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13th June 2020, 12:28
Thanks. That was how I assumed it worked but couldn't find any evidence that the word existed, but just found it in Websters with an apostrophe before the last letter. So I guess that's the one!
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13th June 2020, 18:46
Hi everyone

Yes, I'm finding it hard. I hoped it was going to be easy when I got 1ac straight off. Thanks for all the hints. I shall go at it with renewed energy now.

But I can't see an answer to Docrums post at 30. Has 14d anything to do with a saint? I only have one crosser at the moment. As a gardening fiend I had no trouble getting 18, though have difficulty parsing the middle bit. 2d was a bit difficult for someone who knows nothing about football. A friend helped me parse the answer I'd got.

I'll be back to ask for more hints soon.
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13th June 2020, 20:14
I just can't parse it like so many.

Can anyone give me a hint for 9ac
Needing a marker to speak out of turn? (6,4,5)

I have F?R??? ???? ??A?E

I've still got a few to do before Montalbano
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13th June 2020, 20:28
Very difficult to give a hint for that one, roof. Think, perhaps, of a bookmark.
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13th June 2020, 23:19
Thanks Chrise

I got all the answers with 9ac LOI I thought, but then realised that 4d was wrong. I shall sleep on that one.

Apologies for not replying sooner, but I had to break off for the young Montalbano.
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14th June 2020, 10:00
I've still got 4d to go here, though it has been a slog.

In the four or five years I've been doing the prize crossword this is the least enjoyable 'normal' puzzle. Maskerade's double grids with single clue efforts are the only ones I'd rank as worse.

I am not convinced 15a is actually a word. Has anyone checked it out in the Chambers dictionary (I believe this is their reference)?

I had an 'o' in 14a too so that one will need revised. I wasn't aware that the 'i' version meant youngster so I did learn something!

The use of degree in 8d is baffling me. I've never seen it used in that way before and still don't know how it works. Is it used in this manner elsewhere in the world or is this taking liberties? I'm not sure if I'm letting my annoyance at the puzzle cloud my judgement on that one!

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14th June 2020, 10:03
4d is a double definition, neither previously known to me. the word has a much more familiar meaning as well
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14th June 2020, 10:28
Ahh... spelt differently in the singular?

I see it for sailors but not sure of the first definition.
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14th June 2020, 10:34
Not spelt differently in the singular as far as I know.
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14th June 2020, 11:05
Got there in the end! Thanks for your help. It was a new one for me.
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