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3rd February 2020, 12:05
This appears to be here for the time being :

Or have I found the wrong one?
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3rd February 2020, 12:24
Yes, that's the one. Just came on here to see if anyone had posted how easy/difficult it is. I'm really struggling to get a toehold in this one. After an hour, I've solved three Down clues (and possibly a fourth) and have ideas about two of the Across clues. Possible idea as to the theme but not enough for it to be helpful yet.
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3rd February 2020, 13:37
I have the theme - if it's as simple as it seems - 18 is a clue. But the acrosses are driving me mad - without definitions they could be anything. 10 may be an unlikely man's name made up of earl and s (for son) but then it could be all sorts of other things - and leaves verious possibilities for 2. If 25 is to do with railways, we are putting something in only to take it out again .... and as for 12, 15, 24 and 27, I'm baffled.
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3rd February 2020, 13:45
prospero think grass in the sense of inform for 15.
also struggling with 10 ac, 12ac, 27ac,2d,24d,27d
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3rd February 2020, 14:02
aspria - I think you are talking about 25 in your first sentence?
i don't have any of the clues you're missing, either.
are we taking it that10 is a Norwegian name?
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3rd February 2020, 14:06
prospero, 15 and 25 for grass if I've got it right.
I've plumped for the Norwegian name (or Roman God) at 1O
could 2d be connected with what makes a bowling ball curve? But can't really fit the help bit.
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jack aubrey

3rd February 2020, 14:07
The penny dropped quickly and I got through most of it over a breakfast cuppa. But I have hit the wall with 12 across. I have D?E?, can’t make anything of the wordplay, and, as Pendragon says, there are too many options given by the crossers to make a write in.
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kilgore trout

3rd February 2020, 18:18
12 sounds like DOE-KNEES.
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jack aubrey

3rd February 2020, 18:29
D’oh! I had got fixated on “articulated” as an anagrind and completely failed to see that it is a fully functioning homophone indicator. Thank you for healing my blindness!
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3rd February 2020, 19:11
Am almost there but can't see 24a at all ... aspria, I think 2d may be a synonym for legs (which would help bowlers) attain their mark (ie what they aim at) ...? Anyone else concur?
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