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26th May 2019, 15:44
5 ..hidden in the clue ....bistROGUESTATE in country
13 munch = champ ...lose te middle letter
delivery = bowling .....lose the 1st half
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26th May 2019, 15:47
13 The first word is the second half of a word meaning 'bowling' + Champ = a five letter word, when it loses its middle letter ('heart') it means 'a lot' .
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26th May 2019, 15:50
Thanks for 13, I find it a bit clumsy.
Still don't get 5.
The answer is obvious but what's "taking last two slices" all about?
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26th May 2019, 15:53
last 2 letters of bistRO....
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26th May 2019, 16:05
Thanks for the clarification, but if that's it, it's poor.
"Taking last two slices, bistro" doesn't mean "taking last two letters of bistro".
Even if you accept that, then what.....?
There is no structure at all to the clue.
You can see the answer staring you in the face, but if it's a containment type of clue where's the containment indicator?

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26th May 2019, 16:36
It's not a containment clue. The last two 'slices' of bistro starts the answer. 'in' connects the answer with the definition "country etc.
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26th May 2019, 18:48
Couldn't agree more, quocunque. In 13D, 'bowling' should be 'ball' for that half of the answer to work, and in 15 since when has 'slice' ever meant letter? Similarly, 'make horizontal' in 6D obviously should be something like 'flatten', but then the rest of the clue would fall apart. Sadly, there's little evidence that this new(ish) setter understands that precision is, err, quite an important part of the job. Can't quite believe that they've lasted this long, as there are four or five examples of this sort of carelessness every week.
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