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Crossword Help Forum
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2nd August 2021, 12:09
It seems to me that the current experiment ought to satisfy the full range of requirements if used as intended.

If users of the Listener threads want to ask for, or give, explicit answers, then go to the “answers” thread, and do so at your own peril (by which I mean go there in the knowledge that there will be answers) (call these “A users”).

Other users who are just looking for a subtle hint to spur them on if they’ve ground to a halt, or are happy to give that gentle nudge to others, should use the “hints only” thread (call these “B users”).

I think the issue previously has been that the “may contain answers” thread has really been used as the main thread for the B’s who then occasionally get upset by the A’s who have “spoiled it” for them. Meanwhile the A’s have quite rightly used that same thread and got irritated by the B’s complaining about “spoilers” when “may contain answers” has been very explicit.

I think norah’s experiment ought to solve this and work for both the A’s and the B’s, because there will be a thread to suit each type of user. It will be interesting to see what the volume of posts settles out at on each thread. The “B thread” certainly appears most popular so far. In practice (I think) a lot people will persevere as a B until they’ve completed the crossword, but may get stumped or timed out once in a while, in which case thread A may help.

Roll on No. 4771.
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2nd August 2021, 12:32
I think it reasonable that any "A user" has at least asked for and received some sort of helpful hint/advice on the "B thread" before moving on.

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2nd August 2021, 12:57
Life’s too short. It’s only a crossword. If anyone wants answers they are all on Facebook.
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3rd August 2021, 17:53
Can you point m to the relevant page on Facebook please, unclued.
I'm still struggling with this one. an could any kind soul please tell me wha the incorrect letter is in 9 down?

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3rd August 2021, 18:08
Williamseal, I have the misprint as the first S in place of W ..

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3rd August 2021, 18:21
Hi williamseal, assuming you still have my email address feel free to contact me with any specific queries, as several others do, if you do not wish to look up a complete list of answers should you feel the "changes" to the Listener thread(s) no longer provide you with any specific help you may need.
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3rd August 2021, 18:37
Thanks Ginge

I recall our conversations as you were off to Scottish football. Unfortunately i couldn't;t find the address on file. Never sure what the etiquette is but my email is, if you are able to reconnect.

Many thanks
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3rd August 2021, 18:38
thanks lord badger - I see it now
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3rd August 2021, 21:20
William, you need to search for Johannes DeSilentio in Facebook.
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3rd August 2021, 22:45
FWIW I agree with mathprofrockstar, but I am also happy with the new approach. I suspect the answers thread will be lightly used, this thread will continue largely as it always has, without the occasional blatant spoiler that crops up rarely.

Quite enjoyed this one, fortunately spotted the endgame quickly, can imagine it was a bit GWIT if you didn't get lucky.

Can't see the wordplay in 30 and 37, so could someone give me a nudge.. in 30 I have a 'free' guarding a left and a base but the 'back in' is confusing me so I don't think my interpretation is correct.

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