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115 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - become less clearly visible or distinguishable; disappear gradually or seemingly; "The scene begins to fade"; "The tree trunks are melting into the forest at dusk"
  2. become less intense and fade away gradually; "her resistance melted under his charm"; "her hopes evaporated after years of waiting for her fiance"
  3. become more relaxed, easygoing, or genial; "With age, he mellowed"
  4. become or cause to become soft or liquid; "The sun melted the ice"; "the ice thawed"; "the ice cream melted"; "The heat melted the wax"; "The giant iceberg dissolved over the years during the global warming phase"; "dethaw the meat"
  5. lose its distinct outline or shape; blend gradually; "Hundreds of actors were melting into the scene"
  6. reduce or cause to be reduced from a solid to a liquid state, usually by heating; "melt butter"; "melt down gold"; "The wax melted in the sun"
  7. the process whereby heat changes something from a solid to a liquid; "the power fail
  1. unknown - Woman’s name
  1. - An eye, bud, or shoot, as of a plant; an oilet.
  1. unknown - Edson Arantes do Nascimento born 23 October 1940, known as Pelé is a Brazilian former professional footballer who played as a forward. Regarded as one of the greatest players of all time.
  1. noun - a chain of more than 200 islands about 400 miles long in the western central Pacific Ocean
  1. - The under surface of the foot.
  1. - A small shield, especially one of an approximately elliptic form, or crescent-shaped.
  1. noun - attack and bombard with or as if with missiles; "pelt the speaker with questions"
  2. body covering of a living animal
  3. cast, hurl, or throw repeatedly with some missile; "They pelted each other with snowballs"
  4. rain heavily; "Put on your rain coat-- it's pouring outside!"
  5. the dressed hairy coat of a mammal
  1. verb - become less severe or strict; "The rules relaxed after the new director arrived"
  2. become less tense, less formal, or less restrained, and assume a friendlier manner; "our new colleague relaxed when he saw that we were a friendly group"
  3. become less tense, rest, or take one's ease; "He relaxed in the hot tub"; "Let's all relax after a hard day's work"
  4. become loose or looser or less tight; "The noose loosened"; "the rope relaxed"
  5. cause to feel relaxed; "A hot bath always relaxes me"
  6. make less active or fast; "He slackened his pace as he got tired"; "Don't relax your efforts now"
  7. make less severe or strict; "The government relaxed the curfew after most of the rebels were caught"
  8. make less taut; "relax the tension on the rope"
  1. noun - a crew of workers who relieve another crew
  2. a fresh team to relieve weary draft animals
  3. a race between teams; each member runs or swims part of the distance
  4. control or operate by relay
  5. electrical device such that current flowing through it in one circuit can switch on and off a current in a second circuit
  6. pass along; "Please relay the news to the villagers"
  7. the act of passing something along from one person or group to another; "the relay was successful"