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26th June 2019, 23:16
Which of the twelve statements are true?

****(Line the three columns A,B and C next to each other, I couldnt do it in this box)


1.) Each column contains the same number of true statements.
2.) Statement 12 is false.
3.) No more than five statements are true.
4.) The second statement in each column is false.


5.) The last statement in each column is true.
6.) The first statement in each column is true.
7.) Statement 10 is true.
8.) Column C contains at least two true statements.


9.) Column A contains more true statements than column B.
10.) No two statements with consecutive numbers are true.
11.) Exactly three even-numbered statements are true.
12.) Column A contains exactly two false statements.

This is way hard, but any help is greatly appreciated.
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29th June 2019, 16:17
Start with statement 5, and assume that it is T (true).

This implies that 4, 8 and 12 are T
(4=T) => 2, 6 and 10 are F
((4/8/12=T) & (2/6/10=F)) => 11 is T
(10=T) => 7 is F

1 and 9 are mutually exclusive, so one is T and the other is F. This gives us at least 6 T's (4, 5, 8, 10, 11 and 1/9), so 3 is F

If 2/3 are F and 5/8 are T, then 9 must be F (and 1 is therefore T)


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