Bug - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 09/01/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Bug.

5 letter answer(s) to bug

  1. cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations;
  2. Irritates
  1. (virology) ultramicroscopic infectious agent that replicates itself only within cells of living hosts; many are pathogenic; a piece of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) wrapped in a thin coat of protein
  2. a harmful or corrupting agency; "bigotry is a virus that must not be allowed to spread"; "the virus of jealousy is latent in everyone"
  3. a software program capable of reproducing itself and usually capable of causing great harm to files or other programs on the same computer; "a true virus cannot spread to another computer without human assistance"

3 letter answer(s) to bug

  1. an acute febrile highly contagious viral disease
  1. annoy
  2. irritate or vex; "It galls me that we lost the suit"
  1. be a mystery or bewildering to;
  2. cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations;
  3. change the arrangement or position of
  4. disturb the peace of mind of; afflict with mental agitation or distress; "I cannot sleep--my daughter's health is worrying me"
  5. subject to prolonged examination, discussion, or deliberation; "vex the subject of the death penalty"

4 letter answer(s) to bug

  1. a minute life form (especially a disease-causing bacterium); the term is not in technical use
  2. a small apparently simple structure (as a fertilized egg) from which new tissue can develop into a complete organism
  3. anything that provides inspiration for later work
  1. annoying
  2. cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations;
  3. Irritate; provoke
  4. make turbid by stirring up the sediments of
  5. Upset

6 letter answer(s) to bug

  1. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
  2. errors
  1. annoy continually or chronically;
  2. exhaust by attacking repeatedly; "harass the enemy"
  1. an angry disturbance; "he didn't want to make a fuss"; "they had labor trouble"; "a spot of bother"
  2. annoy continually or chronically;
  3. disorderly fighting
  4. present participle of hassle, to annoy someone or cause them grief, especially by repeatedly asking them something
  1. a person who has a nasty or unethical character undeserving of respect
  2. Bug
  3. small air-breathing arthropod
  1. a sharp pointed implement (usually steel)
  2. a slender pointer for indicating the reading on the scale of a measuring instrument
  3. a stylus that formerly made sound by following a groove in a phonograph record
  4. goad or provoke,as by constant criticism; "He needled her with his sarcastic remarks"
  5. prick with a needle
  6. the leaf of a conifer
  1. any of numerous plants having stinging hairs that cause skin irritation on contact (especially of the genus Urtica or family Urticaceae)
  2. cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations;
  3. sting with or as with nettles and cause a stinging pain or sensation
  1. annoy persistently; "The children teased the boy because of his stammer"
  2. Bully or torment
  3. nag

8 letter answer(s) to bug

  1. cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations;
  2. excite to an abnormal condition, or chafe or inflame; "Aspirin irritates my stomach"
  3. excite to some characteristic action or condition, such as motion, contraction, or nervous impulse, by the application of a stimulus; "irritate the glands of a leaf"

7 letter answer(s) to bug

  1. tap a telephone or telegraph wire to get information; "The FBI was tapping the phone line of the suspected spy"; "Is this hotel room bugged?"
  2. the act of tapping a telephone or telegraph line to get information

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Bug'

