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115 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - elevated open grassland in southern Africa
  1. noun - elevated open grassland in southern Africa
  1. noun - a membranous covering attached to the immature fruiting body of certain mushrooms
  2. a muscular flap that closes off the nasopharynx during swallowing or speaking
  1. verb - cheat by avoiding payment of a gambling debt
  1. noun - a metal joint formed by softening with heat and fusing or hammering together
  2. European mignonette cultivated as a source of yellow dye; naturalized in North America
  3. join together by heating; "weld metal"
  4. unite closely or intimately; "Her gratitude welded her to him"
  5. United States abolitionist (1803-1895)
  1. - To welk, or wither.
  1. noun - a cavity or vessel used to contain liquid
  2. a deep hole or shaft dug or drilled to obtain water or oil or gas or brine
  3. an abundant source; "she was a well of information"
  4. an enclosed compartment in a ship or plane for holding something as e.g. fish or a plane's landing gear or for protecting something as e.g. a ship's pumps
  5. an open shaft through the floors of a building (as for a stairway)
  6. come up, as of a liquid; "Tears well in her eyes"; "the currents well up"
  7. prolific English writer best known for his science-fiction novels; he also wrote on contemporary social problems and wrote popular accounts of history and science (1866-1946)
  1. unknown - Slag term for a wellington boot
  1. adjective - a breed of dual-purpose cattle developed in Wales
  2. a Celtic language of Wales
  3. a native or resident of Wales
  4. cheat by avoiding payment of a gambling debt
  5. of or relating to or characteristic of Wales or its people or their language; "the Welsh coast"; "Welsh syntax"
  1. - imp. of Weld, to wield.