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7th December 2021, 20:33
Okay, thanks Geeker, I only saw that White got it's piece back and hadn't factored in the pawns.
71 of 181  -   Report This Post


10th December 2021, 14:41
Game 11: 1 more blunder with 23. g3?? and the match comes to a merciful end. One has to feel sorry for Ian, who clearly experienced a psychological collapse. But kudos to MC, who retains his title with an historic rout. Shades of Lasker-Marshall (1907)...good grief. Though Nepo got reasonable positions out of the opening in every game, even some winning chances.
72 of 181  -   Report This Post


11th December 2021, 23:15
Video about Magnus Carlsen's "training camp" and support team:
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12th December 2021, 00:00
Thanks Geeker, that's a nice little video but they're all so young!:-)

I was just watching Agadmator's review of game 11 and he shows a line where g3 can be played but only if preceded by d6. It's quite interesting ...
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12th December 2021, 04:22
Thanks, Brendan. That was a good point by agadmator, which wasn't made by the GM annotations I read (Shankland, Kasimdzhanov). So perhaps 23. g3?? was another instance of Nepo playing too fast, which he's often accused of doing.

I played out some more moves in the 23. d6 Qd6 24. g3 line: 24...d3 is forced, which leads to Queen and Rook exchanges on the d file and a drawish endgame!
75 of 181  -   Report This Post


12th December 2021, 06:54
Any more live chess coverage in the near future or indeed next year?
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12th December 2021, 07:09 is down to the semifinals (12/13 and 12/16) of their Speed Chess Championships, finals 12/19. They will have live coverage.

These are fun events, but a third of each match is "bullet chess" (1 minute time control with 1 second increment) which is too fast for me to follow. And they tend to be held during my work day.

The World Rapid and Blitz Championships (Kazakhstan) were recently postponed due to Covid, but have been rescheduled for Warsaw, Dec. 25-31.

Carlsen is planning to compete. I will watch as much of these as possible, probably on There should be big showdowns between MC and Alireza Firouzja, who has been anointed as the probable next world champion.

Don't know about 2022 yet. But the big "Champions Chess Tour" of online tournaments will resume in February.

These are great fun to watch, I expect chess24 will broadcast.
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12th December 2021, 07:16
Good to know, many thanks Geeker.
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13th December 2021, 19:33
Just heard of another strong chess tournament in the near future.
Dec. 17-24, looks like an 8-player round-robin.
I expect online coverage at the usual sites (chess24, possibly, perhaps the official tournament site as well.
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14th December 2021, 15:57