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23rd December 2017, 19:38
Hey, Rusty!
Our previous posts have literally just crossed!
I was asking you about watching "War Horse"?
Yes, I got "gimcrack" straight away!
For some reason, I already knew about the Russian fighter plane being an MiG - although I looked up what the letters stood for....
Mikoyan- Gurevich.
17951 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd December 2017, 19:49
Hello, Elle!
I think I have seen War Horse?
Maybe on YouTube?
It is a fine film, worth watching.
Up there with "Babe"!
Is it on television?
I did not know about Gurevich.
Mikoyan's brother was a very senior Soviet statesman.
Often seen with Khruschev and Bulganin.
He survived a falling out with Stalin, which not many did!
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23rd December 2017, 19:53
Hello, Elle!
If you saved War Horse from a TV programme, that must have been the one I saw.
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23rd December 2017, 20:45
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I did record "War Horse" from the television showing of Spielberg's film.
It was quite some time ago now.
I remember we discussed recording it at the time.
You must have subsequently watched it.......whereas I forgot to do so.
I still have it "saved" though, so shall get around to seeing it soon.
I thoroughly enjoyed the book.
I am not watching the TV tonight, but am reading.
Christmas Eve tomorrow!
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23rd December 2017, 21:31
Hello, Elle!
It is a while since I saw War Horse.
It was a smashing tale!
I have several programmes "saved" too.
My TV is off too.
Laura Muir has tweeted she is on her way home for Christmas.
She has been training in South Africa.
She is a very hard worker!
Hope Santa is good to her!
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23rd December 2017, 23:02
Hi, Rusty!
By one of those devious thought processes..........Laura to Athletics to EuroSport Player........
I am reminded to tell you that, completely out of the blue, I had a communication from EP this morning!
Now you will remember that I was so fed up with their behaviour that I wrote cancelling my (trial) subscription and refusing to renew it again (in full) at the end of December.
What they have done is email me telling that as a courtesy gesture they have extended my subscription by...wait for astounding fifteen days!!
15 you think they can afford to be so generous?
I was without programmmes from them for well over two months......
Laughable, isn't it?

17956 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd December 2017, 23:16
Hello, Elle!
They are at it, Elle, I think.
They do not want to lose your custom.
They may come up, yet, with a good deal just to keep you, much like Sky and BT do.
Anyway, there is nothing for you on just now.
I think the Aussie Open Tennis starts on January 15th on EuroSport.
Be good to see Jo Konta there, and my new favourite, Sloane Stephens!
Until then it is all skiing and snooker.
Winter Olympics start on 9th Feb, but BBC may cover some of that?
Could be an idea to remind them of the dreadful service you received during the US Open etc, to see if they offer anything?
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23rd December 2017, 23:37
Hi, Rusty!
Uhm........well, they are certainly not going to retain my custom by offering me a meagre 15 days free viewing in recompense for all those weeks without - which included my missing the entire US Open tennis!
Yes, I did mention their dreadful service in my somewhat terse reply.
Plus the fact that offering me viewing now did not cover any sport that I might wish to watch!
No, they would have to come up with a tremendous deal to sway my decision now!
As it stands, full time renewal is just short of £60!
(My twelve month trial period was but £19-95)
Still dampish out.....
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23rd December 2017, 23:53
Hello, Elle!
They just may offer an enticing deal, who knows.
And you missed a great US Open.
Sloane Stephens was ranked 83 in the World going into the tournament after being out so long with injuries.....and she won!
I got an email from Cherry, the ranger at the Loch, apologising for the lack of pictures just now. So....
A fine dry evening here!
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24th December 2017, 10:18
Hi, Rusty!
A dry morning here - still fairly mild, but feeling fresher.
A much more beneficial walk - I am feeling invigorated!
What is your weather like?
Any sign of the afore threatened rain?
I have just printed out the is a Jumbo event!
I suspect it will be too hard for me... ...I can just about manage the 'normal -sized' puzzle!
What are you up to today?

17960 of 30765  -   Report This Post