Cut - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 17/11/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Cut.

7 letter answer(s) to cut

  1. Abridge is a village in Essex, England. It is on the River Roding, 16 miles (26 km) southwest of the county town of Chelmsford.
  2. lessen, diminish, or curtail; "the new law might abridge our freedom of expression"
  3. reduce in scope while retaining essential elements; "The manuscript must be shortened"
  1. (used especially of fur or wool) shaped or finished by cutting or trimming to a uniform length; "a coat of sheared lamb"
  2. become deformed by forces tending to produce a shearing strain
  3. cut or cut through with shears; "shear the wool off the lamb"
  4. cut with shears; "shear hedges"
  5. having the hair or wool cut or clipped off as if with shears or clippers; "picked up the baby's shorn curls from the floor"; "naked as a sheared sheep"
  6. shear the wool from; "shear sheep"
  1. (used of rates or prices) reduced usually sharply; "the slashed prices attracted buyers"
  2. beat severely with a whip or rod; "The teacher often flogged the students"; "The children were severely trounced"
  3. cut drastically; "Prices were slashed"
  4. cut open; "she slashed her wrists"
  5. cut with sweeping strokes; as with an ax or machete
  6. having long and narrow ornamental cuts showing an underlying fabric; "a slashed doublet"; "slashed cuffs showing the scarlet lining"
  7. move or stir about violently; "The feverish patient thrashed around in his bed"
  8. patterned by having color applied with sweeping strokes; "brown iris...slashed with yellow"- Willa Cather

3 letter answer(s) to cut

  1. an edge tool with a heavy bladed head mounted across a handle
  2. chop or split with an ax; "axe wood"
  3. terminate; "The NSF axed the research program and stopped funding it"
  1. make or shape as with an axe; "hew out a path in the rock"
  2. strike with an axe; cut down, strike; "hew an oak"
  1. cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of; "dress the plants in the garden"
  2. cut off from a whole; "His head was severed from his body"; "The soul discerped from the body"
  1. a loft in a barn where hay is stored
  2. cut with a blade or mower; "mow the grass"
  3. make a sad face and thrust out one's lower lip; "mop and mow"; "The girl pouted"
  1. a condensed but memorable saying embodying some important fact of experience that is taken as true by many people
  2. a power tool for cutting wood
  3. accompany or escort; "I'll see you to the door"
  4. be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something;
  5. come together; "I'll probably see you at the meeting"; "How nice to see you again!"
  6. cut with a saw; "saw wood for the fireplace"
  7. date regularly; have a steady relationship with; "Did you know that she is seeing an older man?"; "He is dating his former wife again!"
  8. deem to be; "She views this quite differently from me"; "I consider her to be shallow"; "I don't see the situation quite as negatively as you do"
  9. deliberate or decide; "See whether you can come tomorrow"; "let's see--which movie should we see tonight?"
  10. get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally; "I learned that she has two grown-up children"; "I see that you have be

