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21st January 2023, 01:15
An enjoyable Prize puzzle by Paul to kick off the weekend.

In terms of difficulty I'd say it sits in the middle but there are a few pitfalls ready to snare the unwary - ie me!

If you do get stuck there are at least two long anagrams in the acrosses.

1a was new to me and I initially picked the wrong spelling for 11a which held me up.

The only query I have is with the "like a cake" part of 2,5 but it's early days so no worries.

COD - I'm going for the Paulinesque 6d - bits of fish in Elizabethan containers (9)

Thanks to Paul for a fun and witty Prize crossword.

Stay safe:-)
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21st January 2023, 01:32
Welcome back, Brendan!

I solved this pretty quickly but found a few difficult stumbling points, agree with your difficulty assessment. Enjoyed the puzzle a great deal, thanks to Paul (of whom I'm a long-time fan).

Fairly subtle and cleverly implemented theme. I lucked out and got the theme early, due to a rare clue for which Americans have a solving advantage. 😉

FOI 1d, LOI 1a.
COD: I liked the linked thematics...could pretty much throw a hat over [(2, 5), (17,9), (13,20) and the Pauline 9]...the witty (2,5) is the winner by a narrow margin. A number of other good clues including 21, 25 and 4.
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21st January 2023, 01:34
Brendan, 1a and the first word of (2,5) held me up for the longest time. I found the latter really funny, so COD.
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21st January 2023, 01:38
Hi Geeker,

OMG - I can't believe I missed the theme! I mean, I know I always miss them but even so ,,, 🥵
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21st January 2023, 01:51
One of my customary "Pauline 9" I of course meant 6. ☹️
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21st January 2023, 01:59
Thanks Geeker, I was pretty sure you meant 6.

I can't see or hear of 2,5 without thinking of GC in FA:-)
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21st January 2023, 02:14
(2,5) was a new term to me (had to verify via Google). GC and FA don't ring any bells, perhaps my ignorance.
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21st January 2023, 02:17
Type "2,5 in popular culture" into Google and it should be the first entry:-)
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21st January 2023, 02:26
Very good, my omission! 🤣

I do have an excuse...for personal reasons films featuring crazy people (particularly women) freak me out, and I never saw the (extremely) well-known reference. 😳
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21st January 2023, 02:29
Ah, understood.

I'm no nearer getting the "like a cake" reference - any hints?
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