Cut off - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 12/10/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Cut off.

5 letter answer(s) to cut off

  1. exclusive of anyone or anything else; "she alone believed him"; "cannot live by bread alone"; "I'll have this car and this car only"
  2. isolated from others; "could be alone in a crowded room"; "was alone with her thoughts"; "I want to be alone"
  3. lacking companions or companionship; "he was alone when we met him"; "she is alone much of the time"; "the lone skier on the mountain"; "a lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel"; "a lonely soul"; "a solitary traveler"
  4. radically distinctive and without equal; "he is alone in the field of microbiology"; "this theory is altogether alone in its penetration of the problem"; "Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint"; "craftsmen whose skill is unequaled"; "unparalleled athletic ability"; "a breakdown of law unparalleled in our history"
  5. without any others being included or involved; "was entirely to blame"; "a school devoted entirely to the needs of problem children"; "he works for Mr. Smith exclusively
  1. away from another or others; "they grew apart over the years"; "kept apart from the group out of shyness"; "decided to live apart"
  2. having characteristics not shared by others; "scientists felt they were a group apart"- Vannever Bush
  3. into parts or pieces; "he took his father's watch apart"; "split apart"; "torn asunder"
  4. not taken into account or excluded from consideration; "these problems apart, the country is doing well"; "all joking aside, I think you're crazy"
  5. one from the other; "people can't tell the twins apart"
  6. placed or kept separate and distinct as for a purpose; "had a feeling of being set apart"; "quality sets it apart"; "a day set aside for relaxing"
  7. remote and separate physically or socially; "existed over the centuries as a world apart"; "preserved because they inhabited a place apart"- W.H.Hudson; "tiny isolated villages remote from centers of civilization"; "an obscure village"
  8. separated or at a dista
  1. cut off from a whole; "His head was severed from his body"; "The soul discerped from the body"
  2. set or keep apart; "sever a relationship"
  1. having the hair or wool cut or clipped off as if with shears or clippers; "picked up the baby's shorn curls from the floor"; "naked as a sheared sheep"

8 letter answer(s) to cut off

  1. remove surgically; "amputate limbs"
  1. being or feeling set or kept apart from others; "she felt detached from the group"; "could not remain the isolated figure he had been"- Sherwood Anderson; "thought of herself as alone and separated from the others"; "had a set-apart feeling"
  2. cut off or left behind; "an isolated pawn"; "several stranded fish in a tide pool"; "travelers marooned by the blizzard"
  3. marked by separation of or from usually contiguous elements; "little isolated worlds, as abruptly disjunct and unexpected as a palm-shaded well in the Sahara"- Scientific Monthly
  4. not close together in time; "isolated instances of rebellion"; "a few stray crumbs"
  5. obtain in pure form; "The chemist managed to isolate the compound"
  6. place or set apart; "They isolated the political prisoners from the other inmates"
  7. remote and separate physically or socially; "existed over the centuries as a world apart"; "preserved because they inhabited a place apart"- W.H.Hudson; "tiny isola
  1. Abridge
  2. approximate by ignoring all terms beyond a chosen one; "truncate a series"
  3. make shorter as if by cutting off; "truncate a word"; "Erosion has truncated the ridges of the mountains"
  4. replace a corner by a plane
  5. terminating abruptly by having or as if having an end or point cut off; "a truncate leaf"; "truncated volcanic mountains"; "a truncated pyramid"

