Blue - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 20/09/2023

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Blue.

5 letter answer(s) to blue

  1. humorously vulgar; "bawdy songs"; "off-color jokes"; "ribald language"
  2. lewd or obscene talk or writing; "it was smoking-room bawdry"; "they published a collection of Elizabethan bawdy"
  1. Like the sky; ethereal; being in the sky.

4 letter answer(s) to blue

  1. (American football) a complete play to advance the football; "you have four downs to gain ten yards"
  2. (usually plural) a rolling treeless highland with little soil
  3. away from a more central or a more northerly place; "was sent down to work at the regional office"; "worked down on the farm"; "came down for the wedding"; "flew down to Florida"
  4. becoming progressively lower; "the down trend in the real estate market"
  5. being or moving lower in position or less in some value; "lay face down"; "the moon is down"; "our team is down by a run"; "down by a pawn"; "the stock market is down today"
  6. being put out by a strikeout; "two down in the bottom of the ninth"
  7. bring down or defeat (an opponent)
  8. cause to come or go down; "The policeman downed the heavily armed suspect"; "The mugger knocked down the old lady after she refused to hand over her wallet"
  9. drink down entirely; "He downed three martinis before dinner"; "She kil
  1. designed or suitable for competing in a race
  2. full of zest or vigour;
  3. marked by richness and fullness of flavor; "a rich ruby port"; "full-bodied wines"; "a robust claret"; "the robust flavor of fresh-brewed coffee"
  4. suggestive of sexual impropriety; "a blue movie"; "blue jokes"; "he skips asterisks and gives you the gamy details"; "a juicy scandal"; "a naughty wink"; "naughty words"; "racy anecdotes"; "a risque story"; "spicy gossip"

6 letter answer(s) to blue

  1. an erotic person
  2. giving sexual pleasure; sexually arousing
  1. a blue dye obtained from plants or made synthetically
  2. a blue-violet color
  3. deciduous subshrub of southeastern Asia having pinnate leaves and clusters of red or purple flowers; a source of indigo dye
  4. having a color between blue and violet; "indigo flowers"
  1. suggestive of sexual impropriety; "a blue movie"; "blue jokes"; "he skips asterisks and gives you the gamy details"; "a juicy scandal"; "a naughty wink"; "naughty words"; "racy anecdotes"; "a risque story"; "spicy gossip"

8 letter answer(s) to blue

  1. Of or pertaining to the passion of love; treating of love; amatory.
  1. not appropriate for a purpose or occasion; "said all the wrong things"
  2. not conforming to legality, moral law, or social convention; "an unconventional marriage"; "improper banking practices"
  3. not suitable or right or appropriate; "slightly improper to dine alone with a married man"; "improper medication"; "improper attire for the golf course"
  4. Something that is not proper
  1. come to feel sad
  2. make unhappy; "The news of her death saddened me"

3 letter answer(s) to blue

  1. a low level or position or degree; "the stock market fell to a new low"
  2. an air mass of lower pressure; often brings precipitation; "a low moved in over night bringing sleet and snow"
  3. British political cartoonist (born in New Zealand) who created the character Colonel Blimp (1891-1963)
  4. filled with melancholy and despondency ; "gloomy at the thought of what he had to face"; "gloomy predictions"; "a gloomy silence"; "took a grim view of the economy"; "the darkening mood"; "lonely and blue in a strange city"; "depressed by the loss of his job"; "a dispirited and resigned expression on her face"; "downcast after his defeat"; "feeling discouraged and downhearted"
  5. in a low position; near the ground; "the branches hung low"
  6. less than normal in degree or intensity or amount; "low prices"; "the reservoir is low"
  7. literal meanings; being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extension; "low ceilings"; "low clouds"; "low hill
  1. bad; unfortunate; "my finances were in a deplorable state"; "a lamentable decision"; "her clothes were in sad shape"; "a sorry state of affairs"
  2. experiencing or showing sorrow or unhappiness; "feeling sad because his dog had died"; "Better by far that you should forget and smile / Than that you should remember and be sad"- Christina Rossetti
  3. More miserable
  4. of things that make you feel sad; "sad news"; "she doesn't like sad movies"; "it was a very sad story"; "When I am dead, my dearest, / Sing no sad songs for me"- Christina Rossetti
  5. Unhappy

7 letter answer(s) to blue

  1. causing discomfort; "the unhappy truth"
  2. experiencing or marked by or causing sadness or sorrow or discontent; "unhappy over her departure"; "unhappy with her raise"; "after the argument they lapsed into an unhappy silence"; "had an unhappy time at school"; "the unhappy (or sad) news"; "he looks so sad"
  3. generalized feeling of distress
  4. marked by or producing unhappiness; "infelicitous circumstances"; "unhappy caravans, straggling afoot through swamps and canebrakes"- American Guide Series

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Blue'

