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115 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - A white or buff-colored granular powder, C6H9N11, obtained by heating ammonium sulphocyanate.
  1. noun - Australian operatic soprano (1861-1931)
  1. noun - a form of rummy using two decks of cards and four jokers; jokers and deuces are wild; the object is to form groups of the same rank
  2. announce for a score; of cards in a card game
  3. lose its distinct outline or shape; blend gradually; "Hundreds of actors were melting into the scene"
  4. mix together different elements; "The colors blend well"
  1. noun - a brawl
  2. a noisy riotous fight
  1. noun - in some classifications: type genus of the subfamily Melinae
  1. noun - type genus of the Meliaceae: East Indian and Australian deciduous trees with leaves resembling those of the ash
  1. - Of or pertaining to song; lyric; tuneful.
  1. - A mill.
  1. - A genus of beetles without wings, but having short oval elytra; the oil beetles. These beetles are sometimes used instead of cantharides for raising blisters. See Oil beetle, under Oil.
  1. noun - any of numerous fruits of the gourd family having a hard rind and sweet juicy flesh
  2. any of various fruit of cucurbitaceous vines including: muskmelons; watermelons; cantaloupes; cucumbers