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217 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. adjective - grossly offensive to decency or morality; causing horror; "subjected to outrageous cruelty"; "a hideous pattern of injustice"; "horrific conditions in the mining industry"
  2. so extremely ugly as to be terrifying; "a hideous scar"; "a repulsive mask"
  1. noun - a hiding place; usually a remote place used by outlaws
Hike Up
  1. verb - increase; "The landlord hiked up the rents"
  2. pull up; "He hitched up his socks and pants"
  3. pull up; "hitch socks and pants"
Hive Up
  1. verb - save up as for future use
  1. noun - Spanish lyric poet (1881-1958)
  1. - See Cowpox.
  1. noun - a movement that is a response to a stimulus but is not oriented with respect to the source of stimulation
  1. noun - a movement that is a response to a stimulus but is not oriented with respect to the source of stimulation
  1. adjective - characterized by motion; "modern dance has been called kinetic pantomime"
  2. relating to the motion of material bodies and the forces associated therewith; "kinetic energy"
  3. supplying motive force; "the complex civilization of which Rome was the kinetic center"- H.O.Taylor
  1. noun - one who attacks the reputation of another by slander or libel