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6th August 2014, 13:28
5D relies on a rather rude two letter abbreviation found in Chambers
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6th August 2014, 14:50
Hi Ixion, that confirms my answer for 5D, which I thought was a bit naughty! Entertaining crossword I thought - I didn't even bother with July's Genius as I couldn't get my head around the special instructions.
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7th August 2014, 11:16
Sorry to hear of your loss, dizoz: that sounds like it was a very special friendship.
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7th August 2014, 11:23
ixion, with the aid of your latest post I now have 5D (thanks) - but I'm puzzled by an earlier post:

4A is a tricky one...defn. is dregs, and bingospeak is involved

I've now got an answer and I can parse it - but I have 'dregs' as the second word and you have it as the definition. Slip of the pen/keyboard, or have I got it wrong?
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7th August 2014, 11:34
Sorry livs (and everyone else)...I did accidentally give too much away as opposed to the intended hint
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7th August 2014, 12:52
Hah! It's not so much that you gave too much away, as you confused the heck out of me. Your 'hint' delayed my solution rather than pre-empting it!

All sins forgiven, as Admiral Rolland says. (Broadsword calling Danny Boy)
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10th August 2014, 08:13
ta livs, for your thoughts.
just got back to 134. having bit of trouble with 5 clues in NW corner (2,5,9,10,12.)
got creator and three chars, but can't see the fourth (associated with other 3 yes/no ??
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10th August 2014, 09:10
Hi dizoz, can't find my copy of the crossword right now, but the 3/4 characters are definitely connected and they formed a sort of offset/diagonal quadrilateral. I went a bit wrong when I misremembered the spelling of one name (left out an H).
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10th August 2014, 09:23
Found it!
2D def'n = 'in abundance'

5D - see posts above for help, def'n = 'up', 1 extra letter

9D - I have an answer but couldn't parse it, sorry (1 extra letter) - interested to see what anyone else thinks

10 - anag + 1 extra letter, def'n = 'starter'

12A - 2 extra letters, def'n = end of clue

Hope this helps.
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10th August 2014, 09:32
hi livs, ta for that
got the fourth but it put a couple my plausiible solutions to the sword (so to speak). BUT I will get there !!!!!
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