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19th February 2022, 00:57
We've had a string of fairly difficult puzzles of late so I was quite pleased that this week's offering by Brummie was not too difficult, at least by comparison.

FOI was 17a followed by 28a.

If you do get stuck there is a long anagram in the acrosses and a hidden in the downs.

Brummie really covered a lot of cultural bases with a some German, a movie star, some Shakespeare and an artist.

Actually, I did wonder if there might be a Shakespeare theme but no, at least i don't think so.

The only clue I have a slight question mark over is 12a where I can't see the justification for the T, but no doubt someone will put me right.

COD - The wonderfully simple and elegant 10a "One wearing jumper to show lover" (5) 👍

Thanks to Brummie for a most entertaining puzzle:-)

As always, please feel free to leave a comment and, if you get stuck, don't hesitate to ask for a hint.

Stay safe:-)
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19th February 2022, 01:10
I'm going to make the fantastic 11a a joint COD ...

11a - Reaction on getting wind of book on topless movie star (5) 😂
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19th February 2022, 01:16
This was a tale of 2 sub-puzzles for me. About half went in very quickly, with a few clues (15, 17, 21, 28) seeming a bit prosaic/uninspired. But the second half was more challenging, with lots of strong clues, causing a 27, so to speak. Turned out to be fun!
I also can't parse the first part of 12, though sure of answer. Not certain of my solution to 8 (don't use app).
Uncertain of the correctness of 3's definition, and 27 is a word that may not please purists, but I don't use Chambers so can't say more. Four answers were new to me (US side of pond) but clear enough from wordplay (except possibly 8).
FOI 9, LOI 1.
COD goes to the (27,2) pairing by a narrow margin over the surprisingly neat 19a (rare to be so impressed by a 3-letter word!). Also liked 19d, 29, 1, 26, 13a, 13d, 6, 11 and 4.

Thanks to Brummie. One of the Shakespearian clues showed his naughty Cyclops side. Agreed that the number of Shakespeare clues falls short of a theme, but I'm useless on themes.

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19th February 2022, 01:19
Sorry, customary typo, meant
causing a 23, so to speak
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19th February 2022, 01:20
And also meant that 23 might not please purists. 😳
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19th February 2022, 01:24
Hi Geeker,

8d - Is a part UK, part USA clue - The UK part is "Major say" and the USA part is American slang for a "convenience"

12a - First 2 letters are "chap" then A then the T that must come from "tender" but I can't see it in Chambers.

PS I was reading a rather disturbing story on the BBC news app about a missing child found in a hidden room in Ulster county - is it near you?
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19th February 2022, 01:25
Yes, I thought you meant 23d - it's not a word I've ever heard used but it is in Chambers and its meaning is clear so no complaints.
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19th February 2022, 01:29
The sensational missing child story took place pretty far from me: extreme Northeast part of the county while I'm on the extreme Northwest (over 50 miles away).
Sad, but that kind of incident (particularly with child custody involved) is not exceptionally rare in the US.
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19th February 2022, 01:33
Hi Brendan,
re 12a. Def. is 'naval chap' and first 4 letters are a word for a 'tender' (noun).
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19th February 2022, 01:38
Thanks Mattrom, I can't find it in Chambers but Google confirms it.
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