4 letter answer(s) to cut

  1. chop or split with an ax; "axe wood"
  2. terminate; "The NSF axed the research program and stopped funding it"
  1. Erase; remove; -- a direction to cancel something which has been put in type; usually expressed by a peculiar form of d, thus:
  1. carve or cut a design or letters into; "engrave the pen with the owner's name"
  2. carve or cut into a block used for printing or print from such a block; "engrave a letter"
  3. cause to stand out or be clearly defined or visible; "a face etched with pain"; "the leafless branches etched against the sky"
  4. make an etching of; "He etched her image into the surface"
  5. selectively dissolve the surface of (a semiconductor or printed circuit) with a solvent, laser, or stream of electrons
  1. a strong sweeping cut made with a sharp instrument
  2. a trench resembling a furrow that was made by erosion or excavation
  3. a wound made by cutting; "he put a bandage over the cut"
  4. cut open; "she slashed her wrists"
  1. cut or shaped with hard blows of a heavy cutting instrument like an ax or chisel; "a house built of hewn logs"; "rough-hewn stone"; "a path hewn through the underbrush"
  2. make or shape as with an axe; "hew out a path in the rock"
  3. strike with an axe; cut down, strike; "hew an oak"
  1. (used of grass or vegetation) cut down with a hand implement or machine; "the smell of newly mown hay"
  2. cut with a blade or mower; "mow the grass"
  3. make a sad face and thrust out one's lower lip; "mop and mow"; "The girl pouted"
  1. leave undone or leave out; "How could I miss that typo?"; "The workers on the conveyor belt miss one out of ten"
  2. prevent from being included or considered or accepted; "The bad results were excluded from the report"; "Leave off the top piece"
  1. cut with a saw; "saw wood for the fireplace"
  1. a depression scratched or carved into a surface
  2. a long narrow opening
  3. a narrow fissure
  4. cut a slit into; "slit the throat of the victim"
  5. make a clean cut through; "slit her throat"
  6. obscene terms for female genitals
  1. a bargain
  2. a small piece of anything (especially a piece that has been snipped off)
  3. cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of; "dress the plants in the garden"
  4. sever or remove by pinching or snipping; "nip off the flowers"
  5. the act of clipping or snipping

5 letter answer(s) to cut

  1. cut to pieces; "Father carved the ham"
  2. engrave or cut by chipping away at a surface; "carve one's name into the bark"
  3. form by carving; "Carve a flower from the ice"
  1. Past tense of to hew: axed, chopped
  1. a weapon with a handle and blade with a sharp point
  2. any long thin projection that is transient; "tongues of flame licked at the walls"; "rifles exploded quick knives of fire into the dark"
  3. edge tool used as a cutting instrument; has a pointed blade with a sharp edge and a handle
  4. use a knife on; "The victim was knifed to death"
  1. Cut with a mower, as in "she mowed the lawn"
  1. cut off from a whole; "His head was severed from his body"; "The soul discerped from the body"
  2. set or keep apart; "sever a relationship"
  1. a sharp steel wedge that cuts loose the top layer of soil
  2. any of the equal portions into which the capital stock of a corporation is divided and ownership of which is evidenced by a stock certificate;
  3. assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group;
  4. communicate;
  5. give out as one's portion or share
  6. r"
  7. the allotment of some amount by dividing something;
  8. the part played by a person in bringing about a result;
  9. use jointly or in common
  1. (physics) a deformation of an object in which parallel planes remain parallel but are shifted in a direction parallel to themselves; "the shear changed the quadrilateral into a parallelogram"
  2. a large edge tool that cuts sheet metal by passing a blade through it
  3. become deformed by forces tending to produce a shearing strain
  4. cut or cut through with shears; "shear the wool off the lamb"
  5. cut with shears; "shear hedges"
  6. shear the wool from; "shear sheep"
  1. a punctuation mark (/) used to separate related items of information
  2. a strong sweeping cut made with a sharp instrument
  3. a wound made by cutting; "he put a bandage over the cut"
  4. an open tract of land in a forest that is strewn with debris from logging (or fire or wind)
  5. beat severely with a whip or rod; "The teacher often flogged the students"; "The children were severely trounced"
  6. cut drastically; "Prices were slashed"
  7. cut open; "she slashed her wrists"
  8. cut with sweeping strokes; as with an ax or machete
  9. move or stir about violently; "The feverish patient thrashed around in his bed"

