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217 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - Pacific. See Irenic.
  1. unknown - Opera by Beethoven
File In
  1. verb - enter by marching in a file
  1. - See Feullemort.
  1. verb - cut into filets; "filet the fish"
  2. decorate with a lace of geometric designs
  1. noun - delicacy
  2. subtly skillful handling of a situation
Fire Up
  1. verb - arouse or excite feelings and passions; "The ostentatious way of living of the rich ignites the hatred of the poor"; "The refugees' fate stirred up compassion around the world"; "Wake old feelings of hatred"
  2. arouse or excite feelings and passions; "The ostentatious way of living of the rich ignites the hatred of the poor"; "The refugees'' fate stirred up compassion around the world"; "Wake old feelings of hatred"
  3. begin to smoke; "After the meal, some of the diners lit up"
  1. noun - a portable gun; "he wore his firearm in a shoulder holster"
  1. noun - a furnace (as on a steam locomotive) in which fuel is burned
  1. noun - a criminal who illegally sets fire to property
  2. a true bug: brightly colored bug that can exude a stain