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23rd May 2020, 17:56
GeofffH. Yes it is
31 of 101  -   Report This Post


23rd May 2020, 18:12
Thanks. I have just rechecked all my working and failed to find an error (which probably means that I repeated whatever the mistake was!). My problem is that I get F ending in 6 so u ends in 5. I also get Q ending in 5 and B ending in an odd number, and all this gives E ending in 0, which is not allowed. Always tricky chasing an error when there have been a number of steps of reasoning on the way. But if any can give me a hint as which of u, Q and B are wrong, this would be very helpful!
32 of 101  -   Report This Post


23rd May 2020, 18:23
GeoffH. Of all the endings in your last post, only Q is correct 😢
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23rd May 2020, 18:25
GeoffH further to my last post, just checked, your deduction about B is also correct
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23rd May 2020, 19:34
Thank you Simon. I have at last spotted that there was more than 1 possible answer which fitted l and picked the correct one!
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23rd May 2020, 19:42
GeoffH 👍
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23rd May 2020, 21:28
Do the letters need to be anagrammed? The first six letters are unpronounceable...or does the message start in the middle of the sequence and circles back to the beginning?
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23rd May 2020, 21:31
I have almost completed the grid but how can you deduce values for p and r? There are numerous combinations that give t as the mean.
Also, g has five possible values.
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23rd May 2020, 21:58
CasimirXC1. The letters do not need to be anagrammed. Assuming you have the correct value of the unclued entry, simply follow what the preamble says about taking each pair and their remainders, converting to letters appropriately and you will end up with a string of letters, 38 in total. The string seems to not make sense initially but, after a few letters, whole words will appear, interspersed with more apparently strings of random letters. Persevere, you will enjoy the result.
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23rd May 2020, 22:18
Captaincoma. p is linked to r and t , and intersects with M. Also t is linked to p, Q, V and v and intersects with R; r is linked to o and p. Between them these give unique solutions for p and r - make sure you follow through on all the links. Similarly for g - there are 4 possible values, but only one meets the criterion set by G.
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