Calm - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 12/02/2025

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Calm.

5 letter answer(s) to calm

  1. lessen the intensity of or calm; "The news eased my conscience"; "still the fears"
  2. Relieve or remove fear..stress etc
  3. satisfy (thirst); "The cold water quenched his thirst"
  1. characterized by dignity and propriety
  1. (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves;
  2. (poetic) tranquil silence; "the still of the night"
  3. a plant and works where alcoholic drinks are made by distillation
  4. a static photograph (especially one taken from a movie and used for advertising purposes); "he wanted some stills for a magazine ad"
  5. an apparatus used for the distillation of liquids; consists of a vessel in which a substance is vaporized by heat and a condenser where the vapor is condensed
  6. cause to be quiet or not talk; "Please silence the children in the church!"
  7. despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession); "although I'm a little afraid, however I'd like to try it"; "while we disliked each other, nevertheless we agreed"; "he was a stern yet fair master"; "granted that it is dangerous, all the same I still want to go"
  8. free from noticeable current; "a still pond"; "still waters run deep"
  9. lessen the intensity of o

6 letter answer(s) to calm

  1. fight violence and try to establish peace in (a location); "The U.N. troops are working to pacify Bosnia"
  2. make calm
  3. Soothe
  1. (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves;
  2. not easily irritated; "an equable temper"; "not everyone shared his placid temperament"; "remained placid despite the repeated delays"
  1. cause to be calm or quiet as by administering a sedative to; "The patient must be sedated before the operation"
  2. characterized by dignity and propriety
  3. dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises; "a grave God-fearing man"; "a quiet sedate nature"; "as sober as a judge"; "a solemn promise"; "the judge was solemn as he pronounced sentence"
  1. calm tranquil
  2. completely clear and fine; "serene skies and a bright blue sea"
  3. not agitated; without losing self-possession; "spoke in a calm voice"; "remained calm throughout the uproar"; "he remained serene in the midst of turbulence"; "a serene expression on her face"; "she became more tranquil"; "tranquil life in the country"

7 letter answer(s) to calm

  1. not easily irritated; "an equable temper"; "not everyone shared his placid temperament"; "remained placid despite the repeated delays"
  2. not varying; "an equable climate"

8 letter answer(s) to calm

  1. calm (someone, especially oneself); make quiet; "She had to compose herself before she could reply to this terrible insult"
  2. form the substance of; "Greed and ambition composed his personality"
  3. make up plans or basic details for; "frame a policy"
  4. produce a literary work; "She composed a poem"; "He wrote four novels"
  5. put together out of existing material; "compile a list"
  6. serenely self-possessed and free from agitation especially in times of stress; "the performer seemed completely composed as she stepped onto the stage"; "I felt calm and more composed than I had in a long time"
  7. write music; "Beethoven composed nine symphonies"
  1. not disturbed by strife or turmoil or war; "a peaceful nation"; "peaceful times"; "a far from peaceful Christmas"; "peaceful sleep"
  2. peacefully resistant in response to injustice; "passive resistance"
  3. Quiet
  1. (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves;
  2. not agitated; without losing self-possession; "spoke in a calm voice"; "remained calm throughout the uproar"; "he remained serene in the midst of turbulence"; "a serene expression on her face"; "she became more tranquil"; "tranquil life in the country"
  3. Serene, peaceful, calm

10 letter answer(s) to calm

  1. marked by calm self-control (especially in trying circumstances); unemotional; "play it cool"; "keep cool"; "stayed coolheaded in the crisis"; "the most nerveless winner in the history of the tournament"

12 letter answer(s) to calm


13 letter answer(s) to calm

  1. not easily perturbed or excited or upset; marked by extreme calm and composure; "hitherto imperturbable, he now showed signs of alarm"; "an imperturbable self-possession"; "unflappable in a crisis"

4 letter answer(s) to calm

  1. a pause during which things are calm or activities are diminished; "there was never a letup in the noise"
  2. a period of calm weather;
  3. become quiet or less intensive; "the fighting lulled for a moment"
  4. calm by deception; "Don't let yourself be lulled into a false state of security"
  5. make calm or still;

9 letter answer(s) to calm

  1. (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves;
  2. free from emotional agitation or nervous tension; "the waiters were unflurried and good natured"; "with contented mind and unruffled spirit"- Anthony Trollope

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Calm'

