Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Staunch.
5 letter answer(s) to staunch
inspired by love for your country
steadfast in allegiance or duty; "loyal subjects"; "loyal friends stood by him"
unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause; "a firm ally"; "loyal supporters"; "the true-hearted soldier...of Tippecanoe"- Campaign song for William Henry Harrison; "fast friends"
4 letter answer(s) to staunch
(linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed; "thematic vowels are part of the stem"
a slender or elongated structure that supports a plant or fungus or a plant part or plant organ
a turn made in skiing; the back of one ski is forced outward and the other ski is brought parallel to it
cause to point inward; "stem your skis"
cylinder forming a long narrow part of something
front part of a vessel or aircraft; "he pointed the bow of the boat toward the finish line"
grow out of, have roots in, originate in; "The increase in the national debt stems from the last war"
remove the stem from; "for automatic natural language processing, the words must be stemmed"
stop the flow of a liquid; "staunch the blood flow"; "stem the tide"
the tube of a tobacco pipe
8 letter answer(s) to staunch
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