Hot - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 27/02/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Hot.

10 letter answer(s) to hot


4 letter answer(s) to hot

  1. elegance by virtue of being fashionable
  2. elegant and stylish; "chic elegance"; "a smart new dress"; "a suit of voguish cut"
  1. designed or suitable for competing in a race
  2. full of zest or vigour;
  3. marked by richness and fullness of flavor; "a rich ruby port"; "full-bodied wines"; "a robust claret"; "the robust flavor of fresh-brewed coffee"
  4. suggestive of sexual impropriety; "a blue movie"; "blue jokes"; "he skips asterisks and gives you the gamy details"; "a juicy scandal"; "a naughty wink"; "naughty words"; "racy anecdotes"; "a risque story"; "spicy gossip"
  1. exciting sexual desire
  2. marked by or tending to arouse sexual desire or interest; "feeling sexy"; "sexy clothes"; "sexy poses"; "a sexy book"; "sexy jokes"

6 letter answer(s) to hot

  1. an erotic person
  2. giving sexual pleasure; sexually arousing
  1. move stealthily; "The ship slipped away in the darkness"
  2. steal a base
  3. take without the owner's consent; "Someone stole my wallet on the train"; "This author stole entire paragraphs from my dissertation"
  1. characterized by intense emotion; "ardent love"; "an ardent lover"; "a fervent desire to change society"; "a fervent admirer"; "fiery oratory"; "an impassioned appeal"; "a torrid love affair"
  2. emotionally charged and vigorously energetic; "a torrid dance"; "torrid jazz bands"; "hot trumpets and torrid rhythms"
  3. extremely hot; "the torrid noonday sun"; "sultry sands of the dessert"
  1. in accord with the latest fad; "trendy ideas"; "trendy clothes"; "voguish terminology"

5 letter answer(s) to hot

  1. characterized by intense emotion; "ardent love"; "an ardent lover"; "a fervent desire to change society"; "a fervent admirer"; "fiery oratory"; "an impassioned appeal"; "a torrid love affair"
  2. like or suggestive of fire; "a fiery desert wind"; "an igneous desert atmosphere"
  3. very intense; "a fiery temper"; "flaming passions"
  1. feeling or showing extreme anger; "irate protesters"; "ireful words"
  1. annoying
  2. aroused to impatience or anger; "made an irritated gesture"; "feeling nettled from the constant teasing"; "peeved about being left out"; "felt really pissed at her snootiness"; "riled no end by his lies"; "roiled by the delay"
  3. cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations;
  4. Irritate; provoke
  5. make turbid by stirring up the sediments of
  6. Upset
  1. having an agreeably pungent taste
  2. producing a burning sensation on the taste nerves; "hot salsa"; "jalapeno peppers are very hot"
  3. suggestive of sexual impropriety; "a blue movie"; "blue jokes"; "he skips asterisks and gives you the gamy details"; "a juicy scandal"; "a naughty wink"; "naughty words"; "racy anecdotes"; "a risque story"; "spicy gossip"

8 letter answer(s) to hot

  1. burn or sear with a sizzling sound; "The fat sizzled in the pan"
  2. characterized by intense emotion or interest or excitement; "a red-hot speech"; "sizzling political issues"
  3. hot enough to burn with or as if with a hissing sound; "a sizzling steak"; "a sizzling spell of weather"
  4. make a sound like frying fat
  5. seethe with deep anger or resentment; "She was sizzling with anger"

7 letter answer(s) to hot

  1. To style.
  1. having the piquant burning taste of peppers; "corn chips with peppery salsa"
  2. HOT
  1. a Nilo-Saharan language spoken in parts of Chad
  2. of or relating to or located in the Sahara Desert
  1. aroused to impatience or anger; "made an irritated gesture"; "feeling nettled from the constant teasing"; "peeved about being left out"; "felt really pissed at her snootiness"; "riled no end by his lies"; "roiled by the delay"
  2. clean by means of steaming; "steam-clean the upholstered sofa"
  3. cook something by letting steam pass over it; "just steam the vegetables"
  4. cooked in steam; "steamed clams"
  5. emit steam; "The rain forest was literally steaming"
  6. get very angry; "her indifference to his amorous advances really steamed the young man"
  7. rise as vapor
  8. travel by means of steam power; "The ship steamed off into the Pacific"

9 letter answer(s) to hot


Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Hot'