"Relax, and that's an ord
"Relax, private!"
"Relax, soldier!"
"Relax, soldiers!"
"Ten-hut!" undoer
A flirt is carefree
A kid is chilled-out
A kid with a chilled-out demeanour
A place to make liquor, not bubbly
A steed in not very frisky form
Almost realise romantic acquaintance is unexciting
Always drink heartily if wife leaves for model-type
Always unruffled
American guy's order given to men
Anesthetize, say
Army command
Audibly remained calm
Blissful Frenchman after draining Sancerre
Break in the action
Breathing space
Brief period of quiet
Bring peace to
Bring peace to (a place)
Calm - calm by deception
Calm - even so
Calm a boring colleague
Calm a steed that's wild
Calm after suffering a terrible bump
Calm and composed
Calm before the storm
Calm condition for fleet to cross
Calm down
Calm even now
Calm influence at last prevented me freaking out
Calm little place attended by a group of detectives
Calm partner holding ace
Calm provided in fast-moving surroundings
Calm witness takes in court briefly
Calm, all the same
Calm, even-tempered
Calm, extremely sure at romantic meeting
Calm, having had drinks in A&E
Calm, having made up?
Calm, peaceful
Calm, tranquil
Calm, unhurried
Calm, untroubled
Calm; put to sleep
Calm; quiet period
Camp order
Chilling, so to speak
Composed a steed that's excited
Composed some material in C? The other way round
Conducive to meditation
Contented as a kid
Cool centre for graphene research backed
Cool way to use barbit­urates
Cool-headed way in which Greek character protects queen
Daughter occupying position on first of ensembles composed
Dead quickly takes ecstasy
Dead quietly buried in kind of service held by American church
Dignified bearing with romantic partner
Dignified boyfriend from Home Counties
Discipline suffering in part of the orchestra
Dog keeping new queen calm
Down time
Drill bit?
Drill directive
Ease, lazily at first, into a set
End (fears)
Even question being in Europe; from set of data, it's time to leave
Even so
Even so, it’s somehow extremely logical
Even-tempered just after losing case of impeachment
Extremely serene and steady
Far from flighty
Far from flustered
Free from anxiety
Free from worry
French composer's short peaceful interval
General announcement?
Get calm fast, if cuddled
Gift to an overworked sal
Grave of dictator's endured
Hanging loose
Hard to rattle
Hardly cutting-edge
Hardly flighty
Having one's feet up, say
Holding trump, not played as first card, and not bothered
Home Counties guy across the Channel composed
Hyundai model
I’m forward, urbane, not half talented — altogether unruffled!
In a state of serenity
Jotted down notes, being calm
Lake name of two Olympics
Late exercises stopping at one
Leader of clan in tartan, serene
Lessen, as fears
Level-headed business manager initially worked as model
Major command
Make calm
Manuscript never ends: an old writer unfinished still
Military command
Military command (2 wds.)
Moonshine device
Moonshiner's setup
Mountain dew producer
Non-sparkling wine is not made with this
Not easily angered
Not flighty
Not moving
Not moving yet
Not taut
Not troubled
Not wild
Oddly, speedy anthem's dull
On radio, remained calm and composed
Opposite of "Ten-hut!"
Opposite of turbulent
Opposite of wild
Order to relax
Pacify Liberals mobbing leader of Unionists
Partner stealing a cushion
Passed a territory containing grave
Past tense?
Pattern of Scots crossing cold lake
Pause during which things are calm
Pause in activity
Pause in the action
Peaceful location finally lost identity
Period of calm
Period of inactivity sees three learners outside university
Place of a harsh nature to become calm
Place tart in cool
Place with a group of detectives becomes calm
Put to rest
Put to rest, as fears
Put to sleep
Put under
Quell the anger (of)
Quiet country residence accommodating duke and earl
Quiet moment
Quiet period
Quiet place one might get a drop of whiskey
Quiet spell university had in fifties
Quiet table switching political allegiance twice?
Quiet time
Rat's tail carried by parrot, one in calm state
Relax with partner after endless sex
Relaxed (2 wds.)
Relaxed about extra secure borders
Relaxed one behaving like 20D?
Relaxing words
Replace tape with superb content
Reportedly remained sedate
Reportedly remained sober
Respite during cellulite reversal
Resting serenely
Restriction lifted, provided end of 26 is calm
Sample pitted fruit - it's dull
Sauce maker?
Seated after assembly, calm
See 25
Serene - unruffled
Sergeant's command
Sergeant's command (2 wds.)
Sergeant's yell
Set to rest
Short period of calm
Slow period
Small farm's peaceful
Smooth, even now
Sober and sedate
Sober and sedate way to help
Speedway tie's oddly unexciting
Staid, sitting down when the last one rises
Steady girlfriend who may be a Londoner
Still time? Rushed old writer's one line short
Still used as a name for an American lake
Tarquin flustered at first later becoming calm
Teased about being staid
Temporary calm
Temporary period of quiet
Thinned glue will break
Third of colony, a thousand sat together
Totally unagitated
Unadventurous, dull
Unhurried; drug
Unruffled by lifting of some hygiene restrictions
Unruffled by prophet in conversation about space
Unruffled tartan worn by chief of clan
Very composed
Very conventional and dull
Whiskey producer's equipment is quiet
Will it stop houses going up though?
Word before Highness
Words that affect one's s
Wrote music that’s not frantic
Yet - hushed

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