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8th October 2014, 15:48
Hmmm. Surely the whole idea of this is to get clues. Year after year we get people being a bit touchy about it. It is no different from discussing it with friends who are also doing it, giving and getting hints. Sorry if I offended you with my reply.
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8th October 2014, 15:51
Thanks Winnie, I knew I was getting warmer. Thanks also Jazzgirl - yes I have googled and googled but with no success but will have another look now and hope I am lucky.
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8th October 2014, 16:19
Hi Winnie
I have been following this blog for some time. I am a keen fan of the Rainbow Quiz and I think I know the answer to 36 which has been bugging you and a few others. It is a mathematical clue which has nothing at all to do with vegetables. Pi is the sixteenth letter of the Greek Alphabet. The (square) root of 16 is 4. That clue is a water ice. Ends in T. Get It?
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8th October 2014, 16:52
Hi maeve, I was right with you up to the last sentence 'get it' !!
Then I looked up ice water in my chambers and found a word ending with T. Brilliant. Thank you very much.
You realise that this answer though has messed up my balance of G's and T's so I am back to the drawing board there !
What does everyone else think of this fresh approach to 36 ?
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8th October 2014, 17:11
Thanks Winnie. Now I too have a problem. If my answer to 36 is correct then I have 26 answers ending in T. They all seem sound, but is 69 maybe not dustcart? Nobody has mentioned this one. Is there anyone out there??
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8th October 2014, 17:29
Working on 69 now maeve !
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8th October 2014, 17:59
Oh Lord. Just so happy to do the collar, thinking I had to make decision on sleuth or vegetable and now I have to look at it completely. I am sure it is a refreshing in between courses ice? Now I must start counting again!
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8th October 2014, 18:04
It's all good fun isn't twinsnan !!! ( never was happy with the other two choices for 36.
My G and T counts are wrong now too.
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8th October 2014, 18:10
So have I at least a nice clean palate to help me count? Hope so. I thought 69 must be that noisy vehicle which comes round to collect our I have to rethink that now? I want to sort this out before the final of Bake Off!!
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8th October 2014, 18:13
Maeve I feel your pain...have counted so many times that I come up with a different total each count. Think I had better eat dinner, get ready for Bake Off (come on Richard!) and then get back to it.
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