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1865 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - A horse imported from New South Wales; also, any Australian horse.
  1. noun - a raised mark on the skin (as produced by the blow of a whip); characteristic of many allergic reactions
  2. one of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; during Roman times the region was known as Cambria
  3. thick plank forming a ridge along the side of a wooden ship
  1. verb - become smaller; "Interest in his novels waned"
  2. decrease in phase; "the moon is waning"
  3. grow smaller; "Interest in the project waned"
  1. noun - a gradual decline (in size or strength or power or number)
  2. become smaller; "Interest in his novels waned"
  3. decrease in phase; "the moon is waning"
  4. grow smaller; "Interest in the project waned"
  1. - A sharp or uneven edge on a board that is cut from a log not perfectly squared, or that is made in the process of squaring. See Wany, a.
  1. - Cast down; crushed by misery; dejected.
  1. verb - spend extravagantly;
  1. noun - A town in Hertfordshire, England.
  2. articles of the same kind or material; usually used in combination: `silverware', `software'
  3. commodities offered for sale; "good business depends on having good merchandise"; "that store offers a variety of products"
  4. spend extravagantly;
  1. noun - a facility that provides a source of water;
  2. a liquid necessary for the life of most animals and plants;
  3. binary compound that occurs at room temperature as a clear colorless odorless tasteless liquid; freezes into ice below 0 degrees centigrade and boils above 100 degrees centigrade; widely used as a solvent
  4. fill with tears;
  5. liquid excretory product; "
  6. once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles)
  7. provide with water;
  8. secrete or form water, as tears or saliva;
  9. supply with water, as with channels or ditches or streams;
  10. the part of the earth's surface covered with water (such as a river or lake or ocean);
  1. verb - move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion; "The curtains undulated"; "the waves rolled towards the beach"
  2. move or swing back and forth; "She waved her gun"
  3. set waves in; "she asked the hairdresser to wave her hair"
  4. signal with the hands or nod; "She waved to her friends"; "He waved his hand hospitably"
  5. twist or roll into coils or ringlets; "curl my hair, please"