6 letter answer(s) to cut

  1. come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation; "The dress clings to her body"; "The label stuck to the box"; "The sushi rice grains cohere"
  2. make by cutting into; "The water is going to cleave a channel into the rock"
  3. separate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument; "cleave the bone"
  4. Sever
  5. Split
  6. To hew
  1. cut or eliminate; "she edited the juiciest scenes"
  2. remove or make invisible; "Please delete my name from your list"
  3. wipe out digitally or magnetically recorded information; "Who erased the files form my hard disk?"
  1. cause to fall by or as if by delivering a blow; "strike down a tree"; "Lightning struck down the hikers"
  2. pass away rapidly; "Time flies like an arrow"; "Time fleeing beneath him"
  3. sew a seam by folding the edges
  1. bar from attention or consideration; "She dismissed his advances"
  2. be ignorant of or in the dark about
  3. fail to notice
  4. give little or no attention to; "Disregard the errors"
  5. refuse to acknowledge; "She cut him dead at the meeting"
  1. an injury to living tissue (especially an injury involving a cut or break in the skin)
  2. any localized abnormal structural change in a bodily part
  1. cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of; "dress the plants in the garden"
  2. cut off from a whole; "His head was severed from his body"; "The soul discerped from the body"

8 letter answer(s) to cut

  1. a change downward; "there was a decrease in his temperature as the fever subsided"; "there was a sharp drop-off in sales"
  2. a process of becoming smaller or shorter
  3. decrease in size, extent, or range;
  4. Diminish
  5. make smaller; "
  6. the act of decreasing or reducing something
  7. the amount by which something decreases
  8. to get smaller
  1. a depression scratched or carved into a surface
  2. the cutting of or into body tissues or organs (especially by a surgeon as part of an operation)
  1. decrease in size, extent, or range;
  2. decreased in severity; made less harsh
  3. impaired by diminution
  4. make smaller; "
  5. wear off or die down; "The pain subsided"

9 letter answer(s) to cut

  1. become short or shorter; "In winter, the days shorten"
  2. cut short in duration; "the abbreviated speech"; "her shortened life was clearly the result of smoking"; "an unsatisfactory truncated conversation"
  3. cut short; "a sawed-off shotgun"; "a sawed-off broomstick"; "the shortened rope was easier to use"
  4. edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate; "bowdlerize a novel"
  5. make short or shorter; "shorten the skirt"; "shorten the rope by a few inches"
  6. make shorter than originally intended; reduce or retrench in length or duration; "He shortened his trip due to illness"
  7. reduce in scope while retaining essential elements; "The manuscript must be shortened"
  8. shortened by or as if by means of parts that slide one within another or are crushed one into another; "a miracle that anyone survived in the telescoped cars"; "years that seemed telescoped like time in a dream"
  9. with parts removed; "the drastically cut

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Cut'