4 letter answer(s) to cut off

  1. a collection of people or things appearing together; "the annual crop of students brings a new crop of ideas"
  2. a cultivated plant that is grown commercially on a large scale
  3. a pouch in many birds and some lower animals that resembles a stomach for storage and preliminary maceration of food
  4. cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of; "dress the plants in the garden"
  5. cut short; "She wanted her hair cropped short"
  6. feed as in a meadow or pasture; "the herd was grazing"
  7. let feed in a field or pasture or meadow
  8. prepare for crops; "Work the soil"; "cultivate the land"
  9. the output of something in a season; "the latest crop of fashions is about to hit the stores"
  10. the stock or handle of a whip
  11. the yield from plants in a single growing season
  12. yield crops; "This land crops well"
  1. a bargain
  2. a small piece of anything (especially a piece that has been snipped off)
  3. cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of; "dress the plants in the garden"
  4. sever or remove by pinching or snipping; "nip off the flowers"
  5. the act of clipping or snipping
  1. (linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed; "thematic vowels are part of the stem"
  2. a slender or elongated structure that supports a plant or fungus or a plant part or plant organ
  3. a turn made in skiing; the back of one ski is forced outward and the other ski is brought parallel to it
  4. cause to point inward; "stem your skis"
  5. cylinder forming a long narrow part of something
  6. front part of a vessel or aircraft; "he pointed the bow of the boat toward the finish line"
  7. grow out of, have roots in, originate in; "The increase in the national debt stems from the last war"
  8. remove the stem from; "for automatic natural language processing, the words must be stemmed"
  9. stop the flow of a liquid; "staunch the blood flow"; "stem the tide"
  10. the tube of a tobacco pipe

6 letter answer(s) to cut off

  1. cause to become detached or separated; take off; "detach the skin from the chicken before you eat it"
  2. come to be detached; "His retina detached and he had to be rushed into surgery"
  3. separate (a small unit) from a larger, especially for a special assignment; "detach a regiment"

10 letter answer(s) to cut off

  1. prevent deliberately (as by making a will) from inheriting

7 letter answer(s) to cut off

  1. obtain in pure form; "The chemist managed to isolate the compound"
  2. place or set apart; "They isolated the political prisoners from the other inmates"
  3. separate (experiences) from the emotions relating to them
  4. set apart from others; "The dentist sequesters the tooth he is working on"
  1. cut off from a whole; "His head was severed from his body"; "The soul discerped from the body"
  2. detached by cutting; "cut flowers"; "a severed head"; "an old tale of Anne Bolyn walking the castle walls with her poor cut-off head under her arm"
  3. set or keep apart; "sever a relationship"
  1. adjust (sails on a ship) so that the wind is optimally used
  2. balance in flight by regulating the control surfaces; "trim an airplane"
  3. be in equilibrium during a flight; "The airplane trimmed"
  4. cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of; "dress the plants in the garden"
  5. cut closely; "trim my beard"
  6. cut down on; make a reduction in; "reduce your daily fat intake"; "The employer wants to cut back health benefits"
  7. decorate (food), as with parsley or other ornamental foods
  8. decorate, as with ornaments; "trim the christmas tree"; "trim a shop window"
  9. made neat and tidy by trimming; "his neatly trimmed hair"
  10. remove the edges from and cut down to the desired size; "pare one's fingernails"; "trim the photograph"; "trim lumber"

3 letter answer(s) to cut off

  1. cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of; "dress the plants in the garden"
  2. cut off from a whole; "His head was severed from his body"; "The soul discerped from the body"

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Cut off'