... where cheese may be cooking
A bit blue
A bit dirty
A left ear - and ear's sexy!
About to blow
About to erupt
About to explode
About to explode, maybe
All burned up
All the rage
All worked up
Alluring, singular, old partner seen with Yankee
Angry being trapped into turning vegetarian
Angry buccaneer denied power
Angry thief quietly put away
Angry, and then some
Angry, with "up"
Appeal breaking heart, flipping exciting
Apt to get an R
Arousing sexual desire
At a chop shop, perhaps
Attempt to keep finish in fashion
Attempt to keep tail cool
Ă€ la mode
Bad sailor losing his head, gets angry
Batting a thousand
Beyond suggestive
Bird unable to fly having lost right wing, dashing
Blackbeard, say, doesn't start being angry
Bloke digesting books of sexually explicit nature?
Blue vehicle reversing close to motorway
Blue vehicle, turning over, last in rally
Bluer than blue
Boiling mad
Bordering on pornographic
Bound to fill shot with it
Breathing fire
Burning up
Butt-clenching attempt to get 'with it'
Candlemas to Lent, not entirely hot
Capable of generating hea
Close to erupting
Cockney star twitching, arousing certain feelings
Communist touring Italy left in a huff
Continued good luck when riding a cycle
Cooked meal writer's fed to son and daughter
Cooked with vapor
Cost of some computers making you cross?
Cross ... Knut scores!
Cross I value
Cross quietly taken from crib
Cross that is protecting singer
Current charge making you very angry
Currently in silver, far from crazy dresses
Desirable spruce hollowed with axes
Destined for a chop shop,
Doing great
Doing really well
Doing very well
Dry as a desert
Easily angered
Elegant and stylish hotel secured by commander in chief
Elegant style originally conceived here in ancient Rome
Elegant young fowl losing kilo
Elegant, smart
Elegantly fashionable
Elegantly stylish
Embarrassed around naked milf (also hot under collar)
Empathise with spirit and love in the up-ending of football official
End of newspaper? I was first to get annoyed
Endeavour to squeeze butt in
Enjoying a winning streak
Enjoying a winning streak (3 wds.)
Enjoying continual success (3 wds.)
Enjoying continuing success playing a character on the radio
Extremely angry
Extremely arid
Extremely snappy single speed
Fashionable greeting among Conservatives
Fashionable greeting in Conservative circles primarily
Fashionable greeting used among Conservatives
Fighting mad
Finish filling crack with it
Fit to be tied
Foaming at the mouth
For adults only
For rousing passion, unfinished symphony by Beethoven eclipses his fourth
Foremost of idiots on speed makes you angry
French elegance
Funky tear in trousers youths initiated
Furious criminal losing power initially
Furious robber scratching head
Furious, heading off buccaneer
Furious, judge after one
Furious, judge on island
Furious, old Rover's losing power
Garment, new, shoplifted?
Generating heat
German cake heartlessly pinched
Gershwin tune heartless and angry
Go to grab bottom or hip
Good and hot
Good and mad
Good and steamed
Grandly taking over diocese at end of this month
Groovy attempt to secure goal
Hatchling hiding tail with it
Having a run of good fortune
Having a run of luck
Having continued success performing a part on the radio
Having continuing success
Having pinched bottom, go now
Having run of success, one's name honourably entered here?
Having steam come out the
Having sustained success, Ronaldo left for Germany, surprisingly
Having wiped brow, criminal hot under the collar
Hear about death happening
Hear about result attracting lots of attention
Highly popular article everyone seethes about?
Hip replacement finally ready, following change of heart
Hopping mad
Hot & bothered - Caroline & company stripped
Hot and dry
Hot Christmas cake left out
Hot first of all in equatorial region, opposite then is cold
Hot fruit bread one pupil spurned
Hot garment made of fur, perhaps, new
Hot goal in rugby score
Hot in Bristol, England
Hot line seen in various notes
Hot nutty bread left out
Hot shower steamy, ultimately
Hot stone cracked around lake
Hot sweet bread left out
Hot to the tongue
Hot, in Vegas
Hot, scoring-wise
Hot-headed knight getting out of his glad rags
Hotel, poorly ventilated, unlocked perhaps?
Hotter than hot
I make assessment, providing cross
Ill-gotten wrap's new
In a chop shop, say
In a huff
In a snit
In Celsius, one divides hot and cold
In centre it's flipping hot
In church, vice out of bounds
In denouement, seek to entertain
In latest style, attempt to secure outcome
In net, dry rocks
In style
In test, target splits
In time, break mayor's heart
In time, split with your leader
In tip, taste cans
In vogue
Incensed with anger, freebooter having lost power
