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85 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a flatbottom boat for carrying heavy loads (especially on canals)
  2. push one's way; "she barged into the meeting room"
  3. transport by barge on a body of water
  1. noun - a soft silvery metallic element of the alkali earth group; found in barite
  1. adjective - of or relating to or containing barium
  1. noun - a noise resembling the bark of a dog
  2. a sailing ship with 3 (or more) masts
  3. cover with bark
  4. mad, crazy (UK colloquial)
  5. make barking sounds; "The dogs barked at the stranger"
  6. remove the bark of a tree
  7. Sailing ship
  8. speak in an unfriendly tone; "She barked into the dictaphone"
  9. tan (a skin) with bark tannins
  10. the sound made by a dog
  11. tough protective covering of the woody stems and roots of trees and other woody plants
  1. adjective - resembling the rough bark of a tree; "the rattlesnake's barky scales"
  1. noun - a commercial leavening agent containing yeast cells; used to raise the dough in making bread and for fermenting beer or whiskey
  1. adjective - informal or slang terms for mentally irregular; "it used to drive my husband barmy"
  2. marked by spirited enjoyment
  1. noun - an outlying farm building for storing grain or animal feed and housing farm animals
  2. Barn - (physics) a unit of nuclear cross section; the effective circular area that one particle presents to another as a target for an encounter
  1. noun - a British peer of the lowest rank
  2. a nobleman (in various countries) of varying rank
  3. a very wealthy or powerful businessman; "an oil baron"
  4. Cut of beef comprising a double sirloin joined at the backbone.
  1. unknown - Hebridean Island