"Mr. Dieingly ___" (1966
"The moon is ___; I have
"___ but true"
*Flo Rida feat. T-Pain, 2
*Quilt filling
9 shed overlooked by hill
A bit blue
A bit dirty
A daughter overlooked by son is out of sorts
A left ear - and ear's sexy!
Appeal breaking heart, flipping exciting
Appliance setting
Apt to get an R
Arousing sexual desire
At home like middle of doors to show colour
Became unhappy with the German backed action to overwhelm Norway
Behold, start of week makes you depressed
Between blue and violet
Blind I got partly to provide shade
Bloke digesting books of sexually explicit nature?
Blue almost all absent from greens
Blue dye
Blue feathers
Blue feathers (4)
Blue fish not caught
Blue movies BAFTA recognised at last!
Blue plant dye
Blue steady light, not good
Blue swallow heading south
Blue vehicle reversing close to motorway
Blue vehicle, turning over, last in rally
Blue won, getting embraced by lecturer?
Bordering on pornographic
Brought down
Bummed out
Butcher's chestnut horse turned up
Call on a pitch
Capable of generating hea
Cash has won and remains holder, reversing plummet in rankings?
Classical architect receives Dutch plant
Clown at heart is depressed
Clown's depressed
Cockney star twitching, arousing certain feelings
Color of Duke Ellington's
Colour in like circle?
Colour of decapitated mythological monster
Colour of the rainbow
Complaint letters periodically dispatched from island
County academic keeps 20
Crossword direction
Daily temperature extreme
Daring revolt stopped by queen
Dark blue dye
Deep blue
Deep violet-blue colour
Deplorably poor
Depressed university teacher drinking whiskey
Depressed; moo
Descent from treeless upland
Down current unseen in Egyptian port
Down in the dumps
Down south and missing north
Down south in these times
Drink in The Feathers?
During excavation, opening for Oxford blue
Dye, one doing badly
Dye-producing plant doing badly, I admitted
Elevator button
Elevator direction half t
Enjoying popularity, like old colour
Fan setting
Fashionable and fancy ring, dark blue
Feathers on the floor?
Feeling sorrow
First gear
Fluff - sorrowful
For rousing passion, unfinished symphony by Beethoven eclipses his fourth
Generating heat
Gridiron scoreboard info
Heads of state are disproportionately unhappy
High's opposite
Hill-climbing gear?
Hot first of all in equatorial region, opposite then is cold
I like nothing about new source of dye
I’m in favour of exercising — right unfit
I’m supporting exercises, right? Wrong
I’m in support? Support I disregarded is not right
In a blue funk
In a funk
In centre it's flipping hot
In diamonds I go for blue colour
In low spirits
In the doldrums
In the dumps
Indecent, unseemly
Inferior, as excuses go
Inferior; moo
Insufficient, as an excus
Irish county where one goes, in a failed state
Jerry Lewis movie "The __
Kind of story
Knock out of the sky
Like "Lady Chatterley's L
Like blue humor
Like many Mae West quotes
Like some commentary
Like some dancers
Like the answer to this c
Like the Kama Sutra
Little moo
Lively motor returned by end of January
Loan lure, maybe
Low in spirits
Low on the side
Made blue
Made unhappy
Man collects old books having naughty pictures?
Maze of dead ends, but got one down?
Meteorological datum
Meteorological phenomenon
Mideast's House of ___
Miserable kind of clue this ultimately is
Moo; not high
More than suggestive
Naughty or extremely angelic, kept in line
Naughty rebel captures queen
Near the knuckle
Needing buoying
Not high
Not high; moo
Not in the strike zone, m
Not tall or high
Not up
Not working - had to slow consumption in the end
Off-colour and about to enter shaft
Old Testament filling American’s heart regarding sex
On toast, at a diner
On toast, in diner slang
One catching mischievous children is unacceptable!
One lassoing a troublemaker is unseemly
Originally seen in black and white days, yet rude in a funny way
Out of action
Out of order
Out of sorts
Owl flying close to the ground
Part of a rainbow
Part of PRNDL
Party victory, but one unseated is unhappy
Party wearing dress in warehouse
Party with odd bits of wine to drink
Pea plant's doing badly, I gathered
Periodically stand down
Person selling clothing in Miami returning skirts for not fitting
Pillow filler
Pooh’s chum moving his tail down
Pretty sad
Puny chap burying head, awfully miserable
Put away
Quote, part 3
R-rated, maybe
Rainbow color
Rainbow colour
Range setting
Rated X
Rated XXX
Richard's red gave green in this!
Roy G. Biv part
Rude little devil runs after guy?
Rude sprite with tie to king
Sad, miserable
Said when one leaves in low spirits
See 14 Across
See 21 Down
See 3
Setter’s supporting person showing vulgarity
Sexy books found in Morecambe?
Sexy books written in Morecambe?
Sexy quote about men, all retired
Shade deeper than heliotr
Shade during excavation nil
Singing the blues
Sixth colour in a rainbow
Sizzling, so to speak
Slightly improper
Slightly indecent
Slightly off-color
Small bill is miserable
Small hallowed bottles
Soft feathers
Soft feathers; direction
Soft fine feathers
Something hairy: like this answer!
Spectrum member
Spicy soup recipe replacing starter
Spirited - suggestive
Suggestive, risqué
Superhero, tickled, keeps arousing excitement
Swallow displaying soft feathers
Temporarily not working
Tending to arouse
The German returns depressed
The German’s upset and unhappy
The neighbour of Violet Jones, the architect, collects diamonds
They say you ultimately finish in incontinence pad, being miserable
Throw from university fellow taking wicket
To begin with, ducks have feathers
Toward the floor
Turned blue
Underhand punch, knocking head off
Unfortunate; miserable
Unhappy almost everything’s gone from healthy food option?
Unhappy condition of fox after goose narrowly escaped?
Unhappy workers finally given notice
Unhappy; feathers
University College working around Rector being rarely seen
Violet's neighbour doing somersaults round island
Weathercast figure
What cows do with Mark is not nice
Wife-stealing villain that's heartless as Hoskins?
Women wearing the same navy blue

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