"A Night at the Opera" tu
"Home ___"
"Home ___," Macaulay Culk
"In bad company," per Amb
"Leave me ___!"
"___ at last!"
... unique hairdressers, maybe with first cut conclusively free
1 + 50 + 1 = 1?
19 reflecting the tools of his trade
1987 #1 Heart song that s
50% off properties in different places
A bit aloof?
A bit isolated
A bit on the side?
A learner, individual without any classmates?
A little bit separate
A normal time to get divorced
A role that’s separate
A sad way to grow
A sub, reportedly unescorted
Abandoned aide, lost and cut off from society
Always after second part
An actor's role becoming distinct
Appear, with "up"
Arise (from)
Aside (from)
Audacious League of Nations enterprise originally unsupported
… and a bit distant
Banana stalk
Barber's motion
Barbershop sound
Bargain - short cut?
Bargain – cut
Bargain haberdashery items picked up
Bargain haberdashery items taken back
Bargain tin, lowest possible price?
Bargain with bit of info held by British Nationalists
Bargain; cut
Besides, with "from"
Bird's gullet pouch
Blossom supporter
Brain component
Break off
Break off, come away
Bring to a standstill
Bud holder
By itself
By oneself
Byrd book
Check baseball team over
Check if baseball team turned up
Check incomplete caste mark
Check part of tobacco pipe
Check part of wine glass
Check stalk of plant
Check stone emblem’s edges
Check waste matter's hidden
Cherry throwaway
Chest picked up by crew reportedly in dock?
Children holding minister upside down, separated
Chop (off)
Chop off
Clip off
Come away
Come off
Come out of Met's production - bad form
Compromise ideals to become ostracised
Corn, wheat or soybeans
Crop: staple source of sustenance, on reflection
Cut (off)
Cut (off), as with a swee
Cut - cultivated plant
Cut and run, nabbed by police officer
Cut apart
Cut away
Cut back
Cut down to size
Cut down, as a photo
Cut fasteners up
Cut flower
Cut in two
Cut is acute cut
Cut is almost serious
Cut legs when retreating
Cut Liszt’s first work
Cut nails back
Cut off (a branch)
Cut off a bit
Cut off current, well behind time
Cut off is suspended once leaders get delayed
Cut off one’s oxygen behind time
Cut off, as branches
Cut off; decorated
Cut out returning strain after duke's been admitted to hospital?
Cut producing bargain
Cut short
Cut short series college held in gallery
Cut short series of performances by contralto in gallery
Cut short utterance possibly?
Cut short, maybe
Cut that 3, when split and reassembled
Cut throat
Cut up skittles
Cut with a sweeping motio
Cut with scissors
Cut, as a picture
Cut; bargain
Dad mounted pictures out of consideration
Dam up
Dashes back to the front to get bargain
Dateless, say
Dead, buried in ground, after one's separated
Delete from Will's Tinder his raving about me subjectively
Delicate cut
Derive (from)
Disengage and remove
Divide by cutting
Divide into parts
Do a little barbering
Do some barbering
Drink around north is bargain
Dusting target
Eliminate as excessive
End of classical work cut
Endless nonsense is eschewed by all?
Engine driver leaves a halt
Equestrian equipment
Estranged parent returning pictures
Fabric scrap, say
Fairly drunk, tucking into beer - and nothing else?
Farm yield
Farmer's harvest
Farmer's output
Farmer's yield
Fastens up slit
Faucet part
Field goal?
Field yield
Fifth of vaccinations very delayed, resulting in quarantine
First carriage returned in a different place
First half of gift on day one is separate
Fixes wheels - it prevents issue
Flipping Dada paintings in a class of their own?
Florist's cutting
Florist's unit
Flower holder
Flower part
Flower stalk
Flower support
Flower supporter
Flute part
For example, sculpture broken by secretary into pieces
Forward part
Fruit holder
Fruit waste
Fruit/tree connector
Garden support
Get furious about 5 being cut
Gets delayed after duck’s put in quarantine
Glass bottom
Goblet feature
Goblet part
Going stag
Group of drivers right to restrict parking out of consideration
Haberdashery items held up as a bargain
Hack (off)
Had to work with 21, in short, for free
Hairless, now
Hairstyle; gullet pouch
Half note feature
Hang loosely
Harvest queen captured by Constable
Harvest yield
Hearing case, figure in dock
Here and there?
Hold back
How hermits like to be
How Rubik's Cube is best
How Santa travels
I criticise including circle in maroon
Impertinent one
Impertinent person
Impertinent sort
In bad company, to Ambros
In different places
In pieces
In reserve
In solitary
In two
Indeed departed after island cut off
Individual one harshly criticised, without love
Initially appearing lively, outgoing, now extremely solitary
Inner Greenland is in her itinerary, being cut off
Into pieces
Iris part
It may be thorny
It may need dusting
Jockey's need
