Blue dye - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 31/10/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Blue dye.

4 letter answer(s) to blue dye

  1. a blue dye obtained from plants or made synthetically
  2. shrub of West Indies and South America that is a source of indigo dye
  1. the world's longest river (4150 miles); flows northward through eastern Africa into the Mediterranean; the Nile River valley in Egypt was the site of the world's first great civilization

6 letter answer(s) to blue dye

  1. a small cave (usually with attractive features)
  1. a blue dye obtained from plants or made synthetically
  2. a blue-violet color
  3. deciduous subshrub of southeastern Asia having pinnate leaves and clusters of red or purple flowers; a source of indigo dye
  4. having a color between blue and violet; "indigo flowers"

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Blue dye'

"Blue" or "White" river
"Cleopatra" backdrop
"Where's my serpent of ol
8 cockney fixer
A big river, mostly deep blue
A blue or white flower
A flower almost deep blue
A love for indigo
A river that's partly blue, almost indigo
A zip that is indigo
Africa's longest river
African river
Area on African flower not quite indigo
Artificial cave
As dye plant, use some vanilla
Aswan Dam locale
Aswan's river
At home like middle of doors to show colour
Attractive cave reached round river
Bank-washer in Cairo
Between blue and violet
Blind I got partly to provide shade
Blue hue
Blue or White follower
Blue plant dye
Blue preceder or follower
Blue shade
Butcher's chestnut horse turned up
Cairo's river
Cairo's waterway
Cataract site
Cave not entirely unpleasant? Nothing more
Christie murder setting
Christie setting
Christie's "Death on the
Circling river, arrived at cave
Classical architect receives Dutch plant
Cleo's lane
Cleopatra's river
Color of Duke Ellington's
Colour in like circle?
Colour of a duck?
Colour of decapitated mythological monster
Colour of the rainbow
Crossing river, reached cave
Dark blue dye
Deep blue
Deep violet-blue colour
Duck found on European river
Duck on English river
During excavation, opening for Oxford blue
Dye brown paper, cutting top and bottom
Dye made from vanilla extract
Dye plant
Dye source
Dye, one doing badly
Dye-producing plant doing badly, I admitted
Dye-producing shrub
Dye-yielding plant
Ear part
Egypt's main water supply
Egyptian lifeline
Egyptian river
Enjoying popularity, like old colour
Fashionable and fancy ring, dark blue
Flower girl regularly seen in Tyneside
Flower with blue and white roots
Flower, one planted by lake in Northumberland?
Got rot
Greek and German fancy underground area
Greek meets German in cave
Green or blue shade
Home for hippopotamuses
I like nothing about new source of dye
Imitation cave
In diamonds I go for blue colour
Indigo American duck
Indigo dye
Indigo dye source
Indigo plant
Indigo source
Irishman delivered flower
It may be Blue or White, nothing else to begin with
It rises in Lake Victoria
It went through Memphis
It's to dye with
Its flow is controlled by the Aswan High Dam
Khartoum's river
Long-distance runner in Spain with nothing on
Longest river in the worl
Lord Nelson, the Hero of
Memphis's locale
Mostly unpleasant round small cave
Natural hideout
Navy relative
Ogre's inside a German cave
Part of a rainbow
Pea plant's doing badly, I gathered
Pharaoh's river
Pharaohs' river
Picturesque cave
Plant in the pea family
Rainbow color
Rainbow colour
Reached where river enters cave
Richard's red gave green in this!
River at Luxor
River essential for Egyptian, I learn
River having nothing to East
River in an Agatha Christ
River in Egypt
River near the Great Pyra
River near the Sphinx
River of eastern Africa
River past Luxor
River the Aswan Dam dams
River with Blue and White
River’s wiggly line
River's inlet almost diverted
Rodgers and Hammerstein's last Illinois performance. The end
Rosetta's locale
Rosetta's river
Roy G. Biv part
Rubbish to put in fancy hollow?
Runner has zero energy
Runner with zero energy
Sahara irrigator
Scene of classic flooding
Setting for an Agatha Chr
Shade deeper than heliotr
Shade during excavation nil
Shade of blue
Shade of green
Shrub that yields indigo
Shrub used in dyeing
Shrub, or a flower in Africa, chopped
Sight in Memphis
Site of annual floods
Sixth colour in a rainbow
Skirting river, reached cave
Small attractive cave
Small cave
Small cavern
Snack bishops leave for African banker
Source of indigo dye
Spectrum member
Stable sort nearly races to enter small cave
The neighbour of Violet Jones, the architect, collects diamonds
Underground place, mostly nasty and hot on the inside
University College working around Rector being rarely seen
View from Abu Simbel
Violet's neighbour doing somersaults round island
Where Aida sings "O patri
Where young Moses was fou
World's longest river
Zero energy? Source of hydroelectricity
Zip code's ending in river

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