Suffering - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 10/05/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Suffering.

5 letter answer(s) to suffering

  1. a state of acute pain
  2. intense feelings of suffering; acute mental or physical pain; "an agony of doubt"; "the torments of the damned"

6 letter answer(s) to suffering

  1. be ill or unwell
  2. cause bodily suffering to and make sick or indisposed
  3. somewhat ill or prone to illness; "my poor ailing grandmother"; "feeling a bit indisposed today"; "you look a little peaked"; "feeling poorly"; "a sickly child"; "is unwell and can't come to work"

8 letter answer(s) to suffering

  1. a state of adversity (danger or affliction or need); "a ship in distress"; "she was the classic maiden in distress"
  2. bring into difficulties or distress, especially financial hardship
  3. cause mental pain to; "The news of her child's illness distressed the mother"
  4. extreme physical pain; "the patient appeared to be in distress"
  5. psychological suffering; "the death of his wife caused him great distress"
  6. the seizure and holding of property as security for payment of a debt or satisfaction of a claim; "Originally distress was a landlord's remedy against a tenant for unpaid rents or property damage but now the landlord is given a landlord's lien"

4 letter answer(s) to suffering

  1. (Christianity) the abode of Satan and the forces of evil; where sinners suffer eternal punishment; "Hurl'd headlong...To bottomless perdition, there to dwell"- John Milton; "a demon from the depths of the pit"; "Hell is paved with good intentions"-Dr. Johnson
  2. (religion) the world of the dead; "No one goes to Hades with all his immense wealth"-Theognis
  3. a cause of difficulty and suffering; "war is hell"; "go to blazes"
  4. any place of pain and turmoil; "the hell of battle"; "the inferno of the engine room"; "when you're alone Christmas is the pits";
  5. noisy and unrestrained mischief; "raising blazes"
  6. violent and excited activity; "they began to fight like sin"

3 letter answer(s) to suffering

  1. (`ill' is often used as a combining form) in a poor or improper or unsatisfactory manner; not well; "he was ill prepared"; "it ill befits a man to betray old friends"; "the car runs badly"; "he performed badly on the exam"; "the team played poorly"; "ill-fitting clothes"; "an ill-conceived plan"
  2. affected by an impairment of normal physical or mental function; "ill from the monotony of his suffering"
  3. an often persistent bodily disorder or disease; a cause for complaining
  4. distressing; "ill manners"; "of ill repute"
  5. indicating hostility or enmity; "you certainly did me an ill turn"; "ill feelings"; "ill will"
  6. presaging ill fortune; "ill omens"; "ill predictions"; "my words with inauspicious thunderings shook heaven"- P.B.Shelley; "a dead and ominous silence prevailed"; "a by-election at a time highly unpropitious for the Government"
  7. resulting in suffering or adversity; "ill effects"; "it's an ill wind that blows no good"
  1. intense mournfulness
  2. misery resulting from affliction

7 letter answer(s) to suffering

  1. a feeling of intense annoyance caused by being tormented; "so great was his harassment that he wanted to destroy his tormentors"
  2. a severe affliction
  3. extreme mental distress
  4. intense feelings of suffering; acute mental or physical pain; "an agony of doubt"; "the torments of the damned"
  5. subject to torture; "The sinners will be tormented in Hell, according to the Bible"
  6. Teasing or troubling someone
  7. the act of harassing someone
  8. torment emotionally or mentally
  9. treat cruelly; "The children tormented the stuttering teacher"
  10. unbearable physical pain

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Suffering'

