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28th December 2020, 13:42
One left after a pretty gruelling time!
11/15. 'Beth's precursor advanced into one group of jellyfish'.
I have all the letters I'm going to get, have read the wiki on jellyfish and battled with Quinapalus. I was assuming that Beth's precursor is HR but that didn't help. Annoying as I have 6 of 9 letters. Tried putting the possibilities through the Chambers app too.
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28th December 2020, 13:58
Beth is in the Hebrew alphabet
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28th December 2020, 14:03
In fact, the word "alphabet" comes from the first two letters in the Hebrew alphabet, later adopted by the Greeks.
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28th December 2020, 14:06
you need the 5 letter Hebrew letter that comes before bet(h) +a(advanced) inside 3 letter synonym for one
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28th December 2020, 15:19
Thanks everyone. I'm done. Fortunately the letters I had missing in the jellyfish weren't involved in the end game...unless I've gone horribly wrong.
I'll check my end game when the headache subsides but I think I got everything.
Just one parsing query for 19 'Break one of the strings (B)'. I have the answer but don't understand the (B).
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28th December 2020, 15:27
I am full of admiration for your perseverance, everyone here!!!
I started this thread with a bit of hope but am quite glad I gave up quite early on.
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28th December 2020, 15:42
Granama1, B is the seventh note of the scale, so you want its equivalent in do-re-mi
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28th December 2020, 15:49
That's a shame Jogamel, but it was a slog for sure and it's better to not start or stop early rather than carry on regardless.
I'm sure you would have got there in the end but I know that people have varying commitments and calls on their time esp. at this time of year. I was lucky/unlucky in that I had nothing better to do at the weekend!
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28th December 2020, 16:13
Thanks Quisling. I did put it into the Chambers app thinking along those lines but by then I think I'd had enough!
Jogamel, I wish I'd had the sense to stop but having cold-solved so much I felt 'invested'. Even with 90%+ of the answers it was still a struggle for me and I wouldn't have got anywhere near the end without the kind help of the community here.
I think I may give Harribobs a miss next time (unless I get better at using Quinapalus...but that seems unlikely).
Cheers everyone und Kerrang!
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29th December 2020, 09:05
Jogamel, you may well have done the right thing. I don't often remember my dreams, but last night I had a fairly vivid one where there was a whole lot more thematic stuff to find in the grid as well as the singers. I was literally going round in circles, fruitlessly looking for all sorts of weird things until I woke up with great relief. I hope this doesn't happen to anyone else!
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