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22nd April 2019, 20:08
Update, Rusty!
I have found this to add to add to my last post....
26851 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd April 2019, 20:23
Hello, Elle!
My pal has not recovered completely from the disease.
It happened about twelve years ago, on Skye.
He was in hospital in Glasgow with it, and had to learn how to give himself injections etc before returning to the island.
His heart is affected and he has lost so much energy, but not his sense of humour.
He had to give up his job, too, but is working again, now.
I saw him a few months ago when he came down to meet the Norn Iron folks. He was at Uni with one of them, and they are all still in touch.
He is a smashing lad!
It is not easy keeping in touch with him, as the signal for his 'phone is hopeless.
To 'phone or text me and others, he has to leave his house and walk about 400 yards to get a signal.
We are very pleased with Miss L-B, I think she gets to pick which shop she can use for her voucher.
An "A" sounds good to me, is it?
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22nd April 2019, 20:59
Update, Elle!
No explanation in Brewer's about "not to be sneezed at".
Wonder if it is anything to do with taking snuff?
26853 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd April 2019, 21:14
Thank you Rusty - It's a lovely photo of grandfather and grandson!
I have not seen Pou-Pou on TV recently, but not so long ago
(perhaps in 2010-12) he still rode in a publicity Ad for, I think, a private

He does look absolutely delighted, almost with tears in his cheerful

and yes, I vaguely remember Fausto Coppi, but only for having
heard his name. I was too young I think, as for Louison in fact,
I was only 8 years old or when he was riding in earnest. Quite
frankly, I know Bobet more because of the expression.

Elle, I don't suppose you have ever heard of these names?
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22nd April 2019, 21:23
Hi, Rusty!
I am sorry to hear about your friend and how seriously he was affected by the repercussions of Lyme disease.
I think he was very unfortunate, as in many incidences, treatment in the early stags works well.
It must be very difficult and worrying , living in an area where phone reception is so poor?
Are land lines affected by poor reception , too?
I do not know how it works?
Are you meaning that Miss L-B can spend her voucher in shops other than B&Q?
I had thought the voucher would be for their "own" shop!
Yes. I'd looked in Brewers, too!
Did you see the little rhyme about "Sneezing"?

Hello, Pigale!
No, you are right......I've never heard of any of these "earlier" names...only the more recent cyclists that Rusty has mentioned.
It is not a sport I have ever followed.
I am "learning" though!
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22nd April 2019, 21:41
Hello, Pigale!
It is a great photo of Pou-Pou and grandson.
He must be tremendously proud of his grandson.
Way back when Bobet was riding, I think my first cycling hero was Charly Gaul, the great Luxembourg climber.
It is good to remember the great riders of the past.
26856 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd April 2019, 21:52
Hello, Elle!
My pal was unlucky, as he lost his health, and his career, as a young man.
No, he does not bother about the poor signal.
It is just the way it is.
The signal can not pass through mountains but they adapt to that.
So, I know if I text him, for instance, not to expect a speedy reply.
Could be a while before the signal gets to his 'phone.
I'll ask L-B if she can choose a shop, but my impression is she can.
It was for being a "star performer", in B&Q terminology.
Is "A" grade the top grade at Uni, Elle?
I saw the wee rhyme!
26857 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd April 2019, 22:02
Update, Elle!
Miss L-B tells me she can spend her £50 in any shop, and take the receipt to B&Q and they will give her the cash.
So, it seems to be a good system?
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22nd April 2019, 22:20
Hi, Rusty!
I was only wondering about what would happen in an emergency, should your friend or a family member, need to contact the Emergency Services , for instance ?
That is why I was asking about a mainline telephone connection.
"A" is an excellent mark for an essay, Rusty - sometimes an "A+" is given...but I do not know the present criteria.
Degree levels are worked out on overall percentages......or they were.
I am not up-to-date on present day assessments, though.
Miss L-B sounds to be doing very well on all fronts.
You are right to be very proud of her!
Yes, £50 to be spent anywhere is a very good deal!
26859 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd April 2019, 22:31