Pester - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 04/02/2025

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Pester.

5 letter answer(s) to pester

  1. cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations;
  2. Irritates
  1. any of several breeds of dog used for hunting typically having large drooping ears
  2. pursue or chase relentlessly; "The hunters traced the deer into the woods"; "the detectives hounded the suspect until they found him"
  3. someone who is morally reprehensible; "you dirty dog"
  1. a seductive woman who uses her sex appeal to exploit men
  2. annoy persistently; "The children teased the boy because of his stammer"
  3. disentangle and raise the fibers of; "tease wool"
  4. harass with persistent criticism or carping; "The children teased the new teacher"; "Don't ride me so hard over my failure"; "His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie"
  5. mock or make fun of playfully; "the flirting man teased the young woman"
  6. mocks
  7. raise the nap of (fabrics)
  8. ruffle (one's hair) by combing the ends towards the scalp, for a full effect
  9. separate the fibers of; "tease wool"
  10. someone given to teasing (as by mocking or stirring curiosity)
  11. tear into pieces; "tease tissue for microscopic examinations"
  12. the act of harassing someone playfully or maliciously (especially by ridicule); provoking someone with persistent annoyances; "he ignored their teases"; "his ribbing was gentle but

15 letter answer(s) to pester


6 letter answer(s) to pester

  1. annoy continually or chronically;
  2. exhaust by attacking repeatedly; "harass the enemy"
  1. a sharp pointed implement (usually steel)
  2. a slender pointer for indicating the reading on the scale of a measuring instrument
  3. a stylus that formerly made sound by following a groove in a phonograph record
  4. goad or provoke,as by constant criticism; "He needled her with his sarcastic remarks"
  5. prick with a needle
  6. the leaf of a conifer

3 letter answer(s) to pester

  1. annoy
  2. irritate or vex; "It galls me that we lost the suit"
  1. an old or over-worked horse
  2. bother persistently with trivial complaints; "She nags her husband all day long"
  3. remind or urge constantly; "she nagged to take a vacation"
  4. someone (especially a woman) who annoys people by constantly finding fault
  5. worry persistently; "nagging concerns and doubts"

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Pester'

"Take out the trash," rep
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*Aid in tailing
Advantage trimming front from bushy boundary
An indicator of intense rivalry
Andy Capp's wife, often
Anger of the Parisian overcome by poverty
Anger some when accepting refusal
Annoy - provoke
Annoy when spilling kir
Back seat driver, e.g.
Badger about to leave African capital by ship
Badger has to eat tops of radishes and swedes
Badger in range occasionally
Badger or horse?
Badger, one caught in empty netting
Bait — is that eyed?
Bait, say
Be a pain
Before marriage, give permission briefly to accept daughter’s hand
Bettor's interest
Bother a lot
Bother man, non-Tory, on regular basis
Bother old horse
Bother persistently
Bug in PA system? Time's lost
Bug one of many on Christmas tree
Bug? There's a small number in a place over the pond
Bully, almost injure, American bum
Carp, carp, carp
Cause trouble
Chas and Dave's ultimate wind up
Christmas debris
Christmas tree dropping
Comb or card (wool)
Compass part
Complain, complain
Conifer leaf
Constantly find fault wit
Continually harass pack member?
Difficult to get rid of last stupid bug
Dislike poverty on the outskirts of Lille
Dog – badger
Dog Henry discovered with no lead
Dog seen in Soho, undernourished
Drinks served to English guy
Drinks with English guy
Drive up the wall
Drug to be taken after meals - bother!
Emulate Mrs. Mitty
Etui item
Eye site
First time terrorist's abandoned wrong opinion
Flirt with
Fluff up
Fluff up, as hair
Fluff, in a way
Follow a Parisian boarding carrier
Follow Henry in various places, avoiding river
Gauge part
Get at
Get on
Get one's goat
Get to
Get to the point
Get to the point?
Give a hard time
Goad pointer
Grate on
Guy drinks last of wine
Guy more than once needing to make a dash for it, reportedly
Guy providing drinks for the audience?
Harass nonstop
Hard-to-find object, perh
Hardly the prim sort
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Harry’s husband, plump, no Romeo
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Horse - badger
Horse and badger
Horse at the track
Horse giving worry
Horse initially noted at Goodwood
Horse is worry, constantly
Horse’s name: Silver
Hunting dog
Husband reliable when taking out son and dog
Incense from Scottish church, not the first
Irritate a small number in US city
Irritate using a word of refusal in New York
Isaac's mum turned up on Sunday to be troublesome
It may be in the groove
It may be lowered to hear
It may get under your ski
It may point to hostile rivalry
Keep after
Keep criticising horse
Kid brewed drinks and coffee, finally
Knight led astray, taking drugs in sewer
Knight on silver horse
Knitting rod
Knitting tool
Lead on runner announced
Lolita, e.g.
Mainly redundant sewer
Make angry
Make frizzy
Make fun of
Make one's hair stand on
Mock exam occasionally set that’s tricky
Mock pronunciation of river
Mock ultimately decadent leisure
Must have latrine emptied in sewer
Nark - nettle
Needle and lead missing from PA system
Needle, perhaps
No time for speaker to get angry
Not just nudge
Not the swiftest horse
Number getting into some trouble
Old bay, maybe
Old gray mare, say
Old horse
Old horse has problem dropping head
Old overworked horse
Old record player
One getting into the groo
One likely to get men's a
One who rides one that's ridden
One with an eye for fine
One with an eye for sewing?
Part of a meter
Part of pack to turn alternately into hearts and diamonds
Peck at
Persecute; dog
Persistently pursue
Pester incessantly
Pester persistently
Pick on
Piercing instrument
Pine leaf
Pine leaf; annoy
Pine tree leaf
Playfully make fun of
Pointer in joint without lead, led out
Poke fun at
Potential beast of burden no good with a load
Press hard
Problem failing at first to cause discomfort
Pronounced poverty will irritate
Provoke playfully
Pull one's leg
Put out
Racehorse, to a bettor
Really bother
Remind too often
Replaceable part of a pho
Require extremely large hypodermic?
Returning American sorted his fare from Japan
Rib principally toughens the thorax, reportedly? Enter as per fill at 1 Across, with alternate letters filling white squares
Ride, so to speak
Rivalry in game that may get you stitched up
Rub the wrong way
Say "Do this," "Do that"
Scold constantly
Set off
Severely annoy
Sewer, lake and river back in northeast
Sewing implement
Sewing instrument
Sewing item
Sewing tool
Show just a little bit of
Singer that's leader of top hard rock group
Some hold refusal to be irritating
Sons keeping clear of unnecessary rivalry
Stick in one's craw
Stuck in chair — knitting needle
Subject of a tipster's ti
Tailless leporid, donkey and badger
Take ship from unnecessary pinnacle of rock
Tattooist's tool
Tee off
Test the patience of
The lassie is not even a flirt
Thin pointer; antagonise
Thread's partner
Tick off
Tiresome sort
Tone arm attachment
Torment me on the radio?
Track pick, informally
Trouble caused by a small number in New York
Trouble constantly
Twit - flirt
Vex playfully
Want 50% less antagonism
Want larvae gutted for bait
Want the French to be annoying
What CD players don't req
Worn out horse
Worry constantly; horse
Xanthippe, e.g.

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