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1865 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - make amorous advances towards; "John is courting Mary"
  2. seek someone's favor; "China is wooing Russia"
  1. - Wept.
  1. verb - create a piece of cloth by interlacing strands of fabric, such as wool or cotton; "tissue textiles"
  2. interlace by or as if by weaving
  3. made or constructed by interlacing threads or strips of material or other elements into a whole; "woven fabrics"; "woven baskets"; "the incidents woven into the story"; "folk songs woven into a symphony"
  4. sway to and fro
  5. to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course; "the river winds through the hills"; "the path meanders through the vineyards"; "sometimes, the gout wanders through the entire body"
  1. verb - impress greatly; "The speaker wowed the audience"
  1. - p. p. of Wax.
  1. adjective - bent to one side; "a wry neck"
  2. humorously sarcastic or mocking; "dry humor"; "an ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning obliquely"; "an ironic novel"; "an ironical smile"; "with a wry Scottish wit"
  1. adjective - bent to one side; "a wry neck"
  2. humorously sarcastic or mocking; "dry humor"; "an ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning obliquely"; "an ironic novel"; "an ironical smile"; "with a wry Scottish wit"
  1. noun - United States filmmaker (1902-1981)
  1. - pl. pres. of Wit.
  1. - A small three-masted vessel, with projecting bow and stern and convex decks, used in the Mediterranean for transporting merchandise, etc. It carries large square sails, or lateen sails, or both. Xebecs were formerly armed and used by corsairs.