"A leopard can't change i
"A stitch in time ...," e
"Haste makes waste," e.g.
'Five Go Off To Be Sick'? Leave it out!
19 reflecting the tools of his trade
A game of tricks cut short
A game that's cut short
A gas fire
A marriage partner's accepting last part of wedding contract
A prospective partner lands government contract
A spanner or clip?
A ten-point cut
About to depart or part forcefully
Abruptly dismissed
Admit money originally cut
Airport no-no
Always after second part
Annihilate, with "down"
Apportion joint responsibility to nurse Victor
Artist suffering setback in desire to make sculpture
Avoid old US educational establishment
Bad cut
Bad ___, Mich. (seat of H
Band-Aid site
Barber's motion
Barbershop sound
Bargain - short cut?
Bargain – cut
Bargain haberdashery items picked up
Bargain haberdashery items taken back
Bargain tin, lowest possible price?
Bargain with bit of info held by British Nationalists
Bargain; cut
Beat back workers in sober performance
Become smaller
Believe singer on the radio a lot
Big cut
Big read
Blade composed of three metals?
Blade made of three metals
Blade Runner wanting tip to secure name of foe, ultimately
Blank sign O'Reilly would be silly to omit?
Bloody 2004 thriller
Blot out Napoleon's summer light, possibly heading west
Borden weapon
Bough breaker
Bowie's weapon
Break off
Bring back old American guitar
Brush aside
Brush aside single stick that knight splits
Brutally destroy
Brutally dismiss
Bunyan's tool
Butcher, with "down"
Buttonhole, e.g.
Buy-one-get-one-free item
Cabinet acronym, once
Came to realize
Car part, left out for scrap
Carpenter's tool
Carve in stone
Carve portion of brisket, chewy
Carve the rocks around cave's entrance
Carved out
Carved, shaped
Cat's eye, sometimes
Caught a glimpse of cutter
Caught sight of cutting tool
Cause of a scar
Chase hard with the rest in front
Chisel, maybe
Chop (off)
Chop down
Chop end off dining chair
Chop off
Chop some of the wood
Chop with an axe
Chopped down
Chopped, cut
Chopped; cancelled
Chopper in test coming up short
Chopping tool
Circular ___
Clearly impress
Clip of footballer showing no hesitation
Clip of second try
Clip off
Clip quiet organ
Clip saddle underneath sailor
Close down X-ray in casualty department
Cold holiday split
Complain aloud, getting cut
Complain when area’s width is cut
Computer key
Computer order
Condense, as a dictionary
Conservative leading referendum vote that’s split
Contract card game (ace high)
Contract that makes a ferryman redundant?
Contract, as written in order
Contrive not to see ogre in ground
Corps given permission to split up
Create a lasting impressi
Create an impression in France and Switzerland
Creator of a branch divis
Crop: staple source of sustenance, on reflection
Cross out
Cunning switching of axes
Current racket almost overthrown after 50% of income is cut
Cut (down)
Cut (grass)
Cut (meat)
Cut (meat) into slices
Cut (off)
Cut (off), as with a swee
Cut (with an axe)
Cut (wool from a sheep)
Cut a design into
Cut a former partner returning
Cut and run to get out of France
Cut apart
Cut away
Cut back
Cut back on iron?
Cut close
Cut complaint that's expressed
Cut crudely
Cut deeply
Cut deeply into good wood
Cut down
Cut down (grass)
Cut down a middle eight
Cut down with a blade
Cut dramatically
Cut end of sprig carried by a newly-wed
Cut fasteners up
Cut forests
Cut free
Cut fuel coming to hospital
Cut good tree
Cut good wood
Cut Goodwood?
Cut grass
Cut groin badly on end of tightrope
Cut hard at the end of the day
Cut hydrogen by itself?
Cut in contributions to the Treasury uncovered
Cut in tax expected
Cut into slices
Cut is acute cut
Cut is almost serious
Cut knuckle near index finger exasperates initially
Cut legs when retreating
Cut like a letter opener
Cut Liszt’s first work
Cut made by 27, having lopped a third off
Cut made in Christmas liturgy
Cut meat, stone or wood
Cut Mike? That hurts!
Cut most of lines on graph
Cut nails back
Cut off
Cut off (a branch)
Cut off, as branches
Cut open
Cut out
Cut out central section of rough drawings
Cut producing bargain
Cut question exhibiting downgrading of women
Cut roughly
Cut severely
Cut short
Cut short a game of cards