(The) bug
*Aid in tailing
A classical man to you and me represents something harmful
Advantage trimming front from bushy boundary
An indicator of intense rivalry
Anger and fury about dreadful trait
Anger caused by national pay having shilling deducted
Anger of the Parisian overcome by poverty
Anger some when accepting refusal
Anger, with "up"
Annoy - provoke
Annoy - stinger
Annoy continually
Annoy persistently
Annoy when spilling kir
Annoy, anger
Antenna holder, maybe
Antenna site
Aristocrat tours street for badger
Artist periodically seeing red frames shows anger
As a heretic, worshipping cricket, perhaps?
Asian cat
Badger about to leave African capital by ship
Badger has to eat tops of radishes and swedes
Badger is safe, protecting entrance to sett
Badger lashes out
Badger to look around edges of sett
Bait — is that eyed?
Batting order for cricket, say
Batting order for cricket?
Batting order in cricket?
Be a pain
Bee or ant?
Beetle, e.g.
Before marriage, give permission briefly to accept daughter’s hand
Beginning of anger management
Beginning, as of an idea
Big bother
Big inconvenience
Bird or man?
Bit of a mishap: Grand Canal emptied and burning
Bother man, non-Tory, on regular basis
Bother, fuss
Bring to a boil
Bug a phone
Bug home to cover religious order
Bug in a system
Bug in PA system? Time's lost
Bug in the works?
Bug Irish judge hosting Italian
Bug one of many on Christmas tree
Bug popular dissenting group
Bug's beginning to crawl into cracked light
Bug? There's a small number in a place over the pond
Bully, almost injure, American bum
Butterfly, e.g.
Caramel-coconut Girl Scou
Cause of computer failure?
Cause of diseases
Cause of some diseases
Cause to fret
Cereal grain embryo
Certain strain
Christmas debris
Christmas tree dropping
Common ailment
Common cold cause
Common infection
Common weed bug
Compass part
Conifer leaf
Contagious disease
Contagious viral infection
Conversation piece?
Country finally rejecting any possible reason for complaint
Crawler popular with cult
Creepy-crawly’s nicest cooked
Criminal's worry
Difficult to get rid of last stupid bug
Difficulty with ship entering sound
Disease cause
Disease caused by an infectious agent
Disease-causing bacterium
Dislike poverty on the outskirts of Lille
Drive up the wall
Eg butterfly, caught in small picture
Eg, beetle or bee
Electronic malfunction
Etui item
European misses out on a new beginning
European without an origin
Eye site
Fault in a system
Felt tense about holding plant
Fever cause
First in a certain line, second cutting in - bother!
First time terrorist's abandoned wrong opinion
Flu cause
Fly, say?
Fool in hospital left ecstasy — bother
Form of infection
Fuss – and bother
Gauge part
Get at
Get one's goat
Get to
Get to the point
Get to the point?
Get to, so to speak
Getting through a busy to
Girl on cycle visits boy in trouble
Give a hard time
Goad pointer
Grasp it to confront a problem
Grate on
Green stinger
Hacking tool
Half-heartedly, tennis celeb's opener when playing cricket?
Hard-to-find object, perh
Harry is safe - son's in hiding
Harry lashes out
Harry possesses silver, oddly
Harry Potter's first book for audio
Heckle, e.g.
I engaged in virtual reality leading to American computer problem
Idea's beginning
Idea's start
Illness proceeded very rapidly, we hear
Incense from Scottish church, not the first
Infecting microorganism
Infection starting very innocently rocks us seriously
Infective particle
Insignificant type involved in Shaolin sects
Irish American crushed by very nasty bug
Irritate a small number in US city
Irritate using a word of refusal in New York
Irritating inconvenience
Isaac's mum turned up on Sunday to be troublesome
It can make you sick
It may be in the groove
It may be lowered to hear
It may be what ails you
It may be written in code
It may get under your ski
It may have an antenna
It may point to hostile rivalry
It might make you go "Ach
It might make you sick
It spreads through - right for one American
Kind of season
Kind of shot
Kind of warfare
Knight led astray, taking drugs in sewer
Knitting rod
Knitting tool
Ladybird, for one
Lashes out when there is trouble
Let out to catch bug
Listerine target
Lysol target
Mainly redundant sewer
Make angry
Make annoyed
Make stew?
Malicious code
Maybe Ant and Dec finally accepted by fashionable crowd
Maybe fly home with group of believers
Maybe fly where Mormon can be found?
Minor ailment
Must have latrine emptied in sewer
Nark - nettle
Needle and lead missing from PA system
Needle slowing jabs up in arms
Needle, perhaps
Net gain?
Nettle rash at first seen on priest from the east
Nettle rash itchy, less excruciating first of all
Nettle tea ruined by stirring centrally over time
No time for speaker to get angry
Note extracted from hidden bug
Nuisance Hardy appropriates pair of shorts
Number getting into some trouble
Old record player
One getting into the groo
One with an eye for fine
One with an eye for sewing?
Origin, as of an idea
Owns toboggan, endless bother
Pain in the behind
Pain in the neck
Pakistan's opener banned from test cricket, say
Part of a meter
Pathogenic agent
Perhaps cricket is popular cult
Persistently annoy
Pester persistently
Phone bug
Piercing instrument
Pine leaf
Pine leaf; annoy
Pine tree leaf
Plant of the Urtica genus
Plant that causes skin irritation on contact
Pointer in joint without lead, led out
Possible work force reduc
Praying mantis, say, as part of religious group?
Press hard
Prickly plant
Problem ship coming into sound
Problem with lighting installed in grand church
Problem with smalls filling up well
Program problem
Pronounced poverty will irritate
Provoke and mock bishop coming in for mass
Push too hard, maybe
Put out
Put out books have to be pulled from river
Raid target
Really bother
Really try
Relative of a bug
Replaceable part of a pho
Require extremely large hypodermic?
Ride, so to speak
Rivalry in game that may get you stitched up
Rub the wrong way
Runny nose cause
Saintly disciple traps small bug
See 16
See Irish American as source of complaint
Set off
Severely annoy
Sewer, lake and river back in northeast
Sewing implement
Sewing instrument
Sewing item
Sewing tool
Ship entering sound exhibiting difficulty
Shoot group in anger management
Singer that's leader of top hard rock group
Six-legged animal
Six-legged creature
Small winged creature
Snag caught in strange light
Sneeze's cause, perhaps
Some hold refusal to be irritating
Something wrong in government desire to squash left
Something wrong? Idiot left to shaft children
Sons keeping clear of unnecessary rivalry
Sore throat producer
Spy's device
Start of an idea
Start, as of an idea
Starting point
Steam up
Stick in one's craw
Sting source
Stinging plant
Stir (up)
Stir up
Stuck in chair — knitting needle
Subject of a court order
Surveillance setup
Swept ashes - when left inside, there’s trouble
Tailless leporid, donkey and badger
Take ship from unnecessary pinnacle of rock
Tattooist's tool
Tech trouble ends in god-awful irritation
Technical problem
Technological problem
Tee off
Temporary equipment malfunction
Temporary fault
Temporary malfunction
Test the patience of
The man grabs American behind large badger
The start
Thin pointer; antagonise
This is a recording
This, initially very infectious, renders us sick?
Thread's partner
Tick off
Tone arm attachment
Treehopper, e.g.
Trouble as ship gets stuck in sound
Trouble caused by a small number in New York
Trouble constantly
Trouble prince experienced at first assimilating directions
Type of disease
Unexpected setback
Unrelenting influence of children, affectedly proper and sweet
Unwanted "gift"
Upset and feverish, taking a month off
Very old partner causing concern
Vet dropping soft animal
Viral disease
Viral illness, in short
Viral infection
Viral infection was airborne, according to radio report
W.H.O. concern
Want 50% less antagonism
Want larvae gutted for bait
Want the French to be annoying
Web story not about to annoy
Web story not revealing a nark
Well, going round ship is a problem
What CD players don't req
What might develop into something substantial?
Wind up gun lacking force
Winter ailment
Winter bug
Winter illness
Winter malady
Winter woe
Winter worry
Work up
Worker perhaps caught cutting small photograph?
Wretched person who's joined religious movement?
Yuppie ___ (chronic fatig

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