Informant inside that is angry
Intend to keep right before end of motorway …
Intensely hot
Intensely passionate
Inviting axes to be applied to last of trees here
Inviting cross intercepted by right back
It gets hot on Irish islands, very hot!
It's very hot when it's clear on the hill
Judge boxing final with it
Kiss deemed naughty
Latest result in evaluation
Lecturer stopping scruffy notes being plagiarised
Like "Lady Chatterley's L
Like a hottie
Like a pinup
Like a Playboy Playmate
Like a Playmate
Like a Playmate of the Mo
Like a proverbial 10
Like arugula's flavor
Like blue humor
Like booty
Like many Bedouins
Like many Mae West quotes
Like Marilyn Monroe
Like Playboy models
Like porn
Like redheads' tempers, s
Like second, sometimes
Like some climates
Like some crabs
Like some dancers
Like some glances
Like some kisses
Like some kisses and base
Like some kisses and unlo
Like some love affairs
Like some nightclubs
Like the Beatles' Sadie
Like the Kama Sutra
Like the models in a swim
Likely to turn on?
Limitations on soup - cold or hot?
List of top US students reportedly having repeated successes
Lively motor returned by end of January
Mad freebooter relinquishing power
Mad judge could give such a short sentence
Madder than mad
Made angry
Man collects old books having naughty pictures?
Marauder blowing top, up in arms
Middle of trial: judge becomes furious
More than irked
More than miffed
More than peeved
More than perturbed
More than sore
More than steamed
More than suggestive
Nattily dressed
Naughty or extremely angelic, kept in line
Needing to cool down, may
New Yorker's ticked off current score
North African
Not for the prudish
Not happy
Not just peeved
Not just put out
Not stupid about silver being immensely popular
Not suitable for minors
Now aim parting shot
Obtained illegally
Off-colour and about to enter shaft
Offload after height of passion
Old Testament filling American’s heart regarding sex
One charge to get you very angry
One class is angry
One given pound, apparently indebted, angered
One judge getting angry
One judge is far from happy
Part of pistol engineer knocked off
Party wearing dress in warehouse
Passionate knight leaves showy clothing
Passionate little Dickensian changes ends
Passionate type of romantic relationship is doomed, initially
Plenty angry
Plenty sore
Poached eggs first, no cereal, the bacon last of all
Price beyond one — furious!
Put out
Quick-tempered, passionate
R-rated, maybe
Radical ___
Raging that is seen around desert
Rated X
Rated XXX
Ready to blow
Ready to explode
Ready to read the riot ac
Really hot under the coll
Really sore
Really steamed
Really ticked
Red in the face, maybe
Retired councillor - a non-gambler - keeps having repeated wins
Returning fast from Paris, one to go through
Rich German loaf, left out, is pinched
Risqué photo retained by sexy former lover departing
Scarf, new, taken by thief
Seeing red
Seeing red in abattoir at Edgware
Sexy books found in Morecambe?
Sexy books written in Morecambe?
Sexy quote about men, all retired
Silent Y replaced with it
Sizzling, so to speak
Slightly improper
Slightly off-color
Smart girl dismissing knight
Smart greeting adopted by Conservatives
Smart hotel guarded by top soldier initially
Smart military leader seizing entry to harbour
Smart young thing dropping back
Smoking, so to speak
Snappy greeting between clubs repeated
Some obstacles to leniency, like articles for fencing
Sore and more
Soviet leader on former Axis: "It's hot"
Spirited - suggestive
Spitting blood
Spitting feathers
Spitting nails, so to spe
Steaming mad
Style of greeting in cricket club
Stylish chapter introduced by Greek letter
Stylish husband, one going into clubs twice
Stylish little bird with tail hidden
Stylish, elegant
Stylishly elegant
Stylishly fashionable
Suggestive, risqué
Superhero, tickled, keeps arousing excitement
Surprised comments picked up and published regarding desert
Swiped right, finally put in single name
Swish hotel taken over by top military bod
Tailless hatchling is elegant
Taken illegally
Taken to beer without opening tin cans?
Taken unlawfully
Teed off
Telephone's heavy breather?
Tending to arouse
The latest goal in test
Ticked off
Very angry
Very appealing
Very fashionable
Very fashionable and completely sane to collect silver
Very hot
Very hot and dry
Very popular
Very smart
Very sore
Very trendy
Very upset
What Justin Timberlake's
Where cheese may be put having continued success
Where Frankfurter might be found doing well?
Where you might find poppy seeds, with luck
Wild creature that is about
With it
Woman touring hot area north of a desert
Worked (up)
Year dot starts hot

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