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85 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a Russian or Polish soup usually containing beet juice as a foundation
  1. - Pledge; borrow.
  1. unknown - A violent windstorm of the Eurasian steppes, accompanied in summer by dust and in winter by snow.
  1. - Same as Borrel.
  1. noun - measuring instrument consisting of a graduated glass tube with a tap at the bottom; used for titration
  1. noun - a borough in Scotland
  1. noun - colloquial American term for a town; "I've lived in this burg all my life"
  1. noun - a chisel of tempered steel with a sharp point; used for engraving
  1. noun - a loose garment (usually with veiled holes for the eyes) worn by Muslim women especially in India and Pakistan; "the Taliban forced all women to wear the burqa"
  1. noun - British statesman famous for his oratory; pleaded the cause of the American colonists in British Parliament and defended the parliamentary system (1729-1797)
  2. get rid of, silence, or suppress; "burke an issue"
  3. murder without leaving a trace on the body
  4. United States frontierswoman and legendary figure of the Wild West noted for her marksmanship (1852-1903)