Jockey's whip
Keep apart
Keep back support
Keep from spreading
Kind of cell
Lacking its wool coat, as
Last bit of green wiped away, colour toenails maroon
Leaf holder
Leaf's support
Less woolly, perhaps
Let fly
Like a hermit
Lite soda drunk alone
Little cut
Lonely one reprimanded about nothing
Lonely opera heroine mostly worried inside
Long part of a rose
Losing second fellow, lifeboats sent up maroon
Main part of a word
Main upright of a ship's bow
Maybe disarm a friend's hiding place
Morel morsel
Mushroom part
Neat, as a beard
New York squad turning up to make arrest
Nick accepts barber's final cut
Not close
Not connected
Not counting, with "from"
Not living together may be a factor
Not together
Off the beaten track
Off to one side
On one's own
On the side
One abused, without love and quite alone
One behind schedule occupies piece of turf, standing apart
One dead on small Ohio island
One piece of turf outside recently cut off
One savage hiding love, set apart
One severely criticised about nothing, abandoned by supporters
One unfortunate formerly embraced, then cut off
One way to fall
Originate (from)
Paper doll-making sound
Papers covering very tardy individual
Pare nails back
Part of a goblet
Part of a mushroom
Part of a musical note
Part of a rose
Part of many musical note
Part of wine glass
Part the cad needed to play
Party claiming independence is a steal
Perhaps bitter about performing solo
Photoshop option
Pipe part
Pipe piece
Plant grown commercially
Plant part
Plant stalk
Power to withdraw a check
Presumptuous one
Presumptuous sort
Produce whip
Prone to hold Arab in a separate area
Prune a bit
Put into quarantine
Quarantine on island long overdue
Quarantine one individual catching athlete's foot on vacation
Quarantine one's behind if full of a little gas
Quick cut
Release cadet, excited at start of holiday
Remote island - nothing to get criticised about
Remote, lonely
Remove member from team up at ground
Restrict - part of a plant
Ride in this buggy cut off
Riding whip
Right ships can't supply dock
Rip off
Rose part
Rose stalk
Sailor rejecting seafood, being sole
Salon sound
Sans company
Sans friends
Sassy one
Sassy sort
Saucy sort
School-run regularly cut
Scissors cut
Scrap with one crashing party north of the border
Second eleven possibly without a means of support
Second musical instrument cut
Separate ... or a hint to
Separate account in heartless conclusion
Separate craft in which father's conveyed
Set apart
Set free, leader of coup in deeply unpopular revolutionary
Set off
Setter eats old stew alone
Ship's front
Short cut
Short cut?
Short whip
Shorten by cutting off a part
Shows written about leading characters in Ray Bradbury book
Single out
Skier's turn
Skiing turn
Slice (off)
Small bit
Small cut
Somewhat retired MP, or chief whip
Sound made while working
South London investigators going north for arrest
Spaced out
Spaced out?
Split up
Spoon handle
Spring (from)
Stalk 9 criminals with police backing
Stalk of bananas
Stalk US baseball players from the south
Staunch supporter
Staunch supporter of green growth?
Staunch supporter of Kew Gardens?
Staunch supporter of plant
Staunch, upstanding police force succeeded
Steal piece
Stern's opposite
Stop (a flow)
Stop esteem being eroded by taking drugs at fixed intervals
Stop New York baseball team getting turned over
Stop regularly, as it seems
Stop small object losing its front
Stop special police retreating
Stop! It's a hold-up!
Subjected to a shearing
Support opera's return
Support second article having expunged first
Supporter of botany
Take a bough
Take away - the cad
Take off
Take off a penny in change
The brain has one
The cad
The cad is out to break the engagement
Thorn site
Tin one penny? A bargain
Tiny scissor cut
Tiny scissors cut
To bits
To get unengaged, the chap had to take Kitty back
To one side
To pieces
Totally alone
Trim back legs
Tube of a tobacco pipe
Unique all-rounder regularly missed
Unique beer catches on
Unlucky in love, say
Use scissors
Use shears
Use tiny scissors
Very behindhand after electric current cut off
Very good buy
Very light haircut a bargain?
Walled off
Watch part
Watched in agony after losing wife in divorce
Watched painfully having lost wife in divorce
Water vapour avoiding a plant's stalk
What an inflectional endi
What's harvested
Wheat or soybeans
Wheat, barley or beans
Wineglass part
With constant coverage, novel can't get contract
With fleece removed
Without a chaperon
Without an escort
Without company
Without equal
Without friends, getting drunk, tucking into beer
Without help
Without others being involved
Without support
Word with fall or worlds
Yield - trim
___ cell research
___ Gay
___ to stern

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