Cut short time being married
Cut stick
Cut tax — easy? Not entirely
Cut that 3, when split and reassembled
Cut the grass
Cut the lawn
Cut through
Cut times in hospital department
Cut top off fodder plant
Cut top off sail with whip
Cut up hake woman gutted
Cut up rough at first in underground hollow
Cut up skittles
Cut use of heroin, finally going for Hitsville's No 1
Cut violently
Cut what bridegroom did
Cut when drunk
Cut width in layer
Cut with a crosscut
Cut with a sweeping motio
Cut with a tool
Cut with a toothed blade
Cut with an axe
Cut with blows
Cut with scissors
Cut with sharp instrument making you tetchy, avoiding outsiders
Cut wood
Cut wool from sheep
Cut, as a lawn
Cut, as a log
Cut, as glass
Cut, as wood
Cut, or style, of broadcaster
Cut, saying nothing at first
Cut, while retaining the essential elements
Cut; bargain
Cutlery item
Cutter's back at last with nickel and iron
Cutter; noticed
Cutting implement
Cutting instrument
Cutting tool
Cutting tool used to be returned
Dashes back to the front to get bargain
Decimate, with "down"
Declined to be escorted round German city
Deep cut
Deep open cut
Delicate cut
Design on metal
Did twig thus bring tree down?
Did yard work
Didn't overlook
Difficult militarist abandoning first room in hospital
Diminish - curtail
Dismiss suddenly and/or harshly
Disregard 2D? I can’t, ultimately
Disregard anger about navy entering game
Disregard poor region
Disregard region's suffering
Disregard sign with no start, or end of message
Divide by cutting
Divide into parts
Dividend earner
Division indicator
Do a greenskeeper's job
Do a little barbering
Do aquatints
Do art on glass, say
Do art on metal, e.g.
Do as D
Do intaglio, e.g.
Do like Durer
Do nothing for stricken region
Do some barbering
Do some course work
Do some impressions
Do some impressive work?
Do some yard work
Do work on glass, say
Doctor made one cut
Doctor upset water drops in cut
Don't be a hog
Don't hog
Don't include
Don't keep in
Draw like Albrecht D
Draw on copper, say
Draw with acid
Drink around north is bargain
Drop a line?
Drop acid?
Eat out and so forth with husband
Eat out in France and Switzerland
Eat out: get Chinese
Edit out
Editor's strikeout
Eliminate as excessive
Emulate D
Emulate Rembrandt
Emulate Rembrandt, e.g.
Emulate some of Goya's wo
End of classical work cut
End of public holidays in Split
Engage in a bit of swordp
Engrave (glass/metal)
Engrave (metal or glass)
Engrave (metal/glass)
Engrave glass with acid
Engrave with acid
Erase or remove (text)
European, cross, turning up with a cleaver
Exclude some testimony that's been retracted
Expunge, as text
Eye opening for a squint
Eye opening, maybe
Fabric scrap, say
Fail to appreciate development of region
Fail to include
Fail to include award, Italian
Fail to include note in part of Bible
Fail to include old American institute
Fail to mention
Fail to register anger about Government refusal
Fastens up slit
Feature of Capri pants
Feature of some skirts
Fell off
Fell quickly, with "down"
Fell with a blade
Feller in a forest
Fellow concerned with protecting old wound
Fellow left foreign exchange discount
Female artist's backing cut
Fire truck accessory
Fire truck equipment
Fire truck item
Firefighter's tool
Fissure allows the French inside underground chamber
Fixes wheels - it prevents issue
Forget about
Forget nothing provided by US university
Forget to include
Forget, maybe
Fractional bit?
Gave the boot
Get fluorine out to corrode metal?
Get less death around a river
Get less following cut
Get less iron
Get out
Get out of a sentence?
Get rid of
Get rid of E London journalists for speaking out
Gill opening
Give a buzz
Give the boot
Give the cold shoulder
Given the ax?
Given the chop
Given the heave-ho
Gnome used to be the wrong way round
Gnome used to be upside down
Go back and forth in the
Go without saying
Good feller
Good hacker
Good wood is cut
Got an eyeful
Got rid of, in a way
Got the picture
Grain splitter
Greatly reduce rent
Greatly reduced
Guitar article by Eric (just the first)
Guitar used by Texan on rise
Guitar, in slang
Guitar, slangily
Guitarist's guitar
Guitarist/piss ...
Haberdashery items held up as a bargain
Hack (off)
Hacker's aid
