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26th February 2021, 15:56
And hints, large and small.
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27th February 2021, 00:04
The Bard.

17d - 2 letters for "when" around a 3 letter archaic word for 24d misprint is in the penultimate word.

31a - Your letters are correct - anagram of "argalis" minus/"wanting" the G - try leaving out the S from the anagrist as the plural isn't in Chambers.
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27th February 2021, 11:00
Many thanks Brendan. I need to explore Chambers more thoroughly!

I may return if I'm struggling with the removal of the rest of the words (I have 60 thus far) and drawing the large symbol.
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27th February 2021, 11:13
I mean 60 'letters' of course!
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27th February 2021, 14:21
I have returned...

I have the 12 relevant words to remove in columns 2,3,4 11,12 and 13 totalling 60 letters.

I still need to find a further six symmetrically placed words with a total of 18 letters. I can see Daw(s), Nut, Hen and Haw(s). If they are right I'm obviously still short of the full set.

Any large (to account for my evident dimness) hints appreciated.
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27th February 2021, 14:31
The 6 x 3 letter words are one per column from 5-10 and continue the pattern that you can already see
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27th February 2021, 14:44
Doh! Many thanks for that tatters. I couldn't see the birds from the bees (if you get my drift). I'm much obliged to you.
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27th February 2021, 15:40
Looks like I'm going to win the Dimwit of the Week award unopposed, since nobody else has had any doubts about the last stage. Is the symbol meant to occupy all 78 blank cells (more like filling than drawing), or is a one-dimensional outline of its shape sufficient?
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27th February 2021, 15:47
Taking it literally, the instructions say "in" the emptied cells. As I don't send these in, it was sufficient for me just to find the 18 theme words and realize what the "symbol" was.
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27th February 2021, 15:52
Thanks, MPRS, that's exactly what I've done. My confusion (of my own making, no doubt!) is that in these puzzles "draw" usually involves one or more lines, while chunkier representations are shaded, coloured, filled or highlighted. I don't send in either, but if I did I'd probably go for the full Monty.
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