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30th July 2019, 14:01
Hello Elle
I wasn't sure from which direction your family would come.
I don't use the ferry when I visit Mother, as I am 3 hours west and on land all the way
28461 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th July 2019, 14:22
Hi, Cerasus …..
The family will be driving down from Kent, wanting to cross from Sandbanks.....
Ah well, I expect they will remain on the Isle of Purbeck under those circumstances, rather than going over to Bournemouth for instance for a trip - and then at least it is only a longer circuitous journey twice!
28462 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th July 2019, 14:25
Hi, Rusty!
No holiday decisions made yet!
And I am a tad horrified by the prices...... we have been used to much cheaper holiday accommodation in Pakefield.
It would cost us as much for one week in Swanage, as it does for three weeks in Pakefield!
And all to satisfy my touch of nostalgia!
And it is difficult to find a house, with secure garden, where we are permitted to take both a dog and a cat.
I have found two "possibles" but one has no parking ....only on nearby streets.....and the other has very low ceilings.
It warns in the blurb that 6ft individuals need to take care not to bump their heads!
Oh dear!
Anyway, it is just a thought...... to be pursued further at my leisure.....
Did you read the link kindly sent to me by Cerasus?
My daughter will not be happy......they were expecting to use the ferry next week!
I knew 1d.....but cannot do 2d and 25a.
28463 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th July 2019, 14:46
Hello, Elle!
Could not you return to Pakefield?
You seem to have been happy there?
These places are only names to me, so I know almost nothing about them.
Yes, I read Cerasus' link.
Not very comforting news!
Right, 2d,
The definition is "pretending function".
"Complicated" is "fancy", a "shift" can be a "dress" and a "political camp" is a "party".
25a, is, I think the definition is "not for losers".
"E" for "European", "record" is "list", "it"(in clue) breaking.
Gives "elitist".
How's that?
28464 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th July 2019, 16:51
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, we could indeed return to Pakefield......but it would be under such different circumstances.
Again, we should need to find a place to stay, because the house that we used to rent is no longer in the same hands.
The previous owner kindly gave us "mates' rates", but she no longer owns the house, having retired.
And the various friends we had there have either moved away to live nearer to family, or died.
So there is no longer the same attraction, drawing us there.
And anyway.......I just have a sneaking wish to go back to Swanage!
We shall see.....
Thank you for the help with those two elusive clues!
Re 2d: I can see how the individual words are reached....
I cannot, though, make sense of "fancy dress party" in the context of the clue?
Please can you explain it to me?
28465 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th July 2019, 17:07
Hi elle
You are probably all too familiar with them, but we had our first parakeet in the garden this morning. I suppose it was a ring-neck, though the ring wasn't at all obvious.

They've not reached you yet, I assume, rusty?

btw I looked them up online, and there is quite good evidence that they were introduced by being released from the set of The African Queen after filming had finished.
28466 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th July 2019, 17:10
That reminds me. The last time we were in Italy, the commonest bird in one valley was this
Natives of north India - happy escapees!
28467 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th July 2019, 17:26
Hello, Elle!
It is warm here!
Could you perhaps rent a caravan at Swanage?
Is it a far journey to Swanage?
Possibly a day trip to see your old haunts.
2d, the definition is "pretending function" and that is a "fancy dress party", the answer.
You may go to a fancy dress party dressed up as, and pretending to be, Long John Silver, say, or Annie Oakley, or Hiawatha, etc.
I thought it a good clue. Yes?
28468 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th July 2019, 19:36
Good evening, Rusty!
It is a tad chilly here and still wet....although the sun is now attempting to shine....
Maybe we are having a rerun of April?
Now.. I am not being difficult (honestly) and I know you are only very kindly trying to help ......but I definitely don't "do" caravans!
I want a cottage or a house..... all mod cons.... with central heating, too, if we are going in October or November!
And a caravan is not suitable for a cat.
Swanage is about 150 miles from a 300 miles round trip!.....definitely not do-able in a day.
But I have had a brainwave!
I shall give my daughter the locations of the (now three ) properties that I have found and hopefully she can go and suss them out, whilst she is there next week!
How about that?
Now clue 2d..... yes I can see how the words "fancy dress party" are derived from the clue....
"fancy dress party" = pretending function" (def)
fancy - complicated
dress - shift
party - political camp
And I think this part is very clever...
But the straight reading through of the clue doesn't make sense to me?
And surely it should?
Unless I am missing something?

Hello, Chris!
We have very many parakeets in our London parks, especially at Crystal Palace Park, where they are visible every day.
I never see one in our garden though, but then there are a number of cats about, so perhaps that is why.
28469 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th July 2019, 19:47
Hello, Elle!
Swanage is quite a trip!
I like caravans.
Used to go to caravans in the Highlands.
Great fun!
How will your daughter know if the properties will satisfy you?
La Bamba just texted me.
They like California!
I think the clue is straightforward and I do not see why you have a problem with it.
Have you been out in the sun?
You seem to have it worked out perfectly, or at least, the same way I fathomed it.
28470 of 30765  -   Report This Post