16:01

I hope you don't think the health slogan 'Five A Day' refers to pies and pints? That could be disastrous.
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30th May 2020, 16:08
tyke @1549 this thread has become the Hotel California, then?
1555 of 2514  -   Report This Post

norah (admin)

30th May 2020, 17:31

I've read the last few posts and can assure all you Pendantors out there that this long standing thread can continue, it was never my intention to stop it.

What I am stopping are threads which regularly pop up addressed to one person, I don’t feel individual conversations have a place in our Crossword Forum.

I felt it was the right time to stop PCT and introduce an inclusive Cafe where everyone can join in at any time without feeling they are butting into personal conversations. I also wanted to keep non crossword chats in the one place.

Pendants does have a purpose in life, it deals with bad grammar. I was a Text Processing Supervisor in my other life, as such I’ve always taken an interest in grammar and tried to ensure that nothing left the office unless it was correctly worded.

That was a long time ago so i apologise in advance if you find any mistakes in this post, ha, ha.
1556 of 2514  -   Report This Post


30th May 2020, 17:36

You are right. When the slogan appeared, I assumed it meant 5 of each, until I was corrected. So now I have 3 and 2 which is much healthier. I get confused with the units allowed per week, but I know men are allowed more which seems unfair in these enlightened times.
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30th May 2020, 17:40

Thank you very much for that, which makes everything very clear. All contributors, plus those who follow it for interest will be very pleased.
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30th May 2020, 17:44

Thank you for making the position clear. It seems very reasonable and has been well received. Best wishes JJ
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30th May 2020, 17:46
Us pendants are much relieved, Norah - could we say we are swinging?
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