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24th June 2017, 16:50
Hi Mersault. I have the unscrambled jumbles and the eight answers they go with to get me flying. But I cannot then see what to do! Help to wing me on my way appreciated.
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24th June 2017, 17:06
The penultimate jumbled word could go with 14 or 28, and two different jumbled words could apply to 39.
I'm actually unsure of two of the jumbles In one case I don't have the extra letters for 3d and 7d, though I can guess what the jumbled word is. In the other case I have a non-thematic word, and must have a wrong extra letter for 15d. My 'baking equipment' has an L in it, which I've marked as the extra letter, but to make a thematic word I need an N but I don't see how the clue gives that.
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24th June 2017, 17:11
Hi Gitto, 23 : backwards, (L)am (US for runner), ex; 7D EPO is a haemocyte hormone taken by sports cheats; 15 is a US slang word for money, just put A in a 4-letter word for a thing you bake in (and leave out an N.

There are 9 clues with extra words, giving 18 letters. So, as DJA said, if you've deduced what's going on so far, think of how 3 of those letters aren't going to feature in what is written below the grid. Technically this should probably begin with a hyphen.

Hi Notrab, I hope that the above para is a help to you too.
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24th June 2017, 17:14
Dryden - I believe the penultimate jumbled word could go with 14 or 28 OR 39 (albeit not in BRB). There is so much ambiguity in here I'm getting a feeling of returning to the darned golden hare ....
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24th June 2017, 17:24
Dryden and S Pugh, you should perhaps discriminate between one-to-many and many-to-one relationships. I think that the penultimate unjumble is the only one that can relate to 28D. I don't think that there are ambiguities. Fancy me standing up for the setter :)
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24th June 2017, 17:30
s_pugh, I guess the ambiguities can be resolved by the need to allocate one jumbled word per item. I haven't done an exhaustive check, but I assume the last jumble can only go with 39.

I'm not sure how I'm going to distinguish between the first jumble from the across clues and the first one from the down clues. Similarly , the third and fourth jumbles are pretty close.
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24th June 2017, 17:32
That is indeed what I did Meursault, and I do have a list of 8 that I am happy with - but I think the fact that 3 of the c's (R, B & Y) each had 3 possibilities was a bit misleading, though as you rightly point out they can be married off with care. Still a bit messy and unnecessary I feel, maybe that's just me.
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24th June 2017, 17:33
Thanks Mersault. I had worked out the ***-********* ********* but thought that I needed to do something with the eight winged entries but I now realise that I don't! Having needed German last week and Welsh (Lloyd) the week before I was wondering whether I needed eight different coloured pencils to shade in the eight entries appropriately! Back to a chilled Riesling.
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24th June 2017, 17:36
I see what you're saying and went through a similar process myself. Ultimately I thought that the puzzle was fair. But, as Dryden comments, how to discriminate between some of the unjumbles ? Okay if you're one of the types at another place who most likely have 78 colour highlighting sets...but for entries from the riff-raff, I think approximations will be accepted...
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24th June 2017, 17:49
Well I finally got the extra item and can safely say I've never heard of one, nor I would venture would 99.9% of the population. Nor is it in the BRB other than by the generic name. I wonder if 'Mr O' is doing this - he might have a chance. Thank heavens for Wikipedia. Now to find my colouring set and see how on earth I can discriminate between b(u), s, t & y!
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