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8th October 2023, 13:09
Ah. In that case my 15 a is wrong. Got both now. Thanks!
21 of 33  -   Report This Post


8th October 2023, 14:03
Good day. Very early as i am en route to Kathmandu. Overnight flight, hardly slept so not sure how brain was working. Rhyming pair, long primarily, no spooner, COD 11d. Battery running out.....enjoy.

Ah. Posting did not get sent during my travels.

Will now remove the other thread I started.
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8th October 2023, 16:33
I find it somewhat uncool when a double definition clue uses the very same meaning of the answer word in two faintly different ways.

Example: 25 Across: "Signs of life in blinks of an eye".

(I call that a 1.1-definition clue.)

Similarly, it's not cool when a clue uses a word with the same etymology that appears in the answer. Case in point: 15A.

As long as I'm complaining, I'll mention that 19 Down seems poorly written: It's just too difficult to find a valid justification for it.

On the third hand, the symmetrical fruits were a nice touch.
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8th October 2023, 17:31
If you're in the Guardian app as a subscriber, not the puzzles app, all the green tick means for the Prize and Everyman crosswords is that you've filled in the grid - any old letters will do.

I did opt for O over E on 19, as it seemed better to me, but needed the forum's help to find out whether Everyman agreed.
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9th October 2023, 09:07
First post here but long time lurker. I can’t get 17a to work, the only word I can get needs a T as third letter, but the fashionable stuff at 2D gives me an N. So I have E_N_N_E. What am I not seeing?
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9th October 2023, 09:17
Your first N (and 2d) is incorrect. Scroll down through the earlier replies for hints for 2d. For 17a you’re looking for a “friendly agreement or relationship between states.”
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9th October 2023, 09:17
Ten three times minus t from the first ten, and minus n from the 3rd ten. def agreement ( French)
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9th October 2023, 16:06
Thank you Jazz and Gawd - I see now what 2D should be!
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9th October 2023, 17:15
Nearly finished, apart from two clues, but I'm really puzzled by 15ac. I have I_C_N_S and can't find a word that fits. Anyone give me a parsing hint, please?
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9th October 2023, 17:21
Actually, I think the penny has just dropped. There's only one combination of letters which works – but is it a word?????
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