Pain - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 02/05/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Pain.

4 letter answer(s) to pain

  1. a dull persistent (usually moderately intense) pain
  2. be the source of pain
  3. feel physical pain; "Were you hurting after the accident?"
  4. have a desire for something or someone who is not present; "She ached for a cigarette"; "I am pining for my lover"

5 letter answer(s) to pain

  1. a state of acute pain
  2. intense feelings of suffering; acute mental or physical pain; "an agony of doubt"; "the torments of the damned"

6 letter answer(s) to pain

  1. an angry disturbance; "he didn't want to make a fuss"; "they had labor trouble"; "a spot of bother"
  2. annoy continually or chronically;
  3. disorderly fighting
  4. present participle of hassle, to annoy someone or cause them grief, especially by repeatedly asking them something

8 letter answer(s) to pain

  1. (law) a broad legal concept including anything that disturbs the reasonable use of your property or endangers life and health or is offensive
  2. a bothersome annoying person; "that kid is a terrible pain"
  3. Pests
  1. a pain that is felt (as when the area is touched); "the best results are generally obtained by inserting the needle into the point of maximum tenderness"; "after taking a cold, rawness of the larynx and trachea come on"
  2. an uncomfortable feeling of mental painfulness or distress

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Pain'

"There is no greater ___
A long, amateurish piano
A red pine
Advil target
American city encapsulating success and suffering
Annoy persistently
Annoying thing
Arthritis complaint
Aspirin target
Awful struggle
Back problem
Badger lashes out
Be in pain
Be sore
Big bother
Big inconvenience
Bill, the fellow being a pain
Bit of infirmity
Bother, fuss
Burn detached houses
Caladryl: itch :: Bengay
Cause for a massage
Cause for an aspirin
Continuous pain? One must ring hospital
Dennis, to Mr. Wilson
Depart in some pain
Desire contents of sugar container?
Difficulty with ship entering sound
Discomfort – 18 Across
Distress signal
Dull discomfort
Dull hurt
Dull pain
Dull pain landing Charlie and Henry in A&E
Dull persistent pain
Excruciating pain
Extreme suffering
Extreme suffering of some collecting game
Feel bad
Feel compassion
Feel eager
Feel sore
Feel sympathy (for)
Fine distinction going round is something that annoys us
First couple of children in A&E hurt
Flu symptom
Fluish feeling
Fool in hospital left ecstasy — bother
Fuss – and bother
Game among some brings pain
Gas bill's first to hurt
Get sore
Getting through a busy to
Girl on cycle visits boy in trouble
Give a hard time
Give pain
Great pain
Harbinger of tooth troubl
Hard to stop virtuoso for long
Harry lashes out
Harry possesses silver, oddly
Have a hankering
Have a yen
Have rheumatic pains
Heart problem
Heart problem?
Henry’s in great pain
Hidden from public scrutiny with summer over?
Hours in fantastic pain
Hurt feeling?
Hurt one squeezing hard
Husband in great pain
Ibuprofen target
Intense pain
Intense suffering
Irritating inconvenience
It hurts
It’s a pain having insurance arranged right away
Kind of aunt?
Kind of column
Lashes out when there is trouble
Liniment target
Long (for)
Long article about explosive
Long article by Ernesto Guevara?
Long envelope's unsealed
Long introduction for hole in one
Long slice of feta cheese
Long to be a revolutionary
Long to teach English without restrictions
Lumbago, e.g.
Marathoner's complaint
Marathoner's woe
Massage target
Masseur's target
Masseuse's target
Medicinal side effect, ma
Mild distinction about island plague
Mourn (for)
Nagging pain
Need Advil, say
Need an ice bag
Need Bengay
Need liniment
Nuisance Hardy appropriates pair of shorts
Nun is ace criminal in drag
One going round hospital in pain
One holds husband in pain
One nursing husband is to be tender
Overexerciser's woe
Overexercising result
Owns toboggan, endless bother
Pain has one going round hospital
Pain in course of stomach exercises
Pain in each elbow
Pain in the behind
Pain in the neck
Pain in the neck?
Pain of a person cycling
Pain of brill swallowing tip of hook
Persistent dull pain
Persistent pain
Pine (for)
Pine church in outskirts of Adelaide
Pine store's not opened
Post-marathon feeling
Problem of island swathed in shade
Problem ship coming into sound
Problem with smalls filling up well
Prolonged pain
Really smart
Reason for a backrub
Reason for an ice pack
Reason to see a dentist
Reserve heading off in pain
Result of overexercise
Result of overstrain
Result of some heavy lift
Rheumatism symptom
Ship entering sound exhibiting difficulty
Sign of old age
Sitting through a bad pia
Sleep preventer
Smart leaders of American college hiding expenses
Some schoolteacher's suffering
Something hurting at end of facial hair
Something which annoys
Song from Sondheim's "Int
Source of misery
Stomach woe
Struggle in US city after a success
Subtlety is introduced? That's a pest
Suffer from a charley hor
Suffer no fool: Canute misquoted about heresy, initially
Suffering some to be blocked by progress
Swept ashes - when left inside, there’s trouble
Teacher's anguish
The chap appears after analgesic gutted pain
The man grabs American behind large badger
Tooth discomfort
Tooth problem
Tooth trouble
Trouble as ship gets stuck in sound
Trouble prince experienced at first assimilating directions
Try any nurses for pain
Tummy trouble
Tylenol target
Uncomfortable feeling inside teacher
Unending pain
Violent struggle
Want badly, with "for"
Weekend warrior's woe
Well, going round ship is a problem
What a massage may ease
What a revolutionary suffers?
Word with head or heart
Workout aftereffect
Workout aftermath
Workout woe
Yearn (for)
Yen or pound?

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