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1865 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - any of many long-legged birds that wade in water in search of food
  1. verb - walk (through relatively shallow water); "Can we wade across the river to the other side?"; "Wade the pond"
  1. noun - a small adhesive disk of paste; used to seal letters
  2. a small thin crisp cake or cookie
  3. thin disk of unleavened bread used in a religious service (especially in the celebration of the Eucharist)
  1. verb - carry on (wars, battles, or campaigns); "Napoleon and Hitler waged war against all of Europe"
  1. - See Waggel.
  1. noun - maintain with or as if with a bet; "I bet she will be there!"
  2. stake on the outcome of an issue; "I bet $100 on that new horse"; "She played all her money on the dark horse"
  3. the act of gambling; "he did it on a bet"
  4. the money risked on a gamble
  1. noun - a recompense for worthy acts or retribution for wrongdoing; "the wages of sin is death"; "virtue is its own reward"
  2. carry on (wars, battles, or campaigns); "Napoleon and Hitler waged war against all of Europe"
  3. something that remunerates;
  1. verb - cause to become awake or conscious; "He was roused by the drunken men in the street"; "Please wake me at 6 AM."
  2. stop sleeping; "She woke up to the sound of the alarm clock"
  1. noun - a person who awakes; "an early waker"
  2. someone who rouses others from sleep
  1. noun - a vigil held over a corpse the night before burial; "there's no weeping at an Irish wake"
  2. an island in the western Pacific between Guam and Hawaii
  3. arouse or excite feelings and passions; "The ostentatious way of living of the rich ignites the hatred of the poor"; "The refugees' fate stirred up compassion around the world"; "Wake old feelings of hatred"
  4. be awake, be alert, be there
  5. cause to become awake or conscious; "He was roused by the drunken men in the street"; "Please wake me at 6 AM."
  6. make aware of; "His words woke us to terrible facts of the situation"
  7. stop sleeping; "She woke up to the sound of the alarm clock"
  8. the consequences of an event (especially a catastrophic event); "the aftermath of war"; "in the wake of the accident no one knew how many had been injured"
  9. the wave that spreads behind a boat as it moves forward; "the motorboat's wake capsized the canoe"