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2nd July 2022, 10:31
Once the PDM on the links came it all fell into place rather neatly. For once my weekly nemesis of the grid stare was not to be feared as the theme led straight to what Vismut is referring to.
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2nd July 2022, 10:54
Hi 0pt0, yes I got it but only when I realised that maybe I didn't know every definition of "chap". Thanks though.
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2nd July 2022, 11:13
Thanks Vismut, an enjoyable puzzle and a theme that meant I learned something.
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2nd July 2022, 11:38
Got it, thanks HW7:-)
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2nd July 2022, 12:39
Contrary to what I said at # 10, I cannot parse "Native American festival to pick race". From the thematic letter and the crossing entries, I am fairly certain that I have the correct answer, which would mean that the last word of the clue is the definition. Nevertheless, it would be nice to know how it parses.
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2nd July 2022, 12:52
Opt0 - the relevant clue is only the last three words
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2nd July 2022, 13:18
Thanks Candledave. Silly me, I had forgotten that "Native American festival" had already been used in the first part of the clue.
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2nd July 2022, 15:58
Thought it was going to be really tricky but turned out not to be too bad.
Unlike last week's where I've spent all week on the 9-letter character. I know where it starts but the word I have doesn't fit at all.
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2nd July 2022, 17:59
A very pleasant solve.
I hope that people won’t be too quick to ask for help, as we mostly learn by doing rather than being shown and this seems a good puzzle to hone one’s parsing ability. Sermon over!
A good little topic and a satisfying, unambiguous solution after last week’s monster.
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2nd July 2022, 18:46
Feeling very pleased with myself having solved this with next to no help. Especially after the stinkers of recent weeks...!
Some neat touches, thank you Vismut.
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