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26th November 2019, 14:13
...the numbered clues are thematic and they're not in the same order as the unnumbered clues.
The reason the numbered clues appear to contradict the normal across/down pattern has to do with the phrase.
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26th November 2019, 15:10
I've got it all now, drxx, thanks.

This was a rather fiddly puzzle but Xanthippe was generous in separating the clues into two groups and putting stars by some.
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26th November 2019, 15:19
It occurs to me that "crew audibly" = eight = ate, at the beginning of the puzzle, is unsatisfactory for anyone who pronounces "ate" as "et".

According to Fowler, et is the standard pronunciation but ait is becoming more prevalent owing to influence from America.
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26th November 2019, 18:04
I have only just picked up this EV crossword and I am stumped. I don’t understand if the clues without stars have single letter modifications. Also are the modifications tantamount to either removing or adding a letter to each relevant clue. Any help would be much appreciated.
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26th November 2019, 18:28
Thank you for that drxx. It will give me something to work on when I can get back to it tomorrow. Looking at the grid I assume that the first, third etc entries are from group 2 rather than group 1.
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26th November 2019, 18:36
casanova - Each group has some asterisked clues, their answers are entered normally but the clues need either a single letter added or removed before they make sense (one group is + the other -).

Non-asterisked clues are normal but their answers are adapted in a similar way to give their grid entries (again, one group is + the other -).
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26th November 2019, 18:50
alwayspuzzled - The first 4 across entries are -
group1 - gp2 - gp2 - gp1.
Three of them are from asterisked clues, entered normally, and one is from a non-asterisked clue, leading to a modified entry (the 3rd one).
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26th November 2019, 19:20
Could you help me further please drxx? I am still struggling with the clue order.

If the first across clue refers to bots beginning with B. Then the first down clue will be the colour of garb worn at a school. However this clue appears one third up in the list. The other 11 letter is an across clue but appears way down.

Any hints would help.

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26th November 2019, 19:41
Williamseal, the numbered clues are not included in the order of entry. Put in the other 11 letter one, then the two eight letter ones, then the two sevens (or however many you’ve solved) then start placing the rest. The crafts go in at 1ac then go from there.
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26th November 2019, 19:45
You're right, williamseal (assuming the typo in the across entry you mention).

In the downs there are 3 group As before the first group B down answer, which is immediately followed by the 2nd group B answer, then it's back to group A (the order isn't rigidly alternate - but within each group the clues are in order - all across answers first, followed by all down answers).

Ignore the numbered clue answers which are out of sequence.

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