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30th December 2023, 18:39
This is tough but I'm enjoying what little I have accomplished. Been out in Exeter celebrating my birthday (even though it's not until next week) so the brain is a tad blurry. Does tours denote an anagram in 2d?

Roof I posted that recipe on a new thread on Boxing Day but Norah thought it was spam and took it down. Let me know if you still want it as I think we're OK now.
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30th December 2023, 18:44
hi rocky
tours is an inclusion indicator rather than anagram this time
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30th December 2023, 18:58
You're welcome, pauly. Don't be so hard on yourself though. I thought it was a nice bit of misdirection, especially as there were so many references to clue numbers. Very sneaky.
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30th December 2023, 19:32
Only stuck on two now. Not sure if I have made mistakes as I can't think what fits for 3d. I have _ I _ L _ / E _ E _ R
Any hints welcome
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30th December 2023, 19:35
hi docrum
the R is wrong. the solution pushes the 25d definition even further!
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30th December 2023, 19:46
Hi Rocky

Well, I gave up on the crossword despite the helpful hints given above. I did cheat and look up the answers on Danword with Google. Something I normally wouldn't do, but I couldn't get my brain round the clues. In fact, I couldn't parse all the answers even when I saw them. I wouldn't dream of sending it in and anyway I don't fancy the prize. I know the serious forum members enjoy something this difficult, but I can't say that I do.

We could have met up somewhere in Exeter (I'm an old lady living in Pinhoe) and I could have got the recipe from you. I quite like the idea of meeting at a station or a car park with a copy of th Guardian tucked under our arms and puzzled expressions on our faces, but I expect Norah wouldn't approve.

Best of luck finishing the crossword. My best Christmas present was a subscription to Apple TV so I can watch Slow Horses. I've been a Mick Hammer fan for years. Nothing on TV tonight so I'm off to watch the second episode.
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30th December 2023, 20:01
No problem roof. I'm persevering though finding it tough. Norah assures me I can go ahead and post if you still want it but up to you.
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30th December 2023, 20:18
Hello all

8 to go and it's been a struggle, even with help from my wife.

And roof, I too am a Mick Herron fan and I loved the series.

HNY to all
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30th December 2023, 22:05
OK so it was a toughy but thoroughly enjoyable.

FOI 9a
LOI 1d

CoD 3d for me. Very smart.

If anyone picks this up Sunday, an explanation of 23d parsing would be handy.
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30th December 2023, 22:08
23d is a homophone of a German word
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