Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Metallic element.
7 letter answer(s) to metallic element
a heavy brittle diamagnetic trivalent metallic element (resembles arsenic and antimony chemically); usually recovered as a by-product from ores of other metals
a soft bluish-white ductile malleable toxic bivalent metallic element; occurs in association with zinc ores
a soft silver-white ductile metallic element (liquid at normal temperatures); the most electropositive and alkaline metal
a rare silvery (usually trivalent) metallic element; brittle at low temperatures but liquid above room temperature; occurs in trace amounts in bauxite and zinc ores
a soft grey ductile metallic element used in alloys; occurs in niobite; formerly called columbium
a white hard metallic element that is one of the platinum group and is found in platinum ores; used in alloys with platinum
A silvery, malleable ductile metal with atomic number of 39.
8 letter answer(s) to metallic element
a hard brittle multivalent metallic element; resistant to corrosion and tarnishing
2. the Roman name for the city of Paris, France
a trivalent metallic element of the rare earth group; usually occurs in association with yttrium
scandium - a white trivalent metallic element; sometimes classified in the rare earth group; occurs in the Scandinavian mineral thortveitite
a hard grey lustrous metallic element that is highly resistant to corrosion; occurs in niobite and fergusonite and tantalite
Tungsten - a heavy grey-white metallic element; the pure form is used mainly in electrical applications; it is found in several ores including wolframite and scheelite
Vanadium - a soft silvery white toxic metallic element used in steel alloys; it occurs in several complex minerals including carnotite and vanadinite
6 letter answer(s) to metallic element
a hard ferromagnetic silver-white bivalent or trivalent metallic element; a trace element in plant and animal nutrition
a copper penny
a ductile malleable reddish-brown corrosion-resistant diamagnetic metallic element; occurs in various minerals but is the only metal that occurs abundantly in large masses; used as an electrical and thermal conductor
a reddish-brown color resembling the color of polished copper
any of various small butterflies of the family Lycaenidae having coppery wings
coat with a layer of copper
uncomplimentary terms for a policeman
a rare soft silvery metallic element; occurs in small quantities in sphalerite
Hard dense silvery white metal.
4 letter answer(s) to metallic element
a golf club that has a relatively narrow metal head
a heavy ductile magnetic metallic element; is silver-white in pure form but readily rusts; used in construction and tools and armament; plays a role in the transport of oxygen by the blood
extremely robust; "an iron constitution"
home appliance consisting of a flat metal base that is heated and used to smooth cloth
implement used to brand live stock
press and smooth with a heated iron; "press your shirts"; "she stood there ironing"
a bluish-white lustrous metallic element; brittle at ordinary temperatures but malleable when heated; used in a wide variety of alloys and in galvanizing iron; it occurs naturally as zinc sulphide in zinc blende
coat or cover with zinc
9 letter answer(s) to metallic element
a hard brittle grey polyvalent metallic element that resembles iron but is not magnetic; used in making steel; occurs in many minerals
a soft silver-white or yellowish metallic element of the alkali metal group; turns yellow in air; occurs in celestite and strontianite
a soft silvery metallic element; a rare earth of the lanthanide series; it occurs in gadolinite and monazite and xenotime
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