Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Scrap.
7 letter answer(s) to scrap
do away with; "Slavery was abolished in the mid-19th century in America and in Russia"
a piece of cloth that is left over after the rest has been used or sold
a small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists
left over
a small piece of anything (especially a piece that has been snipped off)
3 letter answer(s) to scrap
a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program;
a small amount of solid food; a mouthful; "all they had left was a bit of bread"
a small fragment of something broken off from the whole; "a bit of rock caught him in the eye"
a small fragment; "overheard snatches of their conversation"
a small piece or quantity of something; "a spot of tea"; "a bit of paper"; "a bit of lint"; "I gave him a bit of my mind"
a unit of measurement of information (from binary + digit); the amount of information in a system having two equiprobable states; "there are 8 bits in a byte"
an indefinitely short time; "wait just a moment"; "in a mo"; "it only takes a minute"; "in just a bit"
an instance of some kind; "it was a nice piece of work"; "he had a bit of good luck"
cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort; "The sun burned his face"
deliver a sting to; "A bee stung my arm yesterday"
A morsel left at a meal; a fragment; refuse; -- commonly used in the plural.
5 letter answer(s) to scrap
a noisy fight in a crowd
an uproarious party
to quarrel noisily, angrily or disruptively; "The bar keeper threw them out, but they continued to wrangle on down the street"
a brawl
a noisy riotous fight
a distance; "it is down the road a piece"
a period of indeterminate length (usually short) marked by some action or condition; "he was here for a little while"; "I need to rest for a piece"; "a spell of good weather"; "a patch of bad weather"
a portable gun; "he wore his firearm in a shoulder holster"
a portion of a natural object; "they analyzed the river into three parts"; "he needed a piece of granite"
a separate part of a whole; "an important piece of the evidence"
a serving that has been cut from a larger portion; "a piece of pie"; "a slice of bread"
a share of something; "a slice of the company's revenue"
a work of art of some artistic value; "this store sells only objets d'art"; "it is not known who created this piece"
an artistic or literary composition; "he wrote an interesting piece on Iran"; "the children acted out a comic piece to amuse the guests"
an instance of some kind; "i
a small piece of cloth or paper
a tiny or scarcely detectable amount
Cut by censor
tear into shreds
6 letter answer(s) to scrap
noisy quarrel
a small amount of solid food; a mouthful; "all they had left was a bit of bread"
a small quantity of anything; "a morsel of paper was all he needed"
4 letter answer(s) to scrap
a tiny or scarcely detectable amount
the 9th letter of the Greek alphabet
a cloth covering (a legging) that covers the instep and ankles
a quarrel about petty points
a young oyster or other bivalve
become permanently attached; "mollusks or oysters spat"
clap one's hands or shout after performances to indicate approval
clap one's hands together; "The children were clapping to the music"
come down like raindrops; "Bullets were spatting down on us"
drive a skewer through; "skewer the meat for the BBQ"
engage in a brief and petty quarrel
expel or eject (saliva or phlegm or sputum) from the mouth; "The father of the victim spat at the alleged murderer"
rain gently; "It has only sprinkled, but the roads are slick"
spawn; "oysters spat"
strike with a sound like that of falling rain; "Bullets were spatting the leaves"
utter with anger or contempt
8 letter answer(s) to scrap
throw as from an airplane
throw away, of something encumbering
9 letter answer(s) to scrap
a sparkling glittering particle
a tiny or scarcely detectable amount
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