Hammer Thor needs taken up
Hang loosely
Hatchet's kin
Have turkey-serving duty,
Hay loft
He perhaps gets heroin cut
Headbanger's instrument
Hewing tool
Hit 2004 film with many s
Horror film that starts i
Husband dons dry fleece
I could go on horse to make an impression
I travel across north on bypass
Ice climber's tool
Impertinent one
Impertinent person
Impertinent sort
Impress clearly
Impress deeply
Impress firmly
Impress permanently
Impress, as in memory
Impress, as in the memory
Imprint vividly
In a split way
Injury to tissue
Innovation of the Paleoli
Inscribe for good
Inscribe permanently
Inscribe with acid
Instrument, in jazz lingo
Intentionally disregard
Into underground chamber river cut a shape
Investment unit
Involuntarily out of a jo
Iron sink
Is it taken up by chef in kitchen?
It can be double-sided
It can be scary to go und
It goes back and forth in
It might be stuck in a lo
It might expose rings
It's swung in forests
Item confiscated at an ai
Join or split
Jump over
Jungle swinger?
Key of D sounding top-class
Kind of skirt
King disembarks from boat to eat away
Knife incision
Knife injury
Knocked down
Laceration made by small whip
Laid off, as workers
Leave off
Leave one's mark on
Leave one's mark?
Leave out
Leave out Bard’s title role when mounted in reduced form?
Leave out books about Military Intelligence
Leave out note in books
Let go
Level the playing field?
Like a neat yard
Like a trim lawn
Like fairways
Like golf greens, frequen
Like logs
Like lumber in a mill
Little cut
Lizzie Borden used one
Logger's tool
Long cut
Long deep slash
Long narrow cut
Lumberjack's tool
Lumberjacking tool
Made smaller
Make a clean cut
Make a good impression?
Make a permanent impressi
Make an aquatint
Make an artistic impressi
Make an impression
Make an impression and so on with Henry
Make an impression, and so on, with husband
Make an impression?
Make aquatints
Make art on glass
Make carvings and suchlike with tip of hacksaw
Make one's permanent mark
Make permanent
Make short work of a card game
Make shorter, in a way
Make some designs
Male getting personal is cut down
Male with moisture around cut
Mark originally created 'Cracking The Cryptic'
Mark permanently
Market purchase
Mind about start of verse getting cut
Miss - neglect
Miss Ohio snubbed Senator Romney
Miss out
Miss Shakespearean title role -- endlessly upset
More than a scrape
More than just reduce
More than scrape
More than trim
Move fast in pursuit of second portion
Much-repeated words
Narrow cut
Narrow opening
Nasty cut
Nasty wound
Needless struggles abated
Not even consider
Not include
Not just trim
Not mention
Not name
Not pick up
Noticed far side of lawn is cut
Obliterate, with "down"
Old saying
On the contrary, chef in kitchen needs it
One going back and forth
One used to go swinging in the woods
One with sharp teeth
Open, as an envelope
Open, in a way
Opposite of include
Order to conceal a second reduction
Outline clearly
Overlook part of Dolomites
Paper doll-making sound
Pare nails back
Part of 1/2
Part of a place setting
Part of a U.R.L.
Partner of burn
Party claiming independence is a steal
Pass by
Pass by one rig at sea
Pass over
Paul Bunyan's tool
Pay no attention
Pay no attention to Italian chap down south
Pay no attention to region on travels
Pay no attention to topless foreign eccentric (or topless foreign man)
Pay no heed to
Pay no mind to
PC key
Perform a Thanksgiving ta
Perhaps cut down rye whiskey after second
Permanently mark
Peter out to relax after month with runs
Piece of the action
Pilot's wind problem
Playable character in Gui
Prepare a commemorative p
Prepare a plate, perhaps
Press reduction
Presumptuous one
Presumptuous sort
Produce art on copper, e.
Profound cut ultimately derailing a small hospital
Proofer's mark
Proofreader's mark
Prop for a magician's tri
Prune a bit
Prune tips of azalea bush on hilltop
Punctuation mark
Put to part of cereal plant, can it cut?
Quality of new-fallen sno
Quick cut
Quit after Conservative split
Rail-splitter's tool
Reduce a part of the nose
Reduce drastically, as pr
Reduce size of brigade after reorganisation
Region redeveloped to create bypass
Regularly visit hectic hotel to eat out
Remove by clipping
