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24th November 2019, 16:30
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Are you about?
I have had a very pleasant, if partially lazy, day.
We took the dog out early this morning ...but the weather was absolutely foul.
Thick fog! A real "pea-souper"!
The dog wore her high viz jacket.....but even then was difficult to see until she 'loomed up' near to us!
I spent part of the morning doing the Everyman, and the Sunday Times Cryptic crosswords - good puzzles!
And then this afternoon has been spent purely catching up with family.
YB was excited, because they had been putting up their Christmas tree!
How about you?
How has your day been?
30121 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th November 2019, 18:07
Good evening, Elle!
Been dreich here all day.
Not been out.
I had some of the family here, talking about Christmas!
Good to see them, though.
So, a fairly quiet day, here.
30122 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th November 2019, 19:14
Hi, Rusty!
Your weather does not seem to have been very nice, either, then.
The fog finally dispersed here about midday.
Did you make any arrangements for Christmas with your family?
You usually go to visit one of your sons on Christmas Day morning, don't you?
And then the girls come to see you in the afternoon?
We are going to our younger daughter's for Christmas lunch --- our son-in-law will be the chef!
Our elder daughter and family will come to stay over the New Year.
It seems early to me to be planning...but the girls like to think ahead, and be organised!
30123 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th November 2019, 19:52
Hello, Elle!
No arrangements made!
Nearer the time, perhaps.
I am not a great fan of Christmas but I go along with it, to an extent.
It is good to see the family though, and the girls all poshed up!
30124 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th November 2019, 20:40
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I do agree with you that it is a bit early to be making Xmas arrangements.
It was just because you had said that your family were talking about Christmas that I had wondered whether that included plans for the Big Day!
I found a call on our answerphone today from our builder and decorators, saying that they would not be starting our work on the back bedroom, and the two bathrooms until after the New Year.
I am quite happy with the delay, as it will be much easier for me to leave it until then.
Less rush in getting ready for our visitors!
I have just been talking with my cousin....all is well up there!
30125 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th November 2019, 21:21
Hello, Elle!
My family just brought Christmas into the conversation because things will be different for them this year, at Christmas.
I think you are wise regarding the work on the bedroom.
Up here, the building trade often goes slack after New Year.
So, it should suit your builders, too.
30126 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th November 2019, 22:01
Hi, Rusty!
We have had some changes to our own Christmas arrangements, too, over the last few years.
For very many years, all the family came to us for both Christmas and New Year, but for the last few years our younger daughter has invited me and my husband over to them for Christmas Day.
I am glad of the change, because I found catering for both that and New Year's Day a little bit too strenuous!
Fifteen people on both days involved a lot of cooking preparation (and I am no wonder cook!)
Now, we just do the New Year's Day birthday party!
I hope that your own family Christmas "changes" will work out well for you all.
I think our builders have a lot of outside work that they hope to complete before the festive period..... the bad weather has held them up considerably.
I am quite happy to wait.
30127 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th November 2019, 10:09
Good morning, Elle!
Weather is wet and foggy here.
Not very nice!
I am home for the day.
I do no cooking at Christmas.
I buy a steak pie from the butcher and that's all.
I'm not sure what the young ones are doing, but I hope they visit me on Christmas Day.
30128 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th November 2019, 10:58
Good morning, Rusty!
We have the wet.......but fortunately not the fog today!
It is much milder though.
I feel sure that your grandchildren will visit you on Christmas Day, Rusty!
They always do.....they will look forward to seeing you!
My doorbell just rang, and I was handed a big parcel....
I got excited for a moment and thought all my Christmases had come at once!
But it was yet another Amazon delivery for my son......I think we are fast becoming a parcel depot!
He and our granddaughter are coming to see us on Thursday, they can take all the packages, so far amassed, away with them.
I've done some of the it me, or is it rather an odd one today?
30129 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th November 2019, 12:03
Hello, Elle!
I think you are correct about my grandchildren visiting.
I think your son is keeping the parcels secret from his family!
Probably a lot of that going on around the country.
I think the puzzle is fine, Elle?
I liked 25a!
30130 of 30765  -   Report This Post