"Oh, wow!"
"There is no greater ___
"War is ___"
"Well, ___ be!"
"Woe is me!"
"___ be back!"
"___ be!"
"___ bite!"
"___ bite"
"___ Never Fall in Love A
"___ say!"
"___ wait"
20's hit "___ Get By"
A long, amateurish piano
Abode of the damned
Advised leader?
Agony at first over Royal Marine in shelter
Alternative to high water
American city encapsulating success and suffering
Anguish concealed by mentors?
Annoyingly pester men caught in wrong legally
Awful struggle
… 6, first in costume
Bad news
Bad source of liquor should have stone removed
Bad way to start my statement of intent
Battling something, say
Bedridden, say
Being unwell in boat after hat's blown off?
Below par
Blue state?
Cause great pain to people in unlawful act
Celebrity mag detailed suffering
Chagrin of one gaining stone squeezing into clothing
Chaps on rocky peak finally broadcast anguish
Contrary communist grasping chaps annoy
Cook Co.'s home
Cry of grief
Curse as front breaks off explosive
Curse as no room squeezing into big top?
Cutting lover's head in half causes terrible pain
Declining, not fine, sick
Defect after leader's been taken ill
Depart in some pain
Dicky's hostile
Died, I make quite clear, in great suffering
Doomsayer's cry
Down with something
Down with the flu
Down with the flu, say
Evil bishop redacted from account
Evil remaining after good man departs
Excellent, slangily
Excruciating pain
Extreme distress
Extreme sorrow or pain
Extreme suffering
Extreme suffering of some collecting game
Extreme torment
Fate of Wednesday's child
Feeling lousy
Feeling much less than 10
Feeling off
Feverish, say
Fiery place
Fighting something, say
Game among some brings pain
Great anguish
Great pain
Great sorrow
Green around the gills
Harmful tablet, quietly disposed of
Harrow teacher cycling to Thailand
Harry is wrong about me, note
Having sex without affection ultimately is sickening
He lives in torment
High water alternative
I am going to worry
I shall be briefly unwell
In a bad way
In bed all day, maybe
In grief stop listening
In poor health
Inclination of Eastender having a complaint
Intense pain
Intense suffering
It hurts
It's working in shift that causes grief
Jack leaving his companion out of sorts
Jack's companion is missing Jack badly
Job experience?
Kind of aunt?
Kind of column
Laid up
Living end
Man will cause commotion …
Man will encounter wicked souls here
Medicine initially mislaid, suffering
Minister assuming party position
Misfortune to remove lock?
Missing work, maybe
Morph is going to bad
Most of celebrity magazine's awful
Needing a doctor's attent
Needing hospital care
Neighbor of Mo.
Not feeling 100 percent
Not healthy
Not in the pink
Not well
Not well drilled in part
Off one's feed
One empty local's run-down
One’s going to ... — well, no!
Out of sorts
Paradise's opposite
People entering wrong hell?
People in the wrong producing annoyance
Place no one wants to go? That guy will!
Place of damnation
Place of eternal suffering
Place of suffering
Prepared introduction?
Prolonged pain
Reason to cry "Alas!"
Rough decision: head of Whipsnade must leave
Running a temperature, sa
Satan's domain
Scratch pad?
Severe suffering
Shakespeare taking the lid off evil
Sitting through a bad pia
Sob story subject
Something to catch or rai
Something to pay?
Song from Sondheim's "Int
Spooner’s call for additional wine creates distress
State west of Ind.
Struggle in US city after a success
Suffering from cold, perhaps? Somewhat chilly
Suffering soldiers repeatedly in middle of battle
Suffering some to be blocked by progress
Suffering, so tear hair out?
Taken ___
The "vey" in "oy vey"
The netherworld
The pit
The underworld
The writer is going to some trouble
This person's going to trouble
Trial and tribulation
Troops engaged in uphill jog suffering
Trouble one is going to
Trouble the setter is going to!
Try any nurses for pain
Tsuris, so to speak
Under the weather
Underworld ring has change of leader
Unending pain
Unhealthy part of rail link
Unlucky Jill has lost Jack
Unsuccessful incarceration judge covered-up
Unwell still, though losing stone
Unwell, having taken first bit of tablet
Unwell, not succeeding without leader
Using more TNT could cause trouble
Violent struggle
Weakness with fellow off sick
Weal's opposite
Weather over England primarily produces misery
What any of the Four Hors
What may be raised at cel
What partyers raise
Without energy, that causes grief
Wrong book removed from account
Wrong to keep people suffering
You and I possessing nothing — misery
You and I possessing nothing, in such a state?

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