Remove from a manuscript
Remove hair at second try
Remove obstruction blocking river
Remove obstruction by the net, perhaps, in river
Remove obstruction in river
Remove or erase
Remove permit to enter river
Remove sections of a craft's control room
Remove what stops court action blocking incomplete legal document
Remove wool from
Remove, as text
Remove, erase
Remove, in editing
Remove, to a typesetter
Reportedly thin fleece
Revealing skirt feature
Rough-___ (not smoothly f
Rough-___ (unfinished)
Roughly cut fuel at hospital
Round lot unit
Rule out
Salon sound
Sassy one
Sassy sort
Saucy sort
Scissors cut
Score and more, getting husband
Score hundred inside the ground
Score the finest music, 'Messiah' last of all
Scrap with one crashing party north of the border
Second husband undressed harem in allotment
Second stroke is lower
See 15
See 8
Send packing
Sent packing
Set in stone
Shaped as with an axe
Shark cut
Sharp feller
Sharply outline
Short cut
Short cut?
Shorten (a text)
Shorten (text)
Shorten a card game
Shorten a game
Shorten a game of cards
Shorten a river crossing
Shorten Arsenal’s opening game
Shorten, in a way
Shows written about leading characters in Ray Bradbury book
Shrug off
Shun Italian man denied introduction
Singer voiced part
Skip by
Skip over
Skip past
Skip round little boy, jumping up
Skip university in pursuit of love
Skirt feature
Skirt opening
Slash; wound
Slice (off)
Slice roast with vegetarian in mind
Slight annoyance shown about Gwen's first number
Slight exasperation shown about good number
Slight Italian guy going topless
Slight Roman gent scratching head
Slight, in a way
Slim, stop crushing Rex!
Small bit
Small cut
Small whip cut
Small wound
Snub, in a way
Soloist not even opening
Some budget changes make a deep impression
Some freedom, I think, to exclude
Something highway architect might be asked to design in contract
Son to pick up clipping
Sound made while working
Split asunder
Split stick
Split, or stick together, being caught with time off
Squinting eye, e.g.
Start of a tear
Steal piece
Stet's opposite
Stick (to)
Stick or split
Stick or split?
Stitch target
Stock unit
Strike from a manuscript
Strike mark
Strike out
Strike out, as text
Strong sweeping cut
Stuck (to)
Student having talk about injury
Sturdy feller?
Succeeded with literary opening
Suddenly terminated
Surgical cut
Take a bough
Take no notice of
Take no notice of Italian gentleman losing head
Take off
Take out
Take some off the top?
Take-out order?
Take-out sign
Takeout sign?
Tend the turf
Test curtailed, then recalled for cancellation
Test cut - produced by swinging this tool?
The girl, artist after return cut
The Tin Man's prop
Thin opening
Tin one penny? A bargain
Tiny scissor cut
Tiny scissors cut
Took a bough?
Tool cut teacher's quiz up
Tool that's swung
Tool used by Hansel and G
Tool with teeth
Toothed blade
Toothed tool
Treat with acid and the rest before hospital
Tree feller
Tree-felling tool
Trim back legs
Trite saying
Try to follow hint of short cut
Tune out
Turn a deaf ear to
Turtle's eye, often
Typographer's strike
Ultimate characters seen in the magnificent Coptic church make an impression
Understood new cut
Undo, on a computer
Use a knife
Use a Lawn-Boy, e.g.
Use acid
Use acid to design on metal or glass
Use an ax
Use jointly
Use scissors
Use shears
Use tiny scissors
Very good buy
Very light haircut a bargain?
Vet tailed by vehicle is cut up
Victor in trouble, cut deeply
Weapon in Clue
Weapon provided in low joint, mainly
Web address punctuation
What a certificate may re
What a feller needs
What Carry Nation carried
What cuts skin — hip, feet — evenly
What's taken up by chef in kitchen
Where a scar forms
Wind danger
Wind phenomenon
Wind ___ (pilot's problem
Witnessed something in the woodshed?
Wood splitter
Wood tool
Woodcutter's tool
Woodsman thus given the push?
Woodsman's tool
Word often written in red
Word with whip or rip
Work like Rembrandt, at t
Work on a pumpkin, perhap
Work on glass, say
Work with acid
Work with intaglio
Wound grand tree
Write on metal
Write painstakingly
Write permanently
Write with a point
X out
___ A Sketch (drawing toy

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