Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Fleece.
4 letter answer(s) to fleece
cheat somebody out of what is due, especially money
escape, either physically or mentally; "The thief eluded the police"; "This difficult idea seems to evade her"; "The event evades explanation"
evade payment to; "He bilked his creditors"
hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of; "What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge"; "foil your opponent"
a metal frame or container holding cartridges; can be inserted into an automatic gun
a sharp slanting blow; "he gave me a clip on the ear"
an article of jewelry that can be clipped onto a hat or dress
an instance or single occasion for some event; "this time he succeeded"; "he called four times"; "he could do ten at a clip"
any of various small fasteners used to hold loose articles together
attach with a clip; "clip the papers together"
cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of; "dress the plants in the garden"
run at a moderately swift pace
sever or remove by pinching or snipping; "nip off the flowers"
terminate or abbreviate before its intended or proper end or its full extent; "My speech was cut short"; "Personal freedom is curtailed in many countries"
the act of clipping or snipping
(chess) the piece that can move any number of unoccupied squares in a direction parallel to the sides of the chessboard
common gregarious Old World bird about the size and color of the American crow
deprive of by deceit; "He swindled me out of my inheritance"; "She defrauded the customers who trusted her"; "the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change"
a fraudulent business scheme
con, cheat
deprive of by deceit; "He swindled me out of my inheritance"; "She defrauded the customers who trusted her"; "the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change"
beat severely
become drunk or drink excessively
cover with liquid; pour liquid onto; "souse water on his hot face"
fill, soak, or imbue totally; "soak the bandage with disinfectant"
heat a metal prior to working it
leave as a guarantee in return for money; "pawn your grandfather's gold watch"
make drunk (with alcoholic drinks)
rip off; ask an unreasonable price
submerge in a liquid; "I soaked in the hot tub for an hour"
the process of becoming softened and saturated as a consequence of being immersed in water (or other liquid); "a good soak put life back in the wagon"
washing something by allowing it to soak
a fabric made from the hair of sheep
fiber sheared from animals (such as sheep) and twisted into yarn for weaving
outer coat of especially sheep and yaks
3 letter answer(s) to fleece
rip off; ask an unreasonable price
take something away by force or without the consent of the owner; "The burglars robbed him of all his money"
5 letter answer(s) to fleece
(physics) a deformation of an object in which parallel planes remain parallel but are shifted in a direction parallel to themselves; "the shear changed the quadrilateral into a parallelogram"
a large edge tool that cuts sheet metal by passing a blade through it
become deformed by forces tending to produce a shearing strain
cut or cut through with shears; "shear the wool off the lamb"
cut with shears; "shear hedges"
shear the wool